17. i'm your man

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"you're an angel

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"you're an angel. i'm a dog."

PANDORA had gone hunting with Edmund, both parting ways at some point. When they found each other again, Pandora had been deadly silent. She never told him nor his siblings about the white stag she saw. The one that one day would be her demise. And now, when her time to reign came, everything was at risk. She stared at the table that formed a map, her hands on top of the edge of it. She was all alone. More than one war was coming her way, years of peace coming to a halt to torture her for her sins, she was sure. No one is ever ready for loss, not everyone someone who's accustomed to it. She feared for Narnia and for her family. However, she didn't fear for herself.

The door opened slowly, making her turn her head in its direction. The room was dark. Hell, the whole castle had become a lot darker over the years. Yet, she could see Remus entering perfectly. The torches all around the walls reflected on his pale skin, "You should go to rest."

Pandora looked back at the table, speaking loud and clear, "I cannot be commanded, Ser Remus. Although I do appreciate the effort. Now, if you must, I should be alone." He sighed, walking slowly towards her while she tried to ignore him.

"Pandora, I am worried. You haven't slept in days, not since Aslan left. What is it that he told you?" She gave him no answer. In an attempt to get her attention, he went to push her hair out of her face when she slapped his hand, leaving him shocked.

"Do not touch me." She snapped. They stared at each other, her expression faltering to match his surprise. "I apologise, Ser Remus. I am not feeling like myself as of late."

He nodded slowly, always bending to her will. "It's all right, Queen Pandora." He stared at her as she looked away. She felt love for him, of course, but they both knew it was far from what she felt for Peter. He was too aware of it. But it did not scare him away, even if she didn't love him like he loved her. He would take all the love she could offer. It was enough for him. "So tell me. What was it?"

She shook her head slightly, not wanting to voice it out. It would only make it more real. "I cannot say."

Remus' jaw clenched, "You used to tell me everything. What has changed?"

"Nothing has changed. I simply cannot." He took a step forward, and she took another back. "Ser Remus. This needs to stop."

He frowned, "What do you mean?"

Pandora looked into his eyes, the ones she loved to keep close. Her face turned soft, "I am afraid I will hurt you. We have a beautiful child together, but it cannot happen again. I am most loyal to Narnia. Above all."

Remus scoffed, "Are you really afraid of hurting me? Don't you realise that I am willing to take all your pain?"

"I don't want that." She softly replied, "I shouldn't be the cause of your pain." He looked away, hands running through this dark hair before turning to her, angered.

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