19. just a girl

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THE FIGHT WAS OVER. Narnia had won the first round, as expected. The Queen stood before the mess, with her dragon standing behind her. Lycaon approached, limping after having his leg injured, "What should we do with the bodies?" He wondered. She had been in thought since no enemy was left, new planes forming in her mind. A young knight passed by, looking around with a shocked expression. He couldn't believe he had blood on his hands, although he wouldn't confess his worries to no one.

Pandora took notice of him, being able to read his expression. She had seen it before, during her first battles. She had a vague memory of feeling the same way, although it was so far a way that perhaps it was nothing but a memory. "You. Take their swords." The boy was shocked that she had spoken to him, then he nodded and did as told. Lycaon was clearly confused, the Queen simply saying, "Tell the others to do the same."

"What do you want their swords for?" He wondered aloud as she turned around, walking towards her dragon.

She smirked, which he couldn't see, "A throne."

Lucy watched from her window, worrying about her mother's safety. Baelon had been practising all day with a few friends, but his movements had been sloppy due to his clouded mind. Finally, the white haired girl saw Regulus approaching in the sky. She rushed to the outside, where Baelon stood looking up at the sky. He smiled when he noticed his mother's hair blowing in the air. When his sister arrived, he held onto her hand and smiled softly. The ground shook as the dragon landed, and they awaited for minutes until their mother arrived. Only, she didn't.

Pandora rushed to her chambers, taking off her clothes quickly, and getting into the tub her maidens had gotten ready for her. She cleaned off the blood, while one of them cried and cried, praying for all the lives that had been taken on the field. Pandora allowed her to cry while she took good care of her skin. But when she was done, she ordered her, "Get rid of the dirty water, and burn the clothes." The Queen changed into white robes, but nothing she wore could take away her sins. Not even holy water would wipe the blood on her hands, which she tried to hide from her children.

"Mother." Lucy entered the room abruptly some time after, her mother looking up from her diary. She noticed the tears that ran down her daughter's cheeks, quickly approaching her to wipe them away.

"What is it, my sweet angel?" She whispered worriedly, both of her palms caressing her soft face.

Lucy's lips trembled, "I was worried about you. Why didn't you come to see us?"

Pandora's face fell, "I needed to wash myself. I don't wish for you to see me so dirty."

Lucy smiled softly, "Mother, we love you. No matter what. Nothing could make us hate you." Pandora smiled as well, bringing her daughter closer and caressing her long hair which resembled hers.

A few weeks later, the throne the Queen wished to have was ready. Made from the swords of her enemy, the dark throne was perfectly fit for the dark Queen. She stared at it, during a stormy night, crown on top of her head. Lucy and Baelon stood behind her, staring at the throne with mixed feelings. Lucy desired it. Baelon feared it. Pandora slowly made her way to the throne, and then she sat and relaxed into it. Lycaon watched her carefully, "How does it feel?"

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