"Debt, Laughter, and Divine Accounting"

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World Consciousness: I don't understand why you would spend about 50,000 faith points just to ensure they get daily feedback when you could save that and have one extra divine power every 30 days. There is never too much Divine Power, isn't it?

Ryan: Well, I can't just let my precious jade suffer, can I?

World Consciousness: Jade also needs to be tempered to be valuable, isn't it?

Ryan: So, let time and God's love temper them to be a precious asset.

World Consciousness: I sometimes don't understand what you say at all.

Ryan: Maybe it's because you are too f×××ing old.

World Consciousness:      ~   ~
                                        ( >○ _ ○< )  That was mean......

Ryan: Was I? Anyway, I have something to do in my God's space, so you can have your leave; just join me after a day.

World Consciousness: Do you think I am a burden (annoyed expression)? (Smirks) Well, then I will be back to collect my debt.

Saying that, World Consciousness leaves.

Ryan: Well, I hope you guys won't disappoint my expectations. Damn, it's always thrilling to start an investment, especially if... (smirks) well, you will know.

Saying that, Rakesh enters The God's space.

General Education Time:

Every God is a great being and can't spend time with believers physically, as that would diminish their sense of mystery and almighty strength. So, Gods normally don't descend and look after the world in spiritual form only on the Overworld. But to enjoy the great time difference of the Overworld, some gods strongly demanded a private space for gaining knowledge, skill, and to develop Priesthood compatibility. So, with the help of many Great Gods, a separate space is created, which is given to Every God of the Real World once they gain consciousness. It exists in the void of the Overworld, so hidden that not even the Peak of Demigods could sense its existence. Though it has a strong demerit that once closed, all info of the Overworld or the real world will be cut off. So, Gods rarely visit 'The God's Space' despite its benefits. Also, God Consciousness will also be trapped with no info at all of the outside world, so normally, world consciousness leaves its conscious body and lets The God use an automated version of it, which complies with 'The Great Law of Privacy' jointly enforced by all Gods.

After a day of Real World Time:

World Consciousness: You seem unhygienic. Eww!

Ryan: I don't know why, but even your lame jokes seem funny right now?

World Consciousness: They were not lame, okay.

Ryan: Gods don't need a bath or hygiene, so that's lame regardless. And even though I have closed myself for a year, and my hair seems like that of Albert Einstein with more density, it's just because I wanted to look like normal people.

Saying that, he cleans himself back into a perfect form with a sharp nose that seems just right with the perfect size, contrasting with a childish yet handsome face with sharp-visioned eyes that seem to be so deep that even light couldn't reach its end till eternity, and with hair so pretty as if it were crystals decorated all over.

World Consciousness: Well, you have some unique fetishes. Lol!

Ryan: Enough talk about me; let's leave this f×××ing space. I miss freedom.

World Consciousness: Yeah, I am so ready to receive my payments.

Saying that, they both leave the space as time passes, and a whole new year has passed.

"Well, so good to be back," says Ryan as he gazes at the whole world through his panoramic view when he notices the alert sound.

《Alert! Alert!》

《You have gained 2500 new followers during the year.》

《Congratulations! 700 of your 1st lot believers have promoted to deep believers.》

《Congratulations on all 1000 of your 2nd lot believers being promoted to Deep believers.》

《Congratulations! Your grace has spread all over Hope, and every resident here is your follower with a minimum piety of True Believers. More than half of them are Deep Believers. Congratulations on achieving a feat that even Old Demi Gods will find hard to achieve.》

《Congratulations! Your town has increased its population by almost 500, and all of them have become your true believers, with 300 of them being deep believers.》

《Congratulations! Your grace has spread to surrounding villages by your followers, and 12 new villages have completely accepted you as their deity!》

《Congratulations on having 1000 new believers accumulated from villages outside the Hope town, with all of them being true believers at the minimum, and almost 500 of them being deep believers.》

《Your believers page is being generated as specified.》

FAITH POINT PER DAY: 261,000 FAITH POINTS (1st time receiving won't get a bonus from the realm as it takes time for the body to adapt)
Lone amount: 250,000
Net Profit in the account: 11,000
Net amount present: 11,003》

"Well, I feel rich right now, 11,003 faith points from 3 faith points, hahaha!" Ryan says as he starts laughing.

World Consciousness: You are laughing too soon; you have to pay me back 500,000 FP instead of 250,000 FP, so you are still in debt. It seems your calculations are off. You should have let the conscious me be the core; then such mistakes won't be made. But you preferred to use the automated one. Now suffer.

Saying that, he laughs in a funny childlike manner.

"Teaching number 1: Every contract signed should be checked carefully before signing; else you might suffer like today. Check the last clause where it's written that the contract will be applied 2 days after its signing." Saying that, Ryan starts laughing.

All of a sudden, seeming to remember the Clause, World Consciousness pauses for a moment and gets angry.

World Consciousness: You tricked me.

Ryan: You signed it on your own accord. So, I have not scammed you, okay? And I am paying back the Principal, so it's not like I am not paying you back.

World Consciousness: But, but...

Ryan (rolls his eyes): It's not like you have any use for the FPs regardless.

World Consciousness: That does make sense.

Thinking of at least getting the Principal back, the World Consciousness seems to forget the shame and starts being normal.

Ryan (in his thoughts): Even if you are a World Consciousness of The World of Gods, you are still a child to me. (Smiles in success)

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