Chapter One: Missing News

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Horror's POV a few hours later

I step through a portal, smiling as I recognize the living room of the castle which is surprisingly empty. I glance around and the portal shuts behind me.

"Hello?"I call out

I hear pots clattering. Then I see Killer run in, hugging me.

"Horror! So good to see you!"He cheers happily

I chuckle, patting his back.

"It's good to see you again too!"I say

"What brings you here?"He asks

"Do I really need a reason to visit family?"I ask

He chuckles, leading me away to the kitchen, and shows me his excellent cooking skills. I give him a proud smile. He then notices my hands covered in bandages from cuts.

"Horror, have you been going through thorn bushes or whatever again? I thought your husband told you to wear gloves and you would listen by now."He says with a chuckle

"Nope, just trying to carve some new items."I say

"Like what?"He asks, tilting his head.

I smile wider.

"Just useful items given the news. A mobile with stars and moons tied with strings is probably the easiest. The tougher projects were carving the pieces to make a cozy crib, comfy rocking chair, high chair knowing the height of the dinner ta-"I reply

"Why are you trying to make that? You and Farm are hardly married for a year yet. That's pretty quick."He cuts me off with a teasing smirk.

My face burns up.

"NO! Quit messing with me, Killer!"I snap

"Sooo? How are the results?"He asks with a teasing grin

Great, now he is going to tease me for the wrong reasons. Why does he assume me when Dad is the one in need of it?

I show him pictures I took of the items and he gives me a suggestive, teasing glance.

"I was going to show these to Dad and-"I begin

"Of course you are."He chuckles

I roll my eye.

"Is Dad upstairs?"I ask

"No, he went to handle Ink."He replies

What? Wait, calm down. I'm sure Dad is smart enough not to go alone. 

Then my phone rings with a call from Dust.

"Hey, Dust. How is it going?"I ask

"Heeeey, Horror. So I just got Ink to flee but can't find Dad and don't have a device to get home. Can you come get me? You're the first to answer the phone."He says


I march into the living room and use my device to open a portal to him and he hangs up.

"Oh! Hello, Horror. Welcome home. So good to see you!"Mom says as he comes down the stairs.

"Uhh, not sure if it's good. He is already tense over something."Killer says

Dust steps through, holding Dad's crown.

I frown, seeing him glance around in hopes of seeing Dad.

"Where's Dad?"He asks

"You left with him, duh."Killer says

"Yeah, but I lost sight of him fighting Ink. He said he was going to fix the AUs Ink was ruining so I just focused on keeping Ink away from him. All I found was this. I was hoping that it just fell off when he rushed off somewhere....Or got busy with code or something..."Dust says

I frown, feeling my fists clench. I grip my jacket, feeling a need to grip something to relieve my stress. Numerous scenarios are going through my head rapidly, fearing the worst that could be done to him. Especially given the soul tied to him that could be draining his energy.

"Horror, you're tearing a hole in your jacket and I can sense your concern. Everything is going to be okay. He will be okay."Mom says

I glance at him in shock. HIM of all people I thought would be the most worried and going into scheming a search or TAKING ACTION.

"Don't feed me that lie. I'll reach out to see if anyone has seen him. Maybe Probe snatched him for something."I say, sending messages out to my contacts.

I watch as the responses quickly return, full of concern on why I am asking and nobody stating a sighting of Dad.

"You need to calm down."He tells me

"How can I with him missing and Shard and Shattered lurking? Those idiots could strike and hurt them!"I say, pacing back and forth.

"What do you mean THEM?"Killer asks

I glance at them in shock.

"You're joking."I say

"Who else are they going after?"Nightmare asks

I realize that they're serious. I glance at Dust and Killer in shock.

"You live here and don't know? I knew in one visit he had to the farm!"I say

"What are you talking about?"Dust asks

"This moron FUCKED our Dad!"I say, pointing to Nightmare.

Nightmare's face burns up and there is some silence. I hope now they catch on while I try to figure out how to locate Dad. But of course not.

"How? It's always so quiet."Killer says

"I soundproofed the walls. You're welcome."Nightmare says

"But I never thought you'd be able to do that with the way you scream."Dust says

Stars, this really is a castle of idiots. THIS is what they focus on?

"THAT IS NOT THE POINT! The point is that he didn't use protection! He pulled a Reaper!"I say

"What's a Reaper?"Nightmare asks

"Oh you never want to be a Reaper. Apparently, he boned Geno and caused an unplanned baby."Killer says

"In my defense, we were planning, unlike that ass."Nightmare says

It goes very silent. Then it sinks in.

"He is having a baby?!"They all snap

"I thought you already knew!"I say

I call Dad but get no answer. I call Uncle Paps instead.

"HeLl0 HoRroR! HoW aRe y0u d0iNg?"He asks

"Uncle! Dad went missing! Have you heard from him?"I ask

"HmMmm, i hAv3n't se3n hiM bUt i kNoW hE iS iN eL d0rAd0...Pr0b3 iS woRkiNg oN iT t0 k3ep iT s3curE r1gHt n0w."He says

"El Dorado?"I ask

"It iS bAsIcAlLy a f0rtif1eD pLaCe f0r hiM t0 sTaY iN sO ShAtTeReD aNd sHaRd cAn'T uSe h1m iN tHeIr pLaN. He iS siTtiNg hErE riGhT n0w."He says

Within seconds, all of my worries slip away hearing how calm he is with this good news. 

"So....he's okay?"I ask

"YeS, h3 iS. Pr0be g0t h1m bef0rE tHeY c0ulD gEt h1m. AnD s0 iS tHe bAbY's s0ul. YeS I kNoW aBoUt iT, i n0tiCeD hIs crAvInGs aNd SoUlbEaT cHaNgE."He says

I sigh with relief.

"AnD d0 nOt wOrRy, ShaRd iS cUrReNtLy iN oNe oF hIs tRaPs gEtTiNg ScReAmEd aT bY tHe v0icEs. ThE vOiCeS gEt t0 pArTy toDaY."He says

I smile at him.

"Oh! Pr0b3 sAyS tHaT h3 wiLl c0m3 ov3r t0 g1v3 updAt3s. I wiLl g0 huNt ShAtTeReD dOwN."He says, hanging up.

I smile, setting my phone down, and start stitching my jacket up again from the hole I tore through it.

Thank you, Probe!


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