Chapter 9: My Hero

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{Regina's POV}
Robin had called Will over about an hour ago. Will was new to the town from Wonderland. Regina figured that him and Belle had been an item since Rumplestiltskin had left due to the fact that he would bring her up in every two sentences that he spoke. Regina was exhausted, and needed some sleep... preferably with Robin. They had a task at hand here, she needed to focus and think about that kind of stuff later.

David's voice projected from the walkie talkie. "Regina. The hat. The sorcerer's hat." Of course, she thought. How did she not think of that before. "Look up books on the sorcerer's hat and we can find out how to trap them forever," David cut out.

Regina picked up the walkie talkie. "Already on it," she said, "meet you in ten minutes with our research." Regina slid the walkie talkie back into its halter.

Will held up two books on magical hats just as Robin did of powerful sorcerers. Brilliant. She took one of the books from Will and flipped to the pages containing information on the sorcerer's hat. Who was the sorcerer? They couldn't find anything but legends on the powerful sorcerer. Regina flipped to a passage and read. It was perfect. She knew exactly what to do.

Robin walked up behind Regina resting his chin on her shoulder and wrapping his arms around her waist. She smirked at the warm touch of her happy ending. "Regina, do you know how proud I am of you?" He whispered in her ear.

"For what?" She asked facing him. Their faces were inches away from each other. Robin held both of her forearms and never lost eye contact with her.

"I'm so proud that you've turned your heart to look at the good. You're a hero, Regina... my hero." Regina blushed, looking down at her feet and grinning. She shook her head at the unbelievably amazing things he was saying about her. Regina didn't know how to react to these types of things. "I'm serious, you've been looking for your happy ending. A way to look at hope. You have your hope now and I'm so proud." Robin smiled.

"I already found my happy ending. I'm happy. I wouldn't change anything." Regina leaned into him, once again connecting their lips.

"Alrighty then," Will interrupted with a heavy accent, "I'll just be headed back to Belle then, is that okay?" He gave Regina the two books and headed out the door. On the way out he remarked "Don't have too much fun now, you've got work to do!" Will's sarcasm was easily detectable. Robin laughed as they grabbed the books to meet the Charmings.

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