Chapter 51: Squid Ink

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{Regina's POV}
Robin rushed after Regina who was sprinting towards the library. She glanced back noticing that he was following.

"No!" She yelled over her shoulder not stopping. "You can't come! You'll both get hurt!" Thinking of Pan using their pain against her.

"Regina, Im not leaving you! I'm helping get your son!" He called as Snow came sprinting behind her.

"What's she doing?!" Snow yelled at Robin. Mary Margaret had gotten her bow and arrow and was racing to catch up.

"I have to go alone!" And like that, poofed herself to the clock tower leaving Robin, Snow and Rolland behind.

Once the purple smoke disappeared, Regina was inside the clock tower. A man.. boy, rather.. stood inches from her face. His expression was smug which only made Regina fill with hate. Her eyes wandered to the corner of the room where Henry lay unconscious.

"What have you done to my son?" She spat taking a step towards the demonic child. He shrugged and pinned Regina against the wall in one swift movement.

"I've only had weeks to live, Regina. I had to do something." He stated scoffing. Peter pinned Regina harder against the wall making her gag. He held her arm with so much force, a tingle went through her body making her feel powerless. "With this heart, I finally get the second chance I deserve.." He said tapping his chest. He had already done it... Pan had taken Henry's heart and left him to die so he could live. Pan gave Regina one last hard shove against the wall before dropping her to the floor.

Regina grabbed her throat as she gasped for air choking. She turned and held her hand up at Pan ready to throw a fireball. Raising her hand and thrusting it towards the boy, Regina's heart skipped a beat when nothing happened. She looked down at her hand. There was no fire. Glancing to her wrist, she realized she had the black cuff on preventing her from doing magic.

Well, shit.

This bastard had left her no other choice. Regina sprinted towards him as her fist connected with his eye. She pulled a knife from her boot and held it up pinning him against the wall. Pan struggled to get loose, but Regina's adrenaline kicked in leaving her stronger than he could ever be.

"You know? You should really give me my magic back." She scowled at him.

"Why would I ever do that?" He gasped struggling to get the words out.

"There's two ways I could take your heart.." She spat at him. "One will be painful, and the other will be extremely painful," Regina held the knife up as Pan merely smirked. He blasted her back with magic.

After hitting the wall and hearing a few cracks which she assumed was her ribs, Regina collapsed on the ground gasping for air. Pan chuckled kneeling down to Regina.

"I hope you know, Regina. It may be too late to save your boy now. I can feel my power growing stronger. Once my power multiplies because of Henry's heart, no one can stop me." He chuckled. Regina coughed spitting blood at her feet.

"Well, too bad that's not gonna happen.." She spat noticing someone opening the door to the clock tower. Pan furrowed his brow as a loud whiz sound shot at them. He held up his hand catching the arrow meant to kill him. He smirked turning to see not only Snow, who had shot the arrow, and Robin, but Emma as well.

"It's too late," Pan said before Emma poofed herself directly in front of him.

"I can't believe you fell for that twice," she said as Pan went numb dropping the arrow. They had coated the entire thing with squid ink petrifying him.

Emma helped Regina stand and flicked her wrist making the black cuff drop to the floor and her ribs crack back into place.

"Why aren't you with Liam?" Regina asked. Emma looked down at her shoes.

{Emma's POV}
*finding Liam*
Driving further into the woods, Emma slammed on the breaks reaching the well. Zelena indeed stood around it with the golden brain, a heart, the sword, and Emma's baby on the ledge. Killian, Emma, and David rushed out of the car, weapons in hand.

"Step the hell away from my baby," Emma threatened at Zelena, who had her back to them, pointing her gun directly at her head. She froze looking up and turning to face them. Killian followed pulling out his pirate sword along with David who pulled out his.

"There's no way you can beat me now," she chuckled waving her hands. The four elements began to glow swirling until they met. Emma shot her gun at Zelena who merely stopped the bullet by catching it. She chuckled. Freezing, Zelena looked at the bullet before scowling.

"Sorry we're a little late.." Emma said as Zelena dropped the bullet now petrified. "We had to pick up a few things back in Gold's shop," she said referring to the squid ink she snagged from Gold himself.

Killian dropped his sword and rushed towards the well picking up the wailing child and holding on for dear life. This broke the connection for the time portal. Emma slid her gun in her halter and rushed to Killian's side.

"You haven't won yet," Zelena sneered as Emma and Killian ignored her. David picked the frozen Zelena up and placed her in the trunk of Emma's bug.

"Is Liam okay?" She asked looking over his shoulder. Killian was smiling before looking up at Emma.

"He's a natural fighter... just like his mother," he smiled before leaning in to kiss Emma's forehead. She tricked him standing on her tip toes and catching his lips in a kiss instead. Killian chuckled into her mouth before pulling away.

"He's a fighter just like his father as well," she said sliding her head between his chin and chest.

"Aye," she felt his deep voice vibrate through his chest and to her ear. "That he is," he slid his hand around Emma's waist pulling her closer in a hug.

"Hey!" David yelled from the truck making Emma slightly jump. "Let's get going! We need to help with Henry! Just got a call from Mary Margaret!" Oh yeah... Henry needed help. They rushed back to the truck speeding back to the clock tower where Mary Margaret was waiting for them.

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