"Beyond the Womb: A God's Awakening"

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Ryan: Now, what should I do? I am still in my mother's womb. 😶

World Consciousness: (I recommend you visit the Overworld. The Overworld is the collective name given to a world with a population for Gods to collect believers.) 🌍

Ryan: Okay, I would love to go to the Overworld, but I am still in my mother's womb, and I don't know how to reach there. 😕

World Consciousness: (You just need to tell me when you need to go to the Overworld, and you don't need to worry about your immature body because only your soul will transfer to the Overworld. Other things you will understand by yourself once you reach there.) 🌟

Ryan: Just a silly request, but can you show my status when I say "status" and include an option called "Transfer to Overworld," and once I click there, you could just transfer my soul to the Overworld. 🤔

World Consciousness: (Okay, I guess.) 👍


Ryan: Where is "status?" 😐

World Consciousness: (You haven't said anything.) 🤨

Ryan: Okay, "status." 🤖

- Name: Ryan
- God name: **********
- God Title: Creation God
- Priesthood: Creation, Life, Death
- Transfer to Overworld 🚀

Ryan: Let's go to the Overworld. (clicks) 🌠


(Transfer to Overworld)


Ryan:🤢(vomits). Why didn't you tell me that it would be so uncomfortable to travel. 😖

World Consciousness: (You didn't ask; it's not my problem.) 😏

Ryan: By the way, why is that person crying over there? 😥

World Consciousness: (It seems your luck is fine. He should have seen his parents die in front of him. You don't need to mind; it's very common here. By the way, you should try to help him; he could be your first believer.) 😢

Ryan: (whispers) Having his parents killed in front of him. And it's common. What is wrong with DMF (Dimethyl Formamide, not dis MF 🤣🤣) world. 😞

World Consciousness: (It's not common in the town under the protection of Gods, but the wilderness only follows the 'law of survival.' You should use your faith (novice package) to restore him and view his story so that you could have your 1st follower.) 😇

Ryan: 1st believer? That means I will come out of the most miserable period of a God. Okay, but I will still help him even if he doesn't believe in me. I still have some humanity in me. (whispers) At least for now. 😌

Note: I forgot to mention that Ryan has 5 points of faith in him, which is the default faith given to all Beginners every year. It's like a pension. Beginners are children up to the age of 8. Every adult pan-believer provides 1 point of faith per year in Overworld time or per day in The Real World (there is time dilation too) 🤣🤣. I forgot to include these details, just hope readers would be considerate. Let's consider it common knowledge that Ryan just knew. 📜

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