"Shattered Roses"

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(If you are not 18+ go to next chapter just think of it as a chapter showing how common people are treated as goods to be treated as they wish by nobility....)


Rudolf: Although she told us to sleep, we just couldn't.

Krish: Through a corner of the living room, we were able to perfectly spy on them in the dining room.

Rudolf: The corner was arranged such that it perfectly hides the vision of people in the dining room but lets us view the dining room perfectly.

Krish: Due to the poor quality of rooms, there was no sound insulation. So, we could hear each of their conversations.

Rudolf: We...we heard them talk.

Krish: (In a sad mood) They were here to ask for loan repayment. They were the only people who offered a loan in this village.

Rudolf: Life was tough for her. Even after multiple odd jobs, she wasn't able to earn much. Our monthly expense on food alone was about 3 silver.
100 copper coin= 1 silver coin.
Normally 12 silver coins can sustain 1 family's life for a year.)

Krish: (In a heartbroken and listless voice) To ensure our quality of life, she didn't hesitate to take a loan.

Rudolf: The interest rates were frightening. And she has been taking loans for 10 years. So there was no hope of her ever repaying the loans. The only way she could repay the loans was if she became a warrior.

Krish: (In an angry voice) They also knew she can't repay the money at all. But it didn't matter to them because they were never after pretty money.

Rudolf: (In extreme anger) We heard them........

Grand: Look, you already owe us 1 Gold and 12 Silver coins in Principal without even interest. You know we also need to eat.

Alice: I understand Mr., but I am really unable to pay off my loan right now. My sons, they have just turned 11. When they grow up, we could collectively do work and repay your loan.

Grand: Well, I am afraid you don't have that much time. (Laughs evilly)

Birch: You didn't read the treaty right. It was clearly stated that. If the Principal with interest is not repaid after 10 years of signing the treaty, we are allowed to take your children as repayment.( Shows an equally awful laugh)

Alice seemed to be in shock. She never expected to have fallen into a trap. Although she knew they were up to no good when they first offered loan help, she only thought they would give outrageous interest rates (Which they, in fact, did-the interest rate was 12% thankfully Simple interest).

Alice: (In fear) We never talked about this. You never told me about taking away my child and repaying the amount in 10 years.

Grand: Those clauses were clearly written in this paper here with your handprint and signature on them.

Grand shows the agreement and proceeds to laugh at the situations. Apparently, they enjoy the agony of peasants and they love the feeling of supremacy.

Alice is now in extreme fear. To be a slave is nothing to joke about. If a slave were to be bought by some weird people, their life would be no better than hell. She can't see her sons be in such a grave situation. So she musters up courage.

Alice: Mr. Grand. I am ready to accept any condition, just let those innocent children go. You could even sell me as a slave instead.

Grand: What is your use? Why would someone prefer you over strong and capable young labor?

Peter: Except for something extreme. Though are you sure to go through that for them. I know they are not your real child at all.

Alice knew that as a Slave her only use was in bed, and she wouldn't be treated as a human at all But without any hesitation she replies.


Birch: Ha ha ha. This will be fun.

All three laugh evilly while Krish and Rudolf listen to every single thing in extreme fear.

Birch: Take this agreement and sign this. You can read it if you want. You still have a chance to let those kids be the slaves instead. If I were you I wouldn't be doing this. Trust me.

Alice reads the agreement and after finding nothing wrong signs the treaty.

Rakesh: (in a sad voice) What happened then?

All of a sudden Krish cries in extreme agony and pain. His cry was so extreme. He cried as if someone cut his flesh into 1000s of pieces little by little. His pain was visible to the naked eye. Even the strong-willed Rudolf was red-eyed.

Rudolf: They..... She.....

Rudolf musters up the courage and says, " They took the agreement and took her with them. I still remember her last words were 'Take Care'. We heard they sold her to a local high-ranking officer for a good price..."

All of a sudden Rudolf cries. Their trauma was visible even to the blind eyes.

Rakesh brings water and helps them calm down.

Rakesh: It's Okay. You have shared enough if you feel bad just sleep. I am not going anywhere. You can share the story anytime.

Rakesh also shares his experience and at last ends up crying. Krish and Rudolf offer him a handkerchief and water. All of a sudden, they all feel very close, and Krish and Rudolf don't feel as terrified as before.

Krish: (in a sad voice) After that, she never came back.

Rudolf: (In anger) Alive that is.

Rudolf: After 10 days, they brought her body to us. Such a beautiful rose-like maiden was now pale and cold. It was as if Heaven had envied her beauty and made her cold. Her body (he shivers)

Krish: Her.. Her body had whip marks all.. all over.

Rudolf: (in extreme anger and helplessness) Her clothes were torn, and she still had white fluid in her genitalia flowing.

Krish: Her.. Her genitalia. (Sobs UHHH!)

Rudolf: Her genitalia was red, full of rash, with some signs of candle wax on them. There.. there were symptoms of burning. Wounds all around the area and even inside, according to people.(also starts sobbing in helplessness)

Krish: The people said her genitalia was connected to a burning candle. According to some conversation, we overheard they say that she was beautiful so was forced by the high-ranking officer to have sex and was repeatedly beaten.

BLOOD-THIRSTY, AGONY, HATE, REVENGE..... This were all the things that Rakesh notices in the brother's eyes as they were explaining. There was now no sobbing, no crying, just an eerie silence while they explain. The silence itself seems to signify extreme hate and evil, as if an evil abyss has eyes on them.

Rudolf: When she resisted. The nobleman felt insulted and let his slaves rape her without rest for 10 days.

Krish: At last, when she was tortured, and she had only a few breaths left. A burning candle was kept in her vagina all night. Her cries were said to have been heard from even kilometers away.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere was too heavy, and all 3 of them were filled with killing intent.

(NOTE: Author isn't sexist. It's not author believe that women are good for nothing but rather author believes that Male and Female together makes the world a better place and the world is incomplete without the significant other.

Only meant to show how the times changes and it asks for change)

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