15. right where you left me

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YEAR 1031

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YEAR 1031

"YOUR GRACE." The General spoke as he caught up besides the Queen, who walked in a long red dress across the halls of the castle, "I have been searching for you all morning."

The Queen rolled her eyes, although there was a smile gracing her features, "Lycaon, I thought I mentioned I didn't wish to be bothered today."

He rolled his eyes as well, "Does my presence bother you?" She hummed to herself, not really giving him an answer. To that, he could only chuckle to himself, "Where are you headed?"

She shrugged, "You'll see." Pandora was smiling to herself, which amused him deeply. It didn't really take him long to realise where she was going, as he had figured out even before asking her. He stood behind her as she opened two large doors, the dragons on it dancing away from each other. In the room that once belonged to the Queen, a silver haired girl sat, brushing her long hair. When her head turned, Pandora saw the reflection of a person she once loved, but that now was fading from her mind. She wasn't forgetting about him, but the anger she felt towards him was enough to wipe him from her mind, "My sweet girl." The Queen greeted.

The teenager, who was aging just like a human would, smiled softly, "Mother. Uncle." The Queen stepped behind her, while the general stayed by the door. Pandora grabbed the brush from the princess' hand, caressing it across her soft hair for her. The mother took notice of her daughter's nervousness. Her blue eyes went from Lycaon to her mother, and viceversa.

"Are you nervous, little dragon?" Pandora wondered aloud, her daughter looking like a deer caught in a hunt.

"I do not know if I'm ready yet. What if Regulus drops me? We both know he doesn't let anyone but you mount him. Not since..." She trailed off, their identical eyes meeting across the mirror. The princess was wary about continuing, yet she always felt comfortable with her mother, enough to speak her mind at all times. "Not since father and his siblings left."

Pandora took a deep breath, Lycaon's eyes watching her carefully. Then, she chuckled, letting all of the tension off her body. "That is nonsense, Lucy. Do you not know what I did after giving birth to you?" The teen seemed clueless, turning to Lycaon in question, who was smiling to himself. Pandora acted shocked, "Have I never told you this story?" She began braiding Lucy's hair, "I wrapped you in a cloth, around my dress, and I took you to sky."

The princess smiled widely, a smile that haunted Pandora, "Really?" Oh, does she look like her namesake when she smiles.

Turning away from grief, Pandora smiled softly, "Yes. Do not fear Regulus, he loves you almost as much as I do."

Lucy seemed to think about it deeply, remembering all the times the dragon would be happy to see her. "You may be right, mother."

"I always am." Pandora winked at her through the mirror, making her daughter grin. Just then, she dropped the small braid on Lucy's hair. "I think this looks lovely."

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