"Rage Unleashed: A Hero's Vow"

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Rakesh: I now have the power. The power to make a change and ensure just treatment for all. Let's start by taking revenge for my friends, and then I will judge the Royalty of this town.

Saying that, Rakesh starts searching for the whereabouts of Grand and his goons.

Revolt village, 2nd largest building, den of Grand and his Goons.

Rakesh: Looting the wealth of people and giving pain to people; they have become so rich to create such a huge villa, whereas normal hardworking people are having problems making ends meet. What a good hypocritical society.

Rakesh starts moving towards the door when two of the goons see him.

Goons: This is Wolf Gang. Unrelated people are not allowed. You better leave or else your and your family life will be pitiful.

Rakesh (smirks): Pitiful. Let's see whose life will be pitiful.

Rakesh rushes towards the door and defeats both of the goons in a single punch.


Grand: Who the hell is making such noise? Doesn't he know that this is my den? Or does he love having his women f@@@ed by others? Hahahaha (laughs maniacally)

All of his goons also start laughing.

Grand: Bitches, Go and see who the hell is here instead of laughing.

Birch: Let's go, brother. Let him see that Wolf gang is not something to be messed with.

Rakesh: Well, the interior is huge. Hope I won't get lost here.

Rakesh walks towards the balcony of the house. The balcony is connected with a garden, making it huge with rooms within the balcony. It looks just like a 21st-century hotel themed on nature.

Finding such a huge balcony, Rakesh thinks of knocking on each door with his fist. But suddenly, he finds Birch and goons coming out of a room aggressively.

Birch: Well, weren't you the bastard with those bitches (Krish and Rudolf)? Are you here to have your wife fucked?

Saying that, those goons start laughing maniacally.

Rakesh (smirks): Well, let's see. 1, 2, 3, 4... 18. 18 donkeys here to have their ass warmed.

Saying that, Rakesh rushes towards them at high speed, and he beats up Birch with punches, leaving no reaction time for his goons, causing instant chaos.

Rakesh: Well, weren't you the one talking too much.

Saying that, he kicks his head, and with the recoil, he backs up, leaving some space between them.

Rakesh: It's a pity that those words don't kill people.

Birch (In intermittent voice): Fuck him.

Saying that, Birch faints, and the 17 other goons start to surround Rakesh.

Rakesh: Ants surrounding Elephant. Maybe it would have worked if you didn't have the brain of a donkey and such pitiful numbers. So, get fucked.

Saying that, Rakesh rushes and beats up one of the goons with his punch and escapes from the encirclement and breaks the formation, causing chaos. Taking advantage of this situation, Rakesh beats up 3 to 4 of goons with his bare punch when suddenly 1 goon strikes him with a wooden plank from behind, causing blood to drop on the ground.

Rakesh checks the bleeding with his hand and, in rage, starts beating the shit out of them.

In just about 5 minutes, 12 of the 18 goons were down, and the rest were injured. Seeing the huge loss, the morale of the goons was down.


All of a sudden, maniac laughter is heard, and the gaze of everyone shifts towards the laughter.

Birch: Well, ladies and gentlemen, presenting to you two bitches (Krish and Rudolf). Now, Bastard (Rakesh), will you be kind enough to let my goons punch you, or shall I behead your friends?

Seeing his friends being tied up and captured, Rakesh is in shock, and thinking of his friends, he stops in place, and the remaining 6 goons start to beat them up.

Birch: Pieces of shit, peasants thinking that they could change and beat us up just because they have some warrior friends. Now see, bitches, the result of revolt. See how your friend is getting beat up just because he dared to fight against us.

Rakesh: Humph! You are shit. Your whole family is a bitch, and you are the result of it. Using my friends and preventing me from moving just so you could beat me, and you have the guts to show off. One piece of shit you are.

Hearing this, Birch gets maddened and plants his sword on the ground and takes up a magic steel rod and starts beating Rakesh.

Birch: What were you saying, you piece of shit. Slap!! Where is that manliness? Slap!! Where is that daringness? Slap!! Bastard, do you know how we treated those bitches' mother? Do you want your loved ones to be there?

Saying that, Birch pulled Rakesh's hair, and just when he was about to slap Rakesh, his hand was cut off by Krish, and his mouth was punched by Rudolf with all their force.

Seeing the opening, Rakesh goes all out and beats the shit out of him and other goons.

Birch: How could you bitches get freed, and how do you have such energy to fight with me?

Krish: You left your sword grounded. Do you remember, Donkey?

Rudolf: Piece of shit.

Just then, Grand enters from behind and knocks both of them down with a single hit. Grand is a Semi-intermediate warrior, i.e., failed to reach an intermediate warrior but is only 1 bit far from an intermediate warrior. Feeling the aura, Rakesh immediately tries to sprint forward, but his leg is pulled by Birch.

Birch: Fuck you, bastard. Stay here and see your friends dying, and then it will be your turn. Saying that, he laughs maniacally.

Seeing such a situation, Rakesh remembers his powerlessness when his father and mother died. Remembers how God said that killing evil for the happiness of others is good but his hesitation might cost his friends' lives. He feels powerless and guilty.


He screams in extreme rage and agony, and all of a sudden, a certain image appears before him, and he is filled with power. Without thinking for a moment, he dashes out with all his power, killing everyone without a single punch, creating a hole through the chest.

Rakesh: I am not powerless. I will never let my loved ones die. Never again, ever again.

Saying that, he faints and sees Krish and Rudolf running towards him.

Krish and Rudolf: Rak....

5 days later

Congratulations your strong rage and resolve to protect has activated the status window and you aquire the skill Demon Killer: You will aquire 300% boost on speed and 200% boost in power when your loved ones are in danger and resolve to protect is detected.
Note: It stays activated until you die or your enemy dies completely and every seconds this power is activated eventually leads to that many days of coma after foes are defeated.

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