05. would've, could've, should've

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PANDORA gathered along everyone else, but now she held her sword close to her body, and a dagger under her sleeve

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PANDORA gathered along everyone else, but now she held her sword close to her body, and a dagger under her sleeve. She felt a body close to hers, and she guessed it would be Lycaon, as the rest of the camp would know better. She was surprised to see Peter standing behind her shoulder, nodding at her, she used her elbow to force him to take a step back. The boy was confused, but didn't say anything. Lycaon stood in front of Edmund, his hand on his sword just like Pandora did. As the White Witch arrived, the narnians of the camp shouted insults at her, but she remained stoic. Carried by minotaurs, she held her head high above all. Once they stopped, they kneeled so she could get down from her chair and walk a few steps. She couldn't help but notice the dragon flying above, as it served of more of a cover than a cloud.

Edmund gulped, especially when her head turned in their direction. Lycaon had an arm around the boy, providing him some kind of comfort. But the Witch's eyes didn't go to him, but the shapeshifter amongst them. "I see you haven't changed. Still surrounding yourself with traitors." She spat, getting a reaction from the girl as she moved forward. She was grabbed by many, and still it was difficult to hold her back.

Lycaon had to grab her shoulder and force her to turn around, "You will get your chance to kill her. But not here, not now." He nodded towards the Pevensie siblings, neither of them looking in her direction because they guessed she wouldn't like that. She nodded, standing normally again. Feeling her discomfort, Regulus landed behind the crowd, growling lowly at the Witch.

Then, Jadis turned at the lion, "You have a traitor in your midst, Aslan." She said, making the crowd gasp and murmur around. Edmund glanced at his siblings and friends, but the two narnians were of no help at the moment.

"His offence was not against you." Aslan told her.

"Have you forgotten the laws upon which Narnia was built?" Jadis questioned, according to her it was just justice. But Edmund didn't deserve the fate written in the law.

Aslan growled at her, losing his calm, "Do not cite the Deep Magic to me, Witch. I was there when it was written."

"Then you'll remember well that every traitor belongs to me." At this, Peter turned to Pandora, hoping she would tell him that it was a lie. But she just stared forward, "His blood is my property."

"Try and take him then." Peter spoke as he held out his sword, many following his lead. He stepped forward, Pandora's eyes wide as she stared at the back of his head. Lycaon had been one of the many to follow him, his sword held high.

"Do you really think that mere force will deny me my right," She paused, staring him down, "little King?"

"Do I have to remind you it is not your right," Aslan spoke, her head turning to him with fury in her eyes. The lion held his high, "It was your sister's right. Therefore, it falls on her daughter." Jadis was silent, and no one moved as the words fell in the air. Peter was confused, not seeing the look Lycaon gave Pandora, who avoided his gaze.

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