Chapter 33: His Name is...

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{Killian's POV}
"Wait.. you're telling me that this Hades, ruler of hell, is in the crocodile's body?" He pointed out confused. This was so much to process. A whole another story to comprehend and dissect piece by piece.

"Yes. He was put there by the only man powerful enough to do so." Regina crossed her arms. How did she know all of this? He was ready to face this sorcerer to help him stop the Crocodile... or Hades.

"Who is the sorcerer? I need to meet with him." Extremely demanding, Hook started towards the pickup.

"You won't find him in this town. He's not here. I'll be surprised if you do find him. He lives, well rules, in another realm... Olympus." Regina and Robin followed closely behind getting in the back of the pickup.

"We need means of transportation to this realm. Does anyone have a magic bean?" After starting the car, Hook ran inside. "I'm not leaving Emma or Henry behind with the potential for harm." He said coming back out with her and Henry. They sped down the street before being stopped by the Charmings. The frantic couple waved them down, making Killian stop the car.

"We're coming with you! Based on what Blue said, we're more powerful than anything together." David said hopping in the back of the truck.

"Let's go get the hat," Mary Margaret hopped in after her husband. "The hat is our portal." She pointed out. Regina gave Hook an 'I-told-you-so' look as Emma held Henry close, confused.

"Wait, where are we going?" She asked as Henry pulled away from her motherly grasp. "Whose the sorcerer?"
Hook glanced in her direction before revealing his identity.

"The sorcerer lives in Olympus. His name is Zeus." He said quietly.

"Wait, he's real too?" She asked.

"With the lightning bolts and Hercules and Hades?" She was still processing the information.

"Gold is Hades." Robin stated bluntly. "Well, the Dark One is anyhow. Zeus punished him by binding him to a human body controlled with a dagger." Emma rubbed her eyes.

"Okay, and we're going to meet Zeus?" She asked.

"That's awesome!" Henry got excited.

"Henry, no one we've met here are exactly like the movies, we don't know anything about Zeus or if we can trust him." Emma rested her hand on his shoulder before getting out of the car and jumping into her own yellow bug. Snow, David, and Henry followed. Killian drove Regina and Robin separately to Golds shop for the hat. Meeting Blue there, she handed Killian the hat as they got out.

"Emma called me just a couple minutes ago about the hat, so I found a spell that will lead you to the sorcerer with the hat." She smiled. "All you have to do is recite this spell while you hold the hat. After you do, say all of the names of the people who will be going, and make SURE everyone is holding onto the hat when you say it. If you don't do exactly that, it won't work." Blue smiled at Killian and then Emma.

"Good luck you guys, I hope you find him and what you're looking for." She stated happily. David had asked the fairy to watch over Neal when they were gone. Robin turned to Regina.

"Do you think we should take Rolland, or let him stay with Marian?" He asked.

"I don't know, Robin. He seems uneasy with her, but we can't just take him to a place with potential danger." Conflicted, they decided to leave him with Marian.

"Blue, you wouldn't mind checking up on him and Marian once in a while would you?" Robin pleaded quietly.

"Of course," she smiled. "I would be delighted to check up on them."

"Alright, whose ready for some answers?" Hook asked opening the paper. Everyone grabbed a part of the hat. It was time.

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