Chapter 13: Meeting and Growth

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Error's POV a few weeks later

"Glitchy! Where is Radier?"Nighty asks, peeking around the corner of the hallway.

"He iS wiTh p3rL cuRr3ntLy aNd tHe kiTteNs."I say

"It's very quiet today...."He says

Right as he says that, Horror is seen dragging Fell down the hall. He spots me and smiles.

"Hey, Dad! Just gathering everyone for a training meeting!"He says

"TraInInG f0r wHaT?"I ask

"Awareness of Radier's milestones! Especially have to get Fell here aware of it!"He says

Then he drags Fell into a meeting room, shutting the doors behind him. I chuckle, getting an idea of what he means.

"FirSt w0rDs aNd sTePs aRe aRoUnd tHiS t1m3. GueSs h3 1s ke3piNg cuRsEs ouT oF rAdiEr's v0cAbuLaRy."I say

"If he's this eager to care for Radier, imagine him with kids."Nighty chuckles, stepping beside me.

I smile, chuckling as well.

"He'd b3 aN aw3s0m3 dAd."I say

Radier crawls across the ceiling, glancing around.

"Haww...err..D-Du...Kiiil...D-Dreee.."He says, still experimenting with speech

Nighty and I grin, recognizing his attempt to say names. Then Radier notices us.

"Daaas!"He squeals, leaping down to us

He lands in my arms, his tentacles holding Nighty close in a hug. He looks up at me and smiles.

"Da! Da!"He cheers

Then he glances at Nighty and smiles, reaching to him.

"Da da!"He cheers again

We both smile and I see tears in his eye with joy. He said his first word! Nighty hugs him and kisses him on the head. Radier giggles happily, then wipes his tears with a frown. He wags a finger in Nighty's face, shaking his head. I chuckle at this sight.

"He d0eSn't wAnT t0 s3e y0u iN teArS."I say

"Ooh, heh. Radier, you don't have to worry. These are good tears."He says

Radier tilts his head, looking confused. Then he frowns, shaking his head and wagging his finger again.

"Naaa Da da."He says to Nighty.

"He caN't uNdeRsTaNd iT yEt. y0u ar3 n0t g0iNg t0 wiN tHiS, n1gHty. JusT sh0w tHaT y0u aRe hApPy."I say

He nods, smiling at Radier which pleases him.

"WHAT? THE HELL IS THAT?"I hear Killer shout behind the meeting's door

Radier smiles as his gaze locks in on the door and the gang can be heard on the other side. Then he sinks away from out hold, slipping under the door and then I hear the gang scream in alarm.

"He is certainly taking advantage of the abilities he has with his goop."Nighty says

I chuckle with a nod.

"Haaaaw! Duus!! F-Fe!"Radier cheers

I open the door to see him on the table with a smile, waving at them.

"He's getting used to our names!"Killer says with a big smile.

"That scared the HONK out of me!"Fell snaps as Horror plays something on his phone.

Fell glances at Horror with surprise.

"I warned you about the language."He says

Radier glances between each of them as if choosing who to crawl to. He decides to go to Dust with a grin, Dust smiling and carefully taking him off of the table. He happily chants his attempts at Dust's name and I smirk, seeing how happy his progress makes them. I shut the door, letting them have their fun.

After a few days, Fell moved out to join Classic after finally saving up enough for a home on the surface. Paps and Probe carefully went to secure his new home from Shard or Shattered. I've never seen Fell so happy as he was unpacking his things with Classic. But he will be visiting just like Horror has been.

Not long after that is Radier's first birthday. We smile as we make him cupcakes and celebrate the day, though not too much with his need for naps. The days go by and Radier just seems to be learning and growing more. Paps was amazed to hear Radier chirping his name.

"Blip! Blip! Pap! Pap! Blip! Blip! Pap! Pap! Blip! Blip! Pap! Pap!"He cheers, crawling across the ceiling in search of him.

"Br0tHeR! He iS saYiNg mY nAm3!"Paps cheers

I smile as Radier leaps down onto him. He hugs Paps while Paps takes him away. I hear them giggle eagerly. Then I decide to find Nighty, locating him in the office part of the bedroom. He sit sat his desk, writing on some paper before glancing up at me. He smiles, his tentacles already wiggling.

"HeLlo NiGhTy.~"I say, seeing him smile wider

I walk over to him, checking what he is doing.

"Hello, Glitchy.~ What's on your mind?"He asks

"I aM jUsT cUriOuS aboUt wHaT RaDiEr MaY bE c0py1nG fRoM yOU. He hAs sTaRtEd t0 tRy cOpYiNg mY cRafTiNg wIth yArn iNstEaD oF sTRiNg aNd hE coPiEs PaPs t0 heLp dec0raTe sCrApBoOkS. He hAs EvEN mAdE hiMsElF s0mE d0lLs."I say

His eye twinkles with interest and he glances up.

"I was wondering when those got there."He says

I glance up and chuckle, seeing little dolls hanging above us on strings of purple yarn tied between the rail for the curtains and a ceiling lamp. The stitches are loose and he still needs work but there is no question about who he was trying to make. The entire family.

He shrugs.

"Not sure what he might copy from me."He says

I nod, then explore Radier's area to see what he has been up to. I see his crib full of books, specifically books from the library and the heavy slabs kind, not the skinny ones.

"I tHiNk i SeE wHaT."I say

"Huh?"He asks

"UnLeSs y0u pUt tHeSe bOoKs iN hIs cRiB, i ThInk h3 iS coPyIng yOuR rEaDiNG."I say

He glances over and smiles, shaking his head. His tentacles lift the books up, setting them on shelves behind him. Then we hear a knock at the door. Nightmare opens it with a tentacle to see Radier glancing in.

"Da Das!"He cheers he says with a big smile

Then his eyes spark with an idea. His tentacles reach the top of the doorway as he pulls himself to his feet. Using his tentacles to feel along the ceiling, he carefully starts to take his first steps while reaching ahead to us. I smile, kneeling down and reaching to him. He starts to giggle, trying to move faster but trips and lands right into my arms. He doesn't seem to care about tripping since he starts giggling and squealing with joy.

"Da da!"He cheers

"GoOd jOb, RadIeR! YoU diD wOndErFuL!"I tell him, making him smile wider and hug me tighter. 

Nighty pats him on the head with a smile.

Our precious little boy is doing great...


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