"Divine Unveilings: The Path of Peace, Prosperity, and Everlasting Evolution"

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(World Consciousness: A large number of new believers detected. You should immediately peer at the condition of your believers to prevent any mischief.)

"Well, it should be about time," Ryan said, gazing at Rakesh.

(World Consciousness: Wow! You have got an amazing fanatic. He is more than just a priest; he is a jewel to any God.)

Ryan: Priest, you say. Hahaha! He is much more than just a priest or fanatic to me.

(Scene shifts to Rakesh)

《Congratulations on completing the task 'Spread The Gospel and Greatness of God Of Peace and Prosperity.'》

《Commencement of Reward has started......》

《Follower system ver 1.1 has been updated to Priest system ver 1.2》

》You have permission to spread the Word of God and are allowed to let new believers join the Follower System.》

Rakesh (with a happy smile): God, give mercy on us believers and grant us all the power to protect your greatness, peace, and prosperity.

He activates his privilege to grant every villager a follower system.

"Wow, I see something in front of me," says a believer.

"I also see the text. It says,

"《WELCOME To Follower System. To all the believers of the Great God of Peace and Prosperity, your hard work and contribution in ensuring peace and prosperity shall be awarded daily.》

《Ding! Ding!》

《You are a pan believer of the Great God who fought with his fear to protect the peace granted by the Great God. Great God is pleased with your good resolve.》

《Start Piety payback........》

《You get: 1) 1 kg meat

                2) Blessing of the Great God: Granting you the qualification to be a warrior.

Do you accept the gift of the Great God?

Yes                                                        No》




(Rakesh's point of view)

《Congratulations to the Priest for granting the system to 1000+ (pan believers promoted to) true believers. The Great God is greatly pleased with your heartfelt words. You are especially granted a grand blessing.

Found a Legendary skill.......Promoting it..........


《Legendary skill: Mutant Sword Heart (attached to a Gate of Lord Mansion)

Skill effect: (Passive) You are one with the sword. The sword is you, and your heart is the sword. While learning sword art, you will get twice the result with half the effort.

Skill effect: (Active) You can coexist with 1 item. The stronger you are, the better the item will be.

Evaluation: None of the items are useless. It is only that a useless owner uses them.》

Updated effect:

Mutant Legendary Skill: Double mutated Sword Heart (attached to Lord Mansion)

Skill Effect: (Passive) You are one with the sword. The sword is you, and your heart is a sword. The sword is an extension of you. So, learning sword will yield you unexpectedly great results.

Skill Effect: (Active) You are one with the Lord Mansion. While you develop the town and the townsman (believers), the Lord Mansion also develops at the same time.

Present effect of Lord Mansion:

1) Grand Array

2) Weather regulation

3) Aura Hub

4) Hub Of Faith (Core Skill) 》

Rakesh: Wow! There are so many new things. I should summarize the updates so that I could make the best use of God's Gift to protect this town.

-1st the system has once again updated to the latest version, i.e., Priest system.
-2nd I will get extra reward for spreading faith in addition to daily piety payback.
-3rd My Legendary skill of Sword Heart has mutated once again, and I have a connection with the whole Lord Mansion instead of just that Door.

(Author's note:
Note: The first time it was mutated because of the reward he got while signing in. Please look back to the chapter to understand what I am saying and give me views😊)

"Now I shall test my skills," says Rakesh as he uses Grand Array.


(Village Child's POV)

"Look, mother, the town is covered in a beautiful rainbow-colored blanket," says a child.

"Yeah, and it's so pretty," says another child.

"But you are the prettiest Meme," says the parent.


(Rakesh's POV)

All of a sudden, he feels his qi depleting, and just as he feels unable to hold it anymore and pass out, he feels light.

"Thank God the absorption is over," saying that he gazes at the Lord Mansion where he sees a light expanding from Lord Mansion ultimately encompassing the entire town, and then he sees the color change and form a rainbow-colored spherical blanket with a crystal-like appearance, giving an amazing beauty and charm to the town.

"Oh yeah, will it affect people to travel out and in," says Rakesh to the system in his thoughts.

《The Grand Array is a protection array capable of withstanding an attack from a peak advanced warrior (Bronze 9). And it won't affect villagers to come out of the barrier. But to get in, you must give them permission, but since they all have the follower system, so it is defaulted as entry id.》

"Wow! As expected of Legendary skill gifted by the Great God. It is way more magical than something I ever heard. The Great God never fails to amaze. Now I should try other skills too," says Rakesh and starts to activate the second skill.

《Alert! Alert! You have quite less qi, so I recommend you not activate any other skill right now.》

"Yeah, now that I look at it, my qi is almost completely depleted," says Rakesh.

"No, why is the Barrier still there even though I have almost no qi.", says Rakesh in amazement unable to comprehend what is going on.

《Since the active skill is already used (connected to Lord Mansion) so other skill only need to be activated once and then it could maintain it's existence through the power of heaven and earth.》

"Wow, I can't comprehend this skill at all", says Rakesh in amazement.

............................Ryan POV..............................

(World Consciousness: It's not only you who is confused Rakesh. Rather the most confused right now is me.)

Ryan: You, confused, weren't you all knowing.

(World Consciousness: I could understand how you maintain it's existence through sunlight, wind and natural mana. I know the theory behind it and I know how you created the system as I am it's core but I can't put together why you would do so? And how can you think so?)

"Well, it's because I am reborn from great Earth"; Ryan says in his thoughts.

(Authors say:
God's thought couldn't be read by World Consciousness as it's against the Right to Privacy rule that author made up just now. WHY YOU SAY? Just so things could make sense I say.)

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