"Threads of Destiny: A God's Gaze Upon Mortal Struggles"

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Ryan: Ok, let's continue to observe.


Haramjade: (whispers in inaudible sound) The town is closely protected by the guard of Ross family, and if I try to run away openly, they will surely catch me and punish me and my family to death. WHAT SHOULD I DO? 😭 If I don't reach in time, they will kill my family once the news spread. "So, I must take a risk for once."

All of a sudden, he moves towards an abandoned mansion nearby. The mansion seems rotten as if nobody had taken care of it for decades. It was the mansion of Royal family Ronald who was defeated by Mr. Genard and killed during the war decades ago.

Haramjade: It must be nearby. I saw that hole nearby.

Starts searching here and there when all of a sudden he sees one small hole in the ground.

Haramjade: Yeah, this is it. Although there might be many traps, and I might die, but it is the only way for me to save my family. Children, you must wait for me. Your Dad will be there very soon.

After mustering up his courage, he starts to kick the floor when all of a sudden, a weak wooden plank gets destroyed, and an underground cave is seen.

Haramjade starts to carefully pass through the passage.

Haramjade: Ouch! It's too tight, but I must go. There is no other alternative.

After struggling for a few minutes, he is able to slide in and sees a closed cave full of wealth of the past royal family. The floor and roof seem to be made up of custom tiles specially used to prevent any harm to those wealth.

Without even thinking for a moment, Haramjade starts searching for a potential escape passage which he could use to meet his child and beautiful wife.

After searching for about 10 minutes, he finds a suspicious painting at one corner and without even thinking he presses it.
"Every minute wasted might kill my child," he says.

After pressing the painting he finds the slit between the floor to be opening, and all of a sudden a knife swings automatically towards him. Luckily, he was able to escape narrowly without any major harm except minor injury to his hand and a few of his hair strands flowing in the air.

After a few seconds, he finds in amazement that after the opening of the slits it seems as if a door is formed.

He tries to push the door like wall, and surprisingly he easily passes through. Without thinking he started running and after a few minutes, he finds himself in the wilderness with trees he finds familiar. These are the trees grown nearby the town where his family currently lives. Legend has it that these trees are grown by the previous royal family magister whose is lost in histories.

Haramjade: This tree...yes, hurray!! This is it. My town must be about minutes away from here.

Saying this Haramjade starts to run towards the town.

Ryan: I just don't understand how Haramjade and his family got killed with his amazing reflex and power.

(I won't spoil the fun. You should just continue watching)

Ryan: Oh! Come on, you are no fun.

Ryan continues watching.

Note: This overworld is a magical world, and I don't want you guys to be confused about it being some rural medieval ages world with nothing new and interesting.

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