Chapter 10: Welcome Radier

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Months later, Error's POV

I can't believe Nighty slept through that.

Radier lays in my lap, his bones clicking together and his chest rising softly as his soul adjusts to having a physical body. His bones are a faded grey with a part of his skull taken out to allow a yellow crown of crystals to hover in that space. His bones fade to a deep purple that's nearly black or hints of red. I notice that he has no legs yet somehow he has feet that are wiggling. I check his soul and stats, finding that he is alright luckily. Apparently, his legs glitched away so we couldn't see them. I smile, wrapping him in blankets and swaddling him. He opens his eyes and smiles at me, one yellow eye and the other mixed with purple and red. He smiles at me as I gently lift him up in my arms.

"WeLcOmE t0 tHe wOrLd, RaDiEr."I say, making him giggle.

I slip out of Nighty's grip to find Radier's clothes and a towel. Maybe he can have his first bath. I read in a book on monster kids that they need to be introduced to water early on or they may not get used to it and even fear it. Plus it is good for bonding.

We are still in the security house since Nighty and Killer want to make sure everything is safe, yet they come through the tunnel to check on us. They want to be confident that it is babyproofed and STAYS babyproofed. Nighty and Horror have also put new rules out to keep it that way, Horror's rules focusing on behavior while Nighty's rules focus on order and cleanliness. Horror has gone as far as keeping his axe on his shoulder and making a sheath for the blade of it so it can't unintentionally cause harm. He has also given Killer sheaths for his knives, imploring him not to loosely play with his knives for tricks. Fights in the castle are banned and the training room must be locked during and outside of use.

"Ooo?"Radier says

"JuSt gEtTInG yOu s0meThInG niCe."I say, setting him in the bathroom sink.

He nods as the sink is filled with bubbly water. It's quiet while Nighty's snores can be heard. Radier smiles, seeming to enjoy messing with the bubbles as I use a cloth to gently wash him up. Then he looks up at me, then tilts his head. Then I wonder if Fate's actions to blind me will affect the development of his vision. The concerns come to my mind just as quickly as I dismiss them, certain that we will see and if it's bad we could make glasses like the ones Blue got for me to help my vision. I tickle him a bit to test his glitchiness and he giggles, seeming not to have my sensitivity as bad or my phobia. That's a relief.

I could hear quick footsteps coming closer as I dried him off, seeing Radier frown. Two tentacles sprout from his back, forming hands that hold me gently behind my back.  He is much smaller than me but his tentacles are slightly bigger than the size of my hand while his hand is smaller than mine. I notice them wrapping around me protectively.

"Um, is everything okay Dad? Oooh, he is born? Why is he glaring at me already?"I hear Horror ask

I glance over to where Radier is glaring, seeing Horror in the doorway.

"I heard noises and given that it is 3 AM, I wanted to make sure that you're okay. I see that he's already protective like Mom is of you."He says

I pet Raider's cheek gently and he calms down, lowering his tentacles. I nod with a smile at Horror's comment and get Radier into some clothes, then wrapping him in a blanket.

"YeA, tHat iS thE sEcOnd sIgN tHat hE iS gOiNg tO bE liKe nIgHtY."I say

"What's the first?"He asks

"He oNcE slApPed nIm aWaY sO nEiThEr oF tHeM liKe hEr."I say

"True. Where is Mom?"He asks

"AsLeEp. SoRry iF I wOkE yOu, HorRor."I say

Radier reaches out a tentacle to Horror upon hearing his name, patting him carefully on his head. Horror remains still as Radier seems to slip the hand along him to get an idea of what Horror looks like. Then he smiles.

"I thInK hE rEcOgnIzeD yOuR vOiCe aNd iS juSt tRyiNg tO gEt aN iDeA oF wHat yOu loOk liKe wiThOut hIs viSioN."I say

Horror smiles and I see his eye twinkle as Radier pats his head as if to show that he agrees with my point and giggling.

"Do you need help with anything? Could he be hungry?"He asks

"YEee!"Radier squeaks with a big smile

I smile, knowing why he got so excited.

"I tHiNk tHaT iS a YeS."I say

Horror leads us to the kitchen and turns on a dim light so it doesn't bother Radier. He goes into the fridge and after a few minutes, he hands a bottle of milk over. Radier frowns and he notices this.

"Um, is he ok?"He asks

" RaDiEr gOt a TaStE oF yOuR kiTcHen sKiLlS tHroUgH mE sO I tHinK hE wAs hOpIng tO gEt hIs oWn tAsTe oF iT."I chuckle

"Yeee!"Radier squeaks

Horror chuckles and takes the bottle away. He pours the bottle into a container, adds various fruity ingredients and blends it, then gives it to Radier. I see him smile, watching Horror intently. He couldn't grab it quick enough from what it seems as eagerly sips it, giving Horror a big smile with twinkling eyes as thanks.

I smile, going to sit down on the couch as he sips it happily. But it seems that Radier wasn't done yet. He reaches across me to set his bottle on the table, reaching for Horror. Horror tilts his head, staying confused in the doorway. Then Radier stretches his tentacles to pull him over, giving him a big hug with all four arms. Horror smiles happily, patting Radier delicately on his head.

Then everything seems to freeze around us right as Radier continues drinking his bottle after climbing back into my arms. Everything fades away to just show souls around us. That got Radier's attention since the tentacle that he wrapped around Horror was left dangling. He pauses from sipping from the bottle, looking around curiously as he is lifted out of my arms. He fades from my sight into darkness, his blankets landing back in my lap.

What. The. FUCKING. Hell?!


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