Chapter 11: Ties and FR

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Error's POV

I can hear the loud clicking of heels across the floor as I glance around at the souls around me. I recognize each one as Blue and our relatives. I gaze up to where Radier faded from my sight as I hear an unknown voice humming.

Then I see a tall, gigantic figure appear, towering over me. This figure has six arms, wearing a lilac robe, and a falsely sweet smile as a scheme tries to hide behind their eyes.They have long, slender legs covered in scales and very high heels. We're talking Underfell Papyrus aka Edge style.  I step back and prepare my strings, not trusting this at all. I frown, focusing my attention on one hand that's lifting Radier up.

"This little boy is quite adorable.~ You've done wonderful to create this little surprise, Destroyer. And with one of Simpella's underlings of all things."The stranger says with a grin

"D0n'T y0u dArE tOuCh hIm!"I snap

"Oh relax, Destroyer. I like this one and it's much more entertaining to hear Nim complain than to do something that'd please her. She is quite tiring. However, it is surprising how a Destroyer would create as you have done with this soul...."They say, hiding a laugh behind two hands.

"WhO tHe hELl aRe yOU?"I ask

"I haven't gotten a name since I haven't done anything memorable yet but you can call me FR since I am meant to be Fate's replacement as of last week."They say

Fate's....replacement? Since when could beings like Fate get replaced? Well, I guess if they are corrupt enough and mess with the multiverse that it's bound to happen.

A screen pops up saying Hello! My name is FR(she/her) then quickly disappears. She snaps her fingers and I see purple strings appear, dozens tying around my soul at once. The shocking thing is that these don't hurt like Fate's ties usually do.

"I aM nOt yOuR dAmN pUpPeT!"I snap, reaching to grab the strings

"Oh no no no, these are strings to manipulate dear Destroyer. I am sorry that Fate's actions and abuse have made you think this way. You have every reason to think so after what Fate has done. These are the connections you have with everyone. I have no intentions to toy with you. I want to rule an empire of all connections and protect them, starting with yours. That's what I want to be known for, not for corruption like Fate. Now, I will solidify your connection with your son here. May I?"She says

I pause, watching her and stepping forward. I see Radier crawl to the edge of her fingers to glance down at me, tilting his head.

"WhAt hApPeNeD tO fAtE?"I ask

"Simpella is handling them."She says, snapping her fingers

Radier's soul appears and she ties a new string around his soul, sending it down to tie with mine. Another snap makes the strings around mine disappear, only showing the connection with Radier. A pair of her free hands clap and multiple strings go from his soul to tie to our relatives like those as close as Horror or Nighty is to back at the castle where I could see Killer's soul.

Forgive me if I am wrong but I'm not so quick to trust this stranger claiming to have good intentions.

"AnD wHy iS tHaT? AnD wHy So s0oN? He iSn'T eVeN a dAy oLd YeT."I say

"Because both Destinia and Fate as well as any other being has failed to have the proper care or timing for creating connections. I've looked through the various records of souls including your family's records and the issue is as clear as day. They've put you all through hell where the connections at the right time could've helped, like you finding your family or brother sooner instead of suffering. Heck, it took 300 years of your husband being alone and miserable while Dream was a statue for one of them to think Hey, let's let him for a genuine bond with someone and thus start his gang. Maybe if it was done sooner or noticed Nim's negligence towards NM things could've been different. And what could've been if they decided to let you meet others like Blue sooner? Reunite with your brother perhaps? The possibilities haunt me but what's done is done and there is no changing it...."

I cross my arms as she just points out the obvious. Of course things would be different but I've accepted that now. I like what I have here.

"But I will not allow this newborn to suffer the mistakes that those two have made." She says, tapping Raider's soul to solidify the ties.

She taps it again, pausing.

"Now I need to find some future connections to him outside of family...Good ones too..."She says

She claps her hands and a white line appears with souls attached to it and time stamps. She scrolls across it towards faded, empty souls. Then I see her tap a soul with a grin, yet the only letters of the name I could see are S&N so you can imagine how little that narrows it down. She quickly attaches the soul to Radier. She continues this process while Radier reaches out to me, growing upset. Then he starts crying, his tentacles unable to reach me. She pats him on the head, trying to hush him. But that didn't work as he only cries louder, his eyes letting goop run down in streaks down his face.

"Hussssh, little one. There's nothing to cry about."She says, focusing on the souls on the white string timeline.


She stares at him in shock as her cheek turns red from his tentacle slapping her across the face. I see Radier continue crying. She lowers her hand down to me and he hops into my arms.

"You better teach that child some manners."She says as he sticks his tongues out at her.

Then she fades away and the events continue, returning us to the living room. Radier happily hugs Horror and continues to sip from his bottle. Horror smiles and Radier finally starts looking tired, getting carried back to bed as I follow Horror. Horror passes him to me and heads back to rest as well after waving to me. I carefully get into bed, holding Radier close as Nighty's tentacles wrap around us. I watch Radier intertwine his tentacles with Clingy and Shy as they curiously felt him down without waking Nighty. Then Radier dozes off before shutting my eyes to rest as well.

I wake up to find the sun shining in through the windows and Radier hugging my arm while Nighty sleeps. I put my glasses on and smile, setting him in my lap as he wakes up. Radier watches Nighty, waiting for him to wake up. It's peaceful aside from Nighty's snoring.

But Radier grows impatient. He lays down and rolls closer to Nighty, his tentacles lifting him to the pillows. He leans close to Nighty's head, examining him. He glances to me, nods, then releases the loudest scream possible inches from Nighty's head.

"Gaaah!"He yells, sitting up quickly

His tentacles wiggle happily, still intertwined with Raider's. He glances over to see Radier falling back on the pillows as he laughs. I can't help but smile and glance at the time. Surprisingly I got a full six hours of sleep.

I could see the shock and confusion on Nighty's face and shake my head.

"I aM jUsT aS sHocKed As yOu tHat yOu sLepT tHroUgh tHe bIrtH bUt hE iS oNly SeVen aNd a HalF hOuRs oLd sO yOu diD nOt miSs mUch."I say

That seems to relieve him to some degree. He smiles at Radier, who happily crawls into his lap and grabs his arms. For a moment I see Raider's soul again and over a dozen strings attached to his soul. The purple ones don't concern me, it's the silver mystery ones that do.

What is FR planning?

I feel a kiss on my cheek, snapping me out of it. Nighty gently feels my head and I lean closer to him. Radier climbs into my arms.

"I have a surprise for you.~"He coos, carrying us away.

He carries us through the tunnel and up the stairways of the castle. He carries us right past my room that's neatly organized. He goes to his room and sets me down in the bed while I notice the changes to it. Half the pillows are colored for him and half are blue for me.

"I set the room up for us to share it properly but your room is there if you ever need space."He says 

Radier smiles and I smile as well. Nighty sits beside me and I smile, snuggling against him. Nighty's tentacles curl around us and I feel my worries drain away. We'll keep Radier safe, that's for sure.

No matter what FR has planned.


The Ties to a Soul:The Threequel to ErrormareWhere stories live. Discover now