14. my tears ricochet

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"WHERE ARE SUSAN AND LUCY?" Pandora panicked as a maid braided her hair

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"WHERE ARE SUSAN AND LUCY?" Pandora panicked as a maid braided her hair. The girl behind her was more nervous than the bride, scared that Pandora was going to kill her if she did a bad job on her hair.

Sol smiled softly, "They'll be here soon." That did nothing to calm her nerves. So, she added, "I know you want them to be here while you get ready, but Peter needed them. I am not sure why." She confessed at the end.

Pandora nodded slightly, taking deep breaths and muttering to herself. The maid finished her hair, braiding it just like Pandora liked it, looking like some kind of crown around her long hair. Pandora looked at herself in the mirror, allowing a smile to grace her lips, "Thank you, Pearl. It looks beautiful." The maid's cheeks blushed while she nodded, trying hard not to smile. She stepped back, letting Pandora get up without any obstacles on her way.

Sol smiled brightly, "Oh, you look so beautiful, my dear." Pandora smiled brightly as well, bending down so they were eye to eye.

"Thank you, really. I would be much more nervous if you weren't here." Pandora whispered, a tear threatening to leave her right eye.

"I am happy to be here for you." She replied, her forehead falling to Pandora's. They stayed like that for a while, until a knock was heard on the door. Pandora stood up, telling whoever it was that they could come in. She wished it was the Pevensie sisters, but was a little bit disappointed when it was Remus.

"Pardon me. But Tumnus needs of your help." He spoke up, not meeting her eyes. She sighed, very aware that he hadn't been the same since the day Peter announced their betrothal.

"What for, Ser Remus?" She wondered.

"I do not know. I didn't understand everything he said. He did seem very nervous." Rolling her eyes to herself, Pandora grabbed a dress to change into, as she was still wearing her robes.

"Give me a minute and I will be there." He nodded and left, while she muttered, "Men know nothing." Which made the she-wolf laugh loudly.

Meanwhile, far into the woods, Peter rode his horse with his siblings trailing behind him. "We better find the white stag soon, Peter. Pandora is probably going nuts without us." Lucy said, signalling between her and Susan. The latter nodded her head in agreement, as they had promised to be there for her. It was their plan, to help her get ready, while Edmund and Lycaon helped Peter. However, that morning Peter stole them from their beds, and claimed that they needed to help him hunt the white stag. It was said that whoever did it would have all their wishes come true. He needed to find it, so his wish of staying by Pandora's side forever could become true. Aslan had also said that it gave luck to newly married couples in a letter Peter did not understand how could've been written. "Since when lions can write?" He had exclaimed, with Edmund replying, "Since when lions can speak, Peter?" Which left him speechless.

Peter rolled his eyes, "Everything will be all right. Besides, it is my wedding day as well. Shouldn't you care for my nervousness as well?" The look on both of his sisters' faces said it all, causing a scoff to leave his lips.

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