06. fine line

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WHEN the run rose up, swords were held up in the sky

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WHEN the run rose up, swords were held up in the sky. A plan was made between the General, the Kings and the Spy. Pandora rode in her white mare, in Peter's right. Lycaon was with the rest of the army, his eyes con Pandora. When he came back, she had been silent for a long time. But he knew she knew something the rest didn't. As always. Peter didn't glance at her when she arrived, but he knew she was there. Besides him. He took in a deep breath, his senses being invaded by a strange smell. It was the Pandora flower, which he didn't know much about. But by the time he would be able to smell that flower, the smell would be way familiar to him. "Ready?" He asked her, wanting to start a conversation with her. Her voice would serve of comfort before the danger that awaited them.

She smiled softly, "I have been for a very long time." A gryphon flew above them, trying to see their enemies coming. When she noticed it coming back, she smirked while saying, "I do believe in you, King Peter."

He turned to her in confusion, but then remembered what they had talked about before. He chuckled, "And you tell me now?"

"Thought you should know." She shrugged, her smirk not fading as she looked at him briefly.

The gryphon landed besides her, their attention going to him. Both were unaware of the sly smile of the General, who stood on the other side of Peter. "They come, Your Highness, in numbers and weapons far greater than our own." The gryphon said.

"Numbers do not win a battle." The General spoke up, trying not to be pessimistic.

"No. But I bet they help." Peter shook his head slightly, worried.

"Wars have been won with less. We'll be all right." Pandora intervened, "If not. Fighting for Narnia will be my greatest honor." Peter glanced at her, her eyes already on him. He nodded, although he wore a frown on his face, and she nodded back.

Turning forward, they watched as a minotaur from Jadis' army held his weapon high. The rest of them following close behind. Jadis came into the picture, in a carriage moved by polar bears. Peter turned around, looking for Edmund who was up in a hill. His brother nodded, and he turned back to Jadis while holding out his sword. His army cheered, and soon, their enemies were running in their direction. Pandora held out her sword, waiting for Peter's command.

The boy made a signal to his brother, who sent the gryphons up in the sky. The creatures held rocks, which they threw to their enemies to eliminate some. Peter turned to the General, "Are you with me?"

"To the death." He replied.

Peter turned to Pandora then, "To the death." She repeated.

Peter faced their enemies again, shouting, "For Narnia and for Aslan!" His unicorn rose before running forward, his whole army following close behind.

Pandora smirked when she got to slice her first opponent, cutting his head while she ran in her mare. She sliced and sliced, and then she jumped down. Lycaon was close behind her, his sword being pulled into a pulled out of many creatures. Pandora had cut too many heads when she jumped from her mare, "Find whoever needs help, Rose." She ordered the mare, who didn't bother to question her. Pandora smirked when a minotaur stood in front of her, growling.

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