"Divine Revelation"

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In a maniacal laughter, Rakesh whispers about humans and their greed for power, dividing a single species into different classes and statuses. Creating division so that people at higher positions could accomplish their evil desires.

"I want to end this. Peasants being dominated by warriors and royalty, and even if they manage to be a warrior, they are dominated by royalty. This depression and evilness infect them to harm helpless peasants, making this world a living hell. I hate this."

"In the scheme of those above to ensure their rights, innocent people are harmed. Neither warriors (slaves of royalty) nor peasants are able to have a genuine smile. Repeated misery, pain, and loss render a person useless. I will end this for my sister and for the people so that she could live a happy life surrounded by good people."

Ryan interrupts, saying, "This is it." He laughs and descends to Rakesh's consciousness.

"Rakesh, wake up!" he says in a heavenly voice, sweet yet powerful enough to command any force of nature. Rakesh asks, "Who are you, and where am I?" Trying to observe the surroundings, he finds it pitch black. When he tries to peek at the figure of Ryan, he sees divinity, pain, and suffering of the world. He also sees the resilience of life, the smile of his father, the love of his mother, and the beautiful and happy childhood spent with his sister. Looking at him, Rakesh forgets all pain.

But the smile on his face seems short-lived as he sees his father and mother at their death bed. He sees the faces of those royalty who see others as lower beings and sees the warriors without any sense of humanity carrying out inhuman acts as a sword of royalty.

Immersed in pain and killing intent, he sees his father's soul leaving his body with a smile on his face, saying, "Rakesh, I failed to be a good father, failed to give you a good life. I know I am being irresponsible leaving you behind all alone, but you must live on because you are hope. Hope to all those beings who stick with their belief in hope that tomorrow will be yet another sunrise leading one era to rise. I hope you be the carrier wielding this sword of change and revolt. I am sorry I only left you with pain and work even in my death bed." He also sees his mother's soul wishing him to live a happy life with his sister.

Ryan then reveals himself, saying, "I am a God. You can call me 'God of Creation' or 'God of Death.' Some people also call me 'God of Knowledge and Truth,' but I prefer to be called 'God of Peace and Prosperity.' Well, it's all a title. I don't mind whatever my people, my believers call me."

Rakesh asks, "Are you a God? The being who destroys and plunders the world and brings about war and killings?"

Ryan explains, "We are beings who are summoned due to the pain and suffering of this world. Some dark Gods do find joy in bringing pain and despair, but I belong to God of Order and Progress. And I prefer peace. But to bring change, there is a need for war, killing, and suffering. Suffering of evil to bring a smile to everyone's face, I think there is nothing evil in that."

Rakesh questions, "If you have such a huge power, why don't you just use it to change the suffering and pain? Don't you just want to enjoy ants fighting each other at your mercy for pleasure?"

Ryan responds, "If I were to use my power to bring about a change in the system, it would be much easier and with less suffering and pain. But that would just stop the progress of society and the world as a whole. People fighting for change and progress bring change and prosperity, and it is where I prosper. If I were to force upon my ideal, then people and life would be just a puppet in my hand. But I want believers who carry out my will and bring about change and prosperity to the world and heaven."

"I am sorry, my lord, for raising such questions. I respect your will of change that made me change my perspective on the world. I was blinded by revenge and wanted change, but I started to forget my root that was to bring about a smile on people's faces and to bring change. Oh, great being, accept me as your follower."

"I accept everyone who desires progress as my followers. The only requirement is to never forget the root that makes up your foundation. I see that you want to bring positive change, so I will bless you in your endeavors. Hope you bring a smile to this world."

Rakesh slowly wakes up and finds himself all alone in the room. "They seem to have gone to work. Though it's not a bad thing at all as I could try out my new power."
Saying that, he comes out of the room and targets a big tree nearby, throwing a punch and creating a big hole in the tree.
"I seem to have improved and became Rank 3 Junior Warrior (Bronze). And it's not like I have just entered Rank 3rd; it is as if I am at the peak of Rank 3rd with power rivaling Intermediate warriors. Also, all my injuries and hidden wounds seem to be resolved. Thank you, God. I will never ever forget your help in my time of need."

(World Consciousness: Why did you make such unnecessary waste of Faith for such a dramatic entry? Ouch, I feel pain even thinking about it.)

(Ryan used 0.5 faith points for creating a beautiful and powerful image upon his entry and also used 1 faith points to bless Rakesh.)

Ryan: Although I wasted a few faith points, it is okay as it created a big impact on him. Just look at his Faith level.

Name: Rakesh
Following: God of Progress and Prosperity
Faith (Piety) level: Deep Believer

Note: Pan believer < True believer < Deep believer < Fanatic < Saint

Pan believer: 1 faith point per year
True believer: 10 faith points per year
Deep believer: 100 faith points per year
Fanatic: 1000 faith points per year
Saint: 1 divine power per year

Note: 10000 faith points could be theoretically concentrated to 1 divine power, but it takes much more faith points and time to convert faith points into divine power. So, saints are an asset and a truly powerful possession even for True Gods.)

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