23. peace

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THE PRINCE'S eyes were filled with dread as he stared at the crowd of Narnians

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THE PRINCE'S eyes were filled with dread as he stared at the crowd of Narnians. Since the greeting, the Queen had stayed deadly silent, but the rest kept on shouting at him. "All this horn proves is they've stolen yet another thing from us!" A dwarf accused.

Quickly, Caspian turned to the Queen, "I didn't steal anything." He assured, her eyes only narrowing in response.

"Didn't steal anything? Shall we list the things the Telmarines have taken?" Pandora didn't see the person who spoke those words, but she couldn't help but think about the people she had lost.

Before things got out of hand, she spoke up, "Silence!" Immediately, the forest was soundless. Her people waited for her, Caspian feeling a shiver ran down his spine solely from her stare. The way everyone listened to her was threatening to say the least. If she wished, they could kill him in a matter of seconds, and she wouldn't even get her hands dirty.

He didn't know if he should talk or not, and she could feel his doubt. She rose an eyebrow, inviting him to explain himself. Caspian cleared out his throat, "I beg of you, Dragon Queen, do not hold me accountable for the crimes of my people."

"Accountable," The dwarf from before said, getting closer as he added, "and punishable."

"Ha! That is rich coming from you, dwarf." Reepicheep came forward, "Or have you forgotten that it was your people who fought alongside the White Witch?" He stood besides the Queen, which surprised Caspian as no one seemed brave enough to do so.

"And I'd gladly do it again, if it would rid us of these barbarians."

"Speak another word and I will cut off your tongue." Pandora said coldly, her eyes still on Caspian. The dwarf took a step back, and everyone awaited for the Queen to speak again, even the prince himself. "We shall not hold you accountable for the mistakes your kin did, as you should forgive the ones of my own." She briefly glanced at the dwarf, and Caspian understood the message well. "Now, I wonder... What is it that you want from us?" His eyes widened slightly, "You're a Son of Adam. Men like you always want something from us."

He nodded once, "I believe we can help each other, Dragon Queen. Begin these woods, I'm a prince. The Telmarine throne is rightfully mine! Help me claim it, and we can bring peace between us."

Glenstorm looked at the Queen, awaiting for her nod to come forward. "It is true. The time is ripe. I watch the skies, for it is mine to watch. Tarva, the Lord of Victory, and Alambil, the Lady of Peace, have come together in the high heavens. And now here, a Son of Adam has come forth, to offer us back our freedom."

"Is this possible?" A squirrel asked Caspian, "Do you really think there could be peace? Do you? I mean, really?"

"Two days ago, I didn't believe in the existence of talking animals, or dwarves, or centaurs. Yet, here you are, in strength and numbers that we Telmarines could never have imagined." Suddenly, he held up Susan's horn, making Pandora's eyes widen, "Whether this horn is magic or not, it brought us together. And together, we have a chance to take back what is ours." He looked at Pandora, whose eyes didn't move from the horn, "The decision is yours to take, my Queen."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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