12. never grow up

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year 1008

PANDORA stared at herself in the mirror, her pale robes falling off of her shoulders as she moved her head from side to side. She was inspecting herself, her face, to be precise. For the last few years, she had been watching as the Pevensie siblings grew up. Changed. For example, Edmund looked nothing like he used to. He wasn't a kid anymore. No, now he was a man. Her Peter was growing as well, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. She looked exactly like she had done when they first came into her world, as the aging process worked different for them. She wondered what she would look like if she was the same age as Peter, using her powers to age herself up. Scared by the image on the mirror, she turned back to herself.

A hand on her shoulder made her jump slightly, but she could see him through the mirror, "Are you all right?" Peter asked as he kissed her shoulder.

"Yes, my love." She answered, smiling softly at him. She turned on her seat, staring up at him while silently wishing she could age the same as him. It didn't take her long to realise that he would die way before she did. And she didn't know if she would be able to live without him. That thought alone made her feel pathetic, as she didn't use to need anybody. But it wasn't necessarily that she needed him, life would just be a lot more complicated without him.

"I promised Ed I would go hunting with him and Lycaon. But as soon as we're back, I'm all yours." He told her as he kissed her up her jaw.

"We cannot meet tonight." She replied, closing her eyes as his mouth got close to hers.

"Why not?" He mumbled against her lips.

Oblivious to the jealous feelings he had been holding up, she said, "I'm meeting with Remus." Peter pulled away abruptly, confusing her.

"You're what!?"

Peter had been angry during the entire afternoon, all too silent while Ed and Lycaon laughed loudly. Neither had asked why, yet they had a feeling it was related to something about Pandora. He was always too consumed by her, so they silently decided to avoid talking about it. It wasn't the same at the castle, where Pandora paced about. "He commanded me to stop seeing him! He cannot do that!"

Sol hummed to herself, "He shouldn't, but he is your King and you always do as he says."

Pandora scoffed loudly, "Not this time I won't. Remus is my friend, and we're meeting over business! I cannot see the problem he claims to see."

"He is a jealous fool." Sol sighed, resting her head atop her paws, "I am most surprised he hasn't said anything earlier."

Pandora stopped on the spot, turning to the wolf, "Whatever you mean?"

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