08. i can see you

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year 1005

KING PETER had woken up the morning of his twenty first birthday rather grumpy. For five years, he had awaited the return of the woman he loved. And he had wished she had watched as he turned into a man. Sadly, she hadn't returned his letter, asking her to come back for him. He knew she had spent more time away than what Aslan has asked her for. And he knew he was the reason for that. Probably, the great lion had told her to stay from him so his feelings would died down. But Peter hadn't thought of anyone else for those five years. Sometimes, he wished he had, knowing their love was impossible. But at the same time he held onto hope, as if it was the strongest thing to keep him alive.

Lucy walked into his room, grinning from ear to ear, "Happy birthday, Peter!" He smiled as well, hugging his little sister before he told her he was going to change. She awaited by the door until he finally exited his room. He couldn't help as his eyes lingered in Pandora's door, but Lucy grabbing his hand and dragging him away didn't let him time to dwell on it.

"Lucy!" He whined, taking notice of the way she was taking him, "Wait, what are you doing?"

"As the High King you must receive the folk in the throne room. I thought you knew this by now." Lucy tutted, mocking her brother as she rushed past their servants.

Peter rolled his eyes, "But I haven't had breakfast yet!"

"Later!" Lucy snapped impatiently. Now that she was a teenager, she was more difficult than ever. So he didn't fight with her for longer. She had turned out to be even more stubborn, which came as a surprise to all as they didn't believe it possible. Peter was very confused when she ordered him to take a seat in his throne, and told all the knights that guarded the room to leave.

"Lucy." He said in an exasperated tone.

She just grinned as she closed the doors, leaving him on his own, "Happy birthday, Peter." She said in a soft tone.

He rubbed his hands down his face, wondering what could be so important so that he couldn't even have breakfast. It was his birthday, as his sister reminded him constantly. Couldn't he take a break? The door opened, his eyes still to the floor. He sighed before glancing up, his eyes widening at the sight before him. There, in all her beauty, stood Pandora of Narnia. She grinned, amused by his stunned expression. She walked slowly towards him, while he continued to stare at her. She looked exactly the same, not a feature in her face changing. While he had grown taller, his hair longer, and now he even had to shave his facial hair. Susan and Lucy always asked him to shave his beard, so he had done it the night before. Looking younger, yet Pandora could see his mature eyes.

Peter then remembered that people in Narnia didn't age like his siblings and he did, which brought back thoughts he preferred buried. He stood up, walking slowly towards her. She was shocked when instead of wrapping his arms around her, like Lucy had done, he just stood before her. They both had imagined this day, planning what to do in each scenario. And yet, facing each other for real this time, neither knew what to do. Pandora was the first to speak, filling the silence with her beautiful voice, "Happy birthday, my King."

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