16. my love mine all mine

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year 1032

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year 1032

THE SCREAMS of the Queen were heard all around Narnia, along with the screeching that came out of Regulus' throat. Her daughter awaited by the door, as she had no wish to see any blood. Lycaon and Remus guarded the door, both nervous for the Queen. Lucy's birth had been difficult, but for other reasons. She didn't have Peter with her, nor his sisters who she loved deeply. It was only Lycaon, Tumnus and her. This time, she had her ladies-in-waiting with her, and the father was nearer than Peter ever was. Remus had smiled so much after he received the news, that Pandora begun to despised him. She knew what to expect from him, and was angry that Lucy's father couldn't be there for her. However, within those nine months, she began to let go.

Remus had been a gentleman with her, and already proved to be an amazing father. Their affair was still a secret to the realm, but they all knew about the upcoming child. His brother had spent most of the pregnancy without talking to him, although he still talked to Pandora. The Queen had asked them to reconcile, as her children needed their family. Lycaon was still disappointed in his brother, as he should've never gotten the Queen in trouble. Yet, he couldn't help but meet the baby.

Pandora closed her eyes as she gave a last push, and with the cries of her child she opened them again. Chuckling in amusement, she held out her arms, "A boy! It's a boy!" One of the ladies said. She paid them no ming, only looking at her boy.

"My sweet boy." She kissed his forehead, staining her mouth with her own blood. Pandora was so entranced, looking at him with all the love, that she didn't realise her family walking in.

Lucy's nose scrunched up in disgust, "Congratulations, mother. He looks... healthy." Pandora glanced at her, chuckling at her daughter's expression.

"What's his name?" Lycaon wondered as he stared at the mother, who seemed exhausting but rather happy.

Pandora looked at Remus, who couldn't tear his eyes away from her and the baby. She smiled to herself, "Baelon."

Lucy smiled as well, "Beautiful name." She glanced at her brother, and then at Remus. It was no secret for her, as her mother decided to tell her the whole truth. How Remus had always been a close friend, and was with her when her father abandoned Narnia. How he always supported her. And how she loved him. Lucy was glad that her mother could finally move on. However, she couldn't say the same for her. She also wanted a father, even tho she was content with her mother. But yes, she felt jealous for the baby. She also feared that her throne would be taken away from her. Or worse, that she had to share with him, like her father did with his siblings.

The Queen had come back from taking her son to sky, just like she once did with her daughter, when she was called to court. The people around her yelled at each other, including Remus and Lycaon fighting with others. Meanwhile, she sat at the head of the table. Behind her, Lucy was holding her brother, and trying to bond with him. The Queen wanted her around whenever there was a meeting, so she could learn from their wise words and their mistakes alike. Once she was tired of all the yelling, Pandora sighed before shouting, "Silence!"

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