11. champagne problems

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year 1007

WINTER reminded Susan of the first time she ever stepped into Narnia. Her dreams were haunted by a lamp post, that each year dripped away from her mind a little bit more. One day, she wouldn't really think about it much, until she encountered it during a sunny day. It had been a calm year all over the realm, after the Wolf Council defeated the wild werewolves at the North. And she had spent it mainly with Petals, who she loved more by the day. Sometimes she thought that love was consuming her too much, but she wouldn't give up those feelings for anything in the world. Her three siblings missed spending time with her, as she was always sneaking out with her lover. But Petals preferred their love to stay a secret, and Susan obeyed and obeyed.

Glancing about the courtyard, Susan smiled to herself as snowflakes graced her delicate skin. Luna, Lycaon's little sister, passed by and smiled at her. If it wasn't for the Queen's dark hair, Luna would've mistaken her for snow herself, due to the paleness of her skin. Susan smiled back, but her attention was on something else. She kept on looking for her lover, who she was supposed to meet in order to have a day out in the snow. Petals had promised to charm a tree, so they could sit above it and watch their surroundings from there. It wouldn't be the first time they did so, and she hoped for it to never be their last.

"Queen Susan." The sound of her voice was enough to make her melt, turning around with the biggest smile ever. Petals smiled at her as well, bowing slightly, "I hope you haven't waiting for me long."

Susan shook her head, stepping closer, "Not at all." Petals intertwined their arms together, and they both began walking while smiling at each other. From afar, Queen Lucy watched. Her eyes were trained on the lovers, as they abandoned the castle.

Sitting atop the tree, now free from watching eyes, the lovers held hands while laughing with each other. The trees would forever hold their secret, while the sky yelled at them for being such fools. Petals caressed the Queen's cheek, who blushed madly under her touch, "Each day you grow more beautiful." She complimented.

Susan grinned to herself, "Perhaps it's due to your influence, my darling." The fairy chuckled, before leaning to kiss her lover softly. She was going to pull away when Susan grabbed the back of her neck, pressing her lips to hers again. She welcomed the action, her own hand falling onto the Queen's waist. They could hear the trees giggling under the snow, which they ignored for their own sake. They only stopped when they were out of breath. Smiling at each other widely.

Susan was sure she would never feel that way again, so free yet so caged. Her brother had fought with Aslan so they could marry whoever they wanted, and the two eldest siblings had someone in mind when that was spoken about. She didn't want to admit it, but she had spent seven years pinning for someone, and she could finally have her. They could marry, have their own castle all to themselves. She didn't need heirs, that was Peter's business. Susan could have a quiet life, she would even give up the crown if needed. To her, all that mattered then was Petals. And their love for each other. Because of that, the words slipped from her mouth easily.

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