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year 1014

LUCY hummed to herself while Pandora braided her hair. The young girl had always admired the braids adorning the shapeshifter's hair, and often asked Pandora to do the same hairstyle on her. Despite a few hiss that came from Lucy, if her friend tugged too harsh by mistake, there was no sound in the air. Life had been like that for a while. They were all growing up, changing appearances and all. However, it had come as a surprise to all when Pandora aged alongside the Queens and Kings. She was not doing it the way a Narnian would, but rather someone from the Pevensie's world. Many guessed why, but rumours about her stopped spreading. Mostly due to the fear many felt towards her.

It was no secret that one day the Pevensie siblings would stop ruling, and it worried the realm not to know who would come after them. Neither of the siblings seemed to have any thoughts about marrying, and if they didn't then they couldn't have legitimate heirs. Although the High King seemed to be close to arrange a marriage for himself, he quickly denied any word of it. "When I choose who to marry you will know, do not dwell on it." He had told his court, eyes immediately falling to the woman he clearly loved.

Even Aslan had pressed Peter to secure a match. The conversation was only between them, and they wouldn't mention any words spoken to anyone. Some say that Peter had confessed to marry Pandora in secret, and that's why the small-folk heard a loud roar coming from the castle. Some said that he had gotten a maid pregnant, and that Aslan was furious with him. None of this was true, of course, but that Pandora's name was mentioned more than once we can be sure of.

"What worries you, sweet girl?" Pandora wondered softly, Lucy's eyes finding her comforting smile in the mirror.

Lucy herself copied that expression, "I will miss you while you're away." Pandora was accompanying the High King and the army to a raid in the North. It had been years since trouble began there, and they hoped to put a final end to it.

Having finished the Queen's hair, Pandora stepped before her and caressed her cheek. Lucy closed her eyes, tears brimming at the corners of it. Whenever Pandora did things like that, it reminded her of her mother. Which made her remember that she had known Pandora for longer than she had known her. The thought pained her, and she felt guilty each time she thought of Pandora as to someone close to a mother. "It will not be long, and we'll most likely have a feast afterwards. We will dance all night, just the two of us."

"Promise?" Lucy asked in a hopeful tone, making Pandora chuckle.


The windy night was not careful with the royal army. They knew it was a warning, but the King did not back away. And neither did his men. The dragon flying above them didn't help either, although it wasn't Regulus who accompanied them. Peter preferred him at the castle, which Pandora didn't like. He claimed that he was there to protect his siblings, yet Pandora believed they were capable of doing that on their own. As he hadn't listened to her, at all, even ignoring Regulus' roar of disapproval and his siblings' words, she had taken to sky in the form of a dragon. It was clear to all that she was angry with him, and some even joked under their breaths, "There's trouble in paradise."

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