Chapter 29: The Truest Villians

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{Regina's POV}
After a long and chilly walk back to Regina's place, Robin offered to make hot cocoa. They had sat down and talked about everything going on around them for a while. Robin took a sip of his hot cocoa trying to make small talk.

"When is Emma and Killian's wedding?" He asked making a face at how hot his drink was.

"Well, they said it was supposed to be the twentieth, but with everything going on lately... who knows." She swirled her finger around the rim of her cup before setting it down on the glass coffee table.

"So, whose all gonna be in the wedding?" He asked.

"Well, I'm supposed to be the maid of honor, and Ruby and Lily, depending on if she shows up, will be bridesmaids. The men, I'm not sure." Regina got up to get them both some red wine.

"Wait, whose Lily?" He asked unknowledgeable of Emma's past.

"She's not in Storybrooke... Emma hasn't seen her in years, but they were best friends as kids. Things ended pretty rocky between them, but she still wants Lily there." She handed him a wine glass and set the bottle beside them. "I'm just not looking forward to the dress fitting." She said slightly laughing.

"You'll look amazing, Gina. You always have, always will." He said sliding closer to her on the couch. She didn't know what to say. Somehow, every time that man opened his mouth, she was always left utterly speechless. He knew what to say and when to say it. She leaned in to kiss him when she heard something pound on her door.

Closing her eyes and missing her opportunity, she brought herself to her feet and walked over to the door. Opening it, she saw no one other than Archie. But, it wasn't just Archie that shocked her. It was the thing he was carrying. Pongo. Dead. "Archie, what happened?" She asked inviting him in.

"What's going on?" Robin asked in the background and walking to the door. Archie was in tears.

"I know he's just a dog, but I thought I'd warn you." He handed them a note. "This was attached to Pongo's collar when I found him outside my office." He said looking down at his former loyal companion. She opened it.

"ᏉℰℛUЅ ᏉℐℒℐℂUЅ" she read out loud. "What the hell does that mean?" She asked looking back up at Archie as Robin stood behind her observing the note.

"It means 'The Truest Villians'. I don't know who wrote it, but they're not here for games." She only had one clue to who it was.

"Rumple.." She spat the name as if it was a disease.

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