04. innocent

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EDMUND ate as soon as he arrived, having been starved by the White Witch

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EDMUND ate as soon as he arrived, having been starved by the White Witch. He almost didn't do it, but Pandora told him to. Right before she told him to have some rest. He would be staying with Peter, but because he couldn't face his brother yet, Lycaon had suggested he stayed in his tent. As he had to guard the camp for the rest of the night. Pandora slept for a few hours before she picked one of her many dresses. It was a soft yellow, which no one expected as she exited her own tent. She usually wore her black cape, and although they all knew she loved dresses, it was difficult to actually see her in one. Regulus stood up, picking up her pace as they walked together.

They didn't even have time to greet the other when Aslan passed by, saying, "Bring Edmund to me."

Pandora huffed aloud, "Good morning to you, too."

"Oh, yes, good morning." Aslan calmly said, still walking away from them. Pandora could only chuckle as Regulus accompanied her to Lycaon's tent.

When they arrived, Pandora thought of something funny to do. And it only took a glance at the dragon for him to understand. The next thing Edmund felt, was a heavy breath against his face. When he opened his eyes, groaning out of tiredness, it didn't take him long to wake up. Surprised by the dragon's head peaking through the tent, the boy jumped out of the bed, not even realising the big scream he had letted out. His standing position didn't mean that he was put, as he felt dizzy from getting up so quickly. "Aslan awaits for you." He heard Pandora say from outside, making him scoff.

"Of course." He scrubbed his eyes with his hands, the dragon's head disappearing as he went back with his owner. Lycaon had some clothes laid out for Edmund, that neither of them believed he would fit. Still, it was better than the clothes he had been wearing for days. When he finally joined the duo, he rolled his eyes at Pandora's bright smile, not knowing how weird it was to gain one, "You're a terrible person."

"So I've been told." She said rather cheerfully, making him smile even if he didn't want to do it. She nodded to a side, her hands behind her back as she began walking, "Lets keep on moving, Edmund. Aslan has words for you, he needn't have words for me as well." She joked, making him chuckle once again. He watched as her expression changed when other people passed by, but he didn't want to think too much about it. He was the same, always trying to look cold to others. In order to keep himself safe. Yet, he felt safe besides Pandora, and she always managed to make him smile.

Edmund had been in his mind for so long, he didn't take any notice of the dragon besides him. Regulus had tried to be seen by him, but he didn't dare to pay him any mind. It wasn't until he bumped his head against his arm, that the young boy turned to him. "What?" Edmund wondered, a sigh coming out of his mouth.

"He wants to take you there." Pandora pointed to a hill above them.

Edmund gulped, "You'll come too, right?" He asked the girl, his answer being replied by her blank expression.

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