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"swore i could feel you through the walls"

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"swore i could feel you through the walls"

LUCY had fallen asleep over the fountain's edge. When she opened her eyes, blinking slowly, she could only see a clear sky. Sitting up, she rubbed her now sore neck. It only took her a couple of seconds to realise how silent Cair Paravel was. "Odd." She voiced out while standing. Suddenly, she saw a glimpse of silver hair, and a woman holding her red dress as she rushed down the stars that took you to the beach. It could only be one person, "Mother." Lucy breathed out, following after her. She could her her mother giggle, but they were far more girlish than what she sometimes heard.

She rushed after her mother, when someone bumped into her shoulder. She expected an apology, but the person acted as if they took no notice of her, "Hey!" The princess exclaimed, getting no answer from the brunette that ran after her mother. A girl, with a dress similar to the Queen's. Lucy frowned, it seemed like she knew her mother, but she hadn't seen her before. She looked like them, which surprised them. Most women there were part horse, or had some animal part in their bodies. The fairies had left to the forest, after their leader Petals decided not to reside at the castle anymore. She didn't know why, but she remembered some visits from her when she was little. She guessed she was close to her mother, in some way.

The little girl giggled, "Pandora, wait for me!" Lucy slowly walked towards them, very confused as she didn't call her Queen nor Your Majesty. Who could this girl be?

The Queen looked back, her eyes on the brunette girl and not her daughter. Lucy took a step back, as her mother looked younger than she had ever seen her. She resembled Baelon, which she reminded her of how Aslan said that he looked like Pandora when she was younger. The response from her mother made her breath get caught up on her throat, "I have been waiting all day for you, Little Queen." Lucy looked between them, stunned, "Go on! The sun is about to go down."

Queen Lucy giggled again, running fast enough to wrap her arms around Pandora's waist. They spooned around while Lucy II watched in confusion, "What kind of evil dream is this? To watch my namesake and my mother be... happy?" She asked to herself, surprised when a wise voice answered her.

"To understand what your mother is about to do, you need to understand what she lost." Lucy turned around, only catching a glimpse of Aslan before he disappeared into thin air. It was odd, how he was always there but at the same time not.

Lucy's breath became heavier, "I was wondering why you visited my brother's dreams but not mine. Did you show him the same?" There was no answer, and she could only hear the laughs that came from the pair inside of the water. She turned around, Lucy and Pandora splashing each other, the end of their dresses completely soaked as they didn't dear to enter fully. She tried to approached them when a hand grabbed her shoulder and forced her to turn around abruptly.

It was then when she woke up, again laid by the fountain. She sat up with a gasp, glancing about to see who awoke her. Lord Tred, a dwarf of her mother's court, stood by her side, "Are you all right, darling?" She only nodded still confused about her dream. He didn't believe her, yet she didn't know him well, so he didn't expect her to confess what troubled her. "Your mother awaits for you."

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