07. dancing with our hands tied

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DANCING wasn't what Lycaon was best at, but Pandora had forced him to join her in the dance floor so he didn't have any option

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DANCING wasn't what Lycaon was best at, but Pandora had forced him to join her in the dance floor so he didn't have any option. They danced with the Queens, while their brothers talked to some of the folk. Peter was trying to impress them, while Edmund stayed silent and only said what was needed of him. When they were left alone, Edmund noticed Peter's eyes went immediately towards Pandora. His lips were curled up slightly as he stared at the blonde girl. Chuckling, Edmund elbowed him slightly, "You should invite her to dance." Peter looked at him, almost scandalous. His little brother rolled his eyes, "You always stare at her, it's weird. If you like her, just go for it. You're King now. I doubt she will reject you."

Peter frowned, "Are you saying that she will only fancy me as a King?"

Edmund shrugged, "What else do you have she could like?"

"My hair, my eyes, my personality." Peter counted with his fingers, glaring at Edmund.

"Like I said. What else do you have she could like?" Before Peter could get his hands on him, Edmund walked away quickly with a little giggle. Peter shook his head, but when he went to look for Pandora he couldn't find her anywhere. Glancing about, he noticed Lycaon talking to Sol. Yet, no Pandora in sight.

"Are you looking for someone, my King?" Peter smiled to himself before turning around. Pandora stood behind him, her face stoic as always. Off of his smile, she wondered, "What?"

"You look lovely." He simply replied.

"So I've been told." She relief cheekily, letting him see the version of herself he liked the most. "You should be dancing, Your Highness. This is all for you and your siblings after all."

"I said Peter is fine." He ignored her words by correcting her, nervous about dancing, "Although I have to admit, I'm not too opposed to my King." She laughed it off, her cheeks burning under his gaze. Something like that had never happened to her, and for a moment she believed to be ill. Yet, her entire body felt just fine.

"Don't change the subject, Your Highness." She said with a sarcastic smile, "Why aren't you dancing? Susan mentioned you all know how to."

He sighed, glancing away in embarrassment before turning back to her, "I would only like to dance with one girl. But I believe she will refuse me."

She scoffed, "No one will refuse you. You're a King."

His expression fell, "That's what Edmund said, yes." She didn't notice the sadness in his tone.

"You should just ask her then." She shrugged, clueless.

Peter raised his eyebrows, trying to smile when he said, "Fine. Pandora, would you like to dance with me?" She looked at him in shock.


"Is that a no?" Peter winced to himself. Mentally cursing Edmund.

"You want to dance only with me?" Pandora wondered, and he nodded with a smile, "Why?"

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