Chapter 24: Groceries and Reaper

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Error's POV a month later

"Okay Dad, what's next on the list?"Radier asks as he pushes the cart.

I roll beside him and smile as he takes the list to check again. 

"YoU s3em haPpY her3."I say, surprised that grocery shopping has him so eager. 

"I'm always happy spending time with you, Dad!"He says

"Wooow, I never expected to see the AU destroyer in a supermarket."A voice says

I glance over, seeing Reaper on the other side of the fruit section watching us.

"Dad, who is that?"He asks quietly, pulling me closer

"JuSt g0 haNdl3 th3 da1ry s3ct1oN. I wiLl hAnDl3 hiM."I say

He nods, pushing the cart away.

"In a wheelchair no less. You doing okay?"Reaper asks

"I c0ulD sAy th3 sAm3 aBoUt y0u. DiDn't eXp3ct d3aTh iN a pr0duc3 s3ct1oN wiTh bAckpAckS strApPeD 0n y0u. Ar3 y0u d0inG oKaY?"I respond sarcastically

"This is what happens when I raise two sons who love exploring AUs. Who was that boy with you?"He chuckles

"My s0n RadiEr."I say

"You have kids?"He asks, looking surprised.

"Tw0, yeS. HiM aNd a DaUgHtEr nAmEd m0oNqUaKe wHo iS cuRrEnTlY wiTh mY bROtHeR."I say

"Huh, Gen never mentioned it...I'm sure he would've loved to have the kids play together while you both chat."He says

"WeLl I tRy rEaChInG oUt t0 hiM bUt iT sEeMs tHaT hE chAnGeD hIs nUmBeR. AnD tHiNgS HaVe bEeN bUsY s0 i hAvEn'T hAD muCh Of A cHaNcE t0 chAt. i Am sUrE y0u kNoW h0w tiMe-CoNsUmiNg rAiSiNg bABIeS cAn bE."I say

He nods.

"Goth and Raven never seem to run out of energy but it is so much fun having flight lessons with them. Spending hours joking with them in the skies and returning home to cuddle Gen is the best."He says

I notice he only speaks about his sons proudly or spending time with them. That is a bit concerning, especially in connection to what I've seen or heard from Shino.

"BuT sPeAkIng oF daUgHtErS, i mUsT sAy ThAt yOuR dAuGhTeR iS qUiTe rEmArKAbLY sKiLlEd. I aM sUrE yOu ArE vErY pRoUd oF hEr."I say

"What are you talking about? Shino is so young and imaginative and stays home all day."He says

"ShE iS vErY sMaRT, sWeEt, aNd cRaFtY. I cAn dEfiNiTElY sEe GeNo's iNfLuEnCe On hEr."I say

"Since when have you met her? She ran away from our home over a month ago!"He says

"YoU rEaLlY aReN'T aWaRe oF hEr? HoW oFtEN d0 y0u hANG oUt wItH hEr? Sh3 hAs g0ne oUt oN nUmeRoUs ocCasSiOnS to ExPlORe aUs aLoNe sInCe yOu wOuLDn'T jOin hEr aNd mEt mY sOn. ShE joInEd hiM aNd....ShE hElPed sAvE mY liFe, ReApEr aS wElL aS MoOnqUakE's, HoRrOr's, anD hiS sOn's liFe. ShE hAs bEen a gUeSt iN oUr hOme sIncE tHeN aNd a pOpUlAr oNe iN tHe fAmiLy tOo. ShE eVeN hAs hEr Own RoOm. I w0uLd'Ve toLd yOu s0oNer bUt GeNo's nUmBeR cHaNgEd aNd yoU woUldN'T aNsWer mY caLlS. PlUs yOu nEvEr tAuGhT hEr the HoMe pHonE nUmBer aNd ShE hAsn'T r3quEsTeD tO gO hOmE yEt."I explain

"Why wouldn't she ask to come home?"He asks

"Fr0m wHaT i uNdErStAnD, sHe feEls liKe aN oUtcAst oR iSolAtEd iN tHe hOmE. ShE sEeS yOu sPeNd S0 muCh tImE wiTh hEr bROTheRs yEt avOid oR aRe t0o bUsY f0r hEr. ShE fEeLs aLoNe iN hEr oWn hOmE fROm WHaT sHe hAs sAid. SHe iS sHoCkEd tHat wE eAt aT tHe taBlE aS A fAmIlY sInCe apPaRenTlY In y0ur HoMe, tHe oNlY oNe aRoUnD aT diNnEr tIme iS MoStLy yOuR bROtHeR sInCe yOu eVen sNaTch GeNo aWaY fRom HeR. YoU'Ve nEgLEcTeD hEr eVeN iF yOu tHoUgHt sHe woUlDN't nOtiCe aNd s0 sHe iS hApPy t0 sTaY iN oUr HoMe wiTh heR frIeNd anD bE ar0uNd a fAmIlY tHaT incLuDeS hEr. AnD we'Re hApPy tO HAvE hEr."I tell him

The Ties to a Soul:The Threequel to ErrormareWhere stories live. Discover now