Chapter 16: Family and Trees

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Radier's POV(Ooo new!)

I eagerly run up the steps to the back door, pausing as I find it unlocked. I step inside, locking it behind me. I find Uncle Horror on the couch, lying down and picking at his skull. I could sense the negativity radiating from him. One of my extra arms slaps his hand away.

"Uncle no! Not again!"I say, quickly healing his skull

I've seen Uncle Killer or Farmer do it so I know how to do it. Whatever helps my family.

He quickly sits up in shock, glancing over to me.

"Radier! What are you-?"He begins

"You overthink again! I feel you in pain! I find you here!"I tell him

"I'm fine, kiddo."He says

"No. Liar!"I say, crossing my arms.

"I really am. You don't have to worry."He says

"You lie and I tell Uncle."I say, pointing to the front door

"Okay okay! I got lost in my's a bad habit."He says

"Well, what are good to think about?"I ask

He hums, thinking.

"A name for your cousin recently..."He says

I smile, nodding. Then I glance to the kitchen.

"You have lunch?"I ask

He shrugs.

"Not answer."I say, going to kitchen

I get plates of food over to him and place them in his lap.

"Eat."I say, crossing my arms.

He sighs but nods, digging into the food. I smile, happy that he is doing better now. 

I start to sense a strong presence hanging outside his house. It's an unfamiliar aura yet familiar at the same time. I go outside, glancing around. Uncle Farmer and Sprout are nowhere around, probably working on the crop fields. I go towards the trees that I sense it coming from, thinking that it might be someone who needs help. My soul told me that Horror needs help, so this source may need help as well.  

I find a weird green spirit floating in the air with a big frown. 

"Hello, are you ok?"I ask

The stranger glances over.

"I cannot believe that this is supposed to be a family related to me..."They say

More feminine voice, higher pitch so this must be a lady. 

"Huh?"I say

"I do not understand how that freak is supposed to be my grandson giving a great-grandson, adoption or no adoption! And how insulting is it that my son and that broken glitch give you as a grandson?"She says

"Who are you?"I ask

"Your Granny Nim, unfortunately."She replies

"No, you liar. I have no granny."I say

"Then what the hell is your family?"She snaps loudly

"Shush, no tantrums. Don't get hissy about my family. My family is good. Good dads and plenty of uncles! Soon to have a good cousin!"I say

"Pfft, now you have a ridiculous imagination if you believe that to be family!"She says

"No. It is my family. May not be like other families, but it's mine. And not yours. That is good for me. You aren't good like family. No granny."I say

"Well then prove it."She says

"Huh?"I say

She hovers close and extends her hand.

"This is a magic seed. Plant it at your home and treat it with love. We'll see what it grows into and what family it shows. I'll be watching."She says

I smirk, feeling eager to prove her wrong about my family.

"Okay. But you go away. Bad around my uncles."I say, noticing how close she is to my uncles' home.

She sighs, then fades away. I get an idea and focus on the good feeling my home gives me. I open my eyes, feeling my body hit the couch of the living room. I find Uncle Killer upside down on the couch beside me, asleep. I reposition him and snatch the family book that my Uncle Blip made. I run to the outdoor garden eagerly, planting the seed. I cover it with dirt, my tentacles getting some water. I pour some water down for the seed, then sit down with the book open in my lap. I see that weird lady appear outside the gates.

"I begin. *AHEM* Dad is good. Smart, happy, makes dolls and I love him. His brother is Uncle Blip, makes books and good. Daddy is goopy with books. Great! His brother is Uncle Dream, very good with Uncle Cross with their Happy Rings! Many uncles I love! Uncle Horror and Farmer have happy farm with Uncle Sprout and cousin soon! Uncle Killer loves Mr. Outer and he has a brother named Comet, then there is Uncle Dust with Mr. Blue! Mr. Fell is with Mr. Classic and Mr. Paps! Family is good friends with Probe, Buffer, and Mr. Blue! It's great family! My family!"I say, flipping through the pictures in the book and pointing to some.

She said to treat it with love so I show it my family's love. A few moments later, a large tree sprouts from the ground and I back up as it only grows bigger and bigger, branches hugging the sky with leaves. I start to see big fruits appear on the tree too. Unusually big in comparison to any on my uncles' farm. Then I see carvings form on the apples. The lowest-hanging ones show me names like Uncle Horror and Uncle Farmer, even my name. I smile, putting my book inside and then climbing the tree to see all the apples and labels. Then I smile proudly, seeing that there is no apple for a grandparent. Good. I don't want that lady related to me. I glance out past the fences and see her very angry, swinging her fists around and throwing the worst tantrum ever. 

Woooow. Even I am not that bad when someone has to correct me.

I watch as she fades away. Then I see Uncle Killer walk out and seem shocked at the new tree. Then my dads walk out behind him.

"Hi Dads! Hi Uncle Killer!"I say

"Radier, what in the world is that?"Daddy asks

"Family Tree! Look, Uncle! Yours is on a lower branch of an apple!"I say

"How in the world did you do this?"Uncle Killer asks

"Crazy lady had magic seed. Said to prove my family. Said she's granny. A lie."I say

"How did she get near you?"Daddy asks

"Went to Uncle Horror. Crazy lady was too close."I say

Dad elbows him, shaking his head.

"He'S pRoTeCtiVe jUsT liKe yOu."He says

"At least he got something from me."Daddy says

"Something? Look at him! He got plenty from you!"Uncle Killer chuckles

I climb down and Daddy catches me in his arms, glancing up at the tree.

"It does look nice.."He says

I smile happily, hugging him close.

"But never go near that lady again. She isn't good for anyone."He tells me

I nod and he kisses me on the head.

"I love you, Daddy."I say 

"I love you too, Radier."He tells me


(also I was listening to a song and got inspired by it to write the chapter. I thought it would just fit for this family lol so I will just put it here)

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