Chapter 23: Moonquake and Solros

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Horror's POV two weeks later

Knock knock!

"Come on in!"I say as I change Solros into different clothes. 

I've been staying with Farmer in the castle while I recover and we raise Solros. He's adorable and brings me so much joy. I've enjoyed the time back home with my loved ones, especially when it comes to treating them with affection. I've missed my cuddles and kisses with Farm and enjoy making Solros giggle, the happiest baby in my eye. Plus his new uncles are very eager to help out in their own ways. Sprout and Killer work in the kitchen while Dust helps watch over Solros so he doesn't get into trouble in this castle. Killer has even made Shino her own room. She and Radier have fun playing with Solros, even if it's peek-a-boo. Solros gets along very well with Moonquake who is brought in with Dad while he recovers spending time with me as well.

I glance over, smiling when I see Nightmare enter.

"Hey Mom! Here to see your grandson?"I ask

"Horror.....You witnessed what Error went through....What's gotten into him?"He asks in response

I frown.

"You seriously have to ask that? We didn't go to paradise and he was stabbed through the chest in front of his own son after all. It only goes downhill from there. What's gotten into him is the fact that he is as happy as me to be back here and trying to recover from a little something called trauma in the company of our families. What do you expect me to say?"I reply

"I just want to understand so that I can help..."He says

I pause, noticing his tentacles hanging low and how tired he looks.

"Let me guess, you tried to sleep with him and he kicked you to the couch."I say

He nods.

"Yeah, he isn't comfortable with touching without permission. Well, he was like that before but it would slide since he grew comfortable with us. His phobia and glitching have worsened and he has been more jumpy about touching since we were there, so if you don't inform him he might go into fight-or-flight mode on instinct after being trapped there. Especially if you sneak up on him when he's asleep for snuggles which I bet you've done. That's the worst since he went through all of it blindly so being asleep when you do so is the closest experience to that since it catches him off-guard."I explain

He is silent, nodding and his eye shining with understanding. I smile, seeing this as better than other times when he has a disagreement or misunderstanding with Dad. He might be getting better at handling this. And in his defense, we were nearly gone for two years without a trace according to Radier which was driving him crazy and nobody has really mentioned what went down aside from Radier explaining how he rescued us with Shino and Farm. Dad isn't comfortable with the topic and the mention of it could even cause him flashbacks so both sides are understandable.

"I hope you haven't pushed the topic with him since it won't help his recovery."I tell him

He nods with a sigh.

"I saw that in the hospital..."He says

"Do you want me to tell you?"I ask

"Not if it's too much for you."He says

"I'm fine with it. This experience is just on a long list of various terrible experiences. He was a center focus of experiments that made me sick to witness...going through my own torture and tests while watching. That's why Solros is such an early birth and much smaller than expected. The tests forced him to form and I had to fight those freaks off so he doesn't become the next lab rat for them. Them being a group that called themselves Fate's followers, seeking the power and control that Fate had to manipulate the multiverse as they please. Spoiler alert: Radier killed them all and Killer taught him to curse. Their whole lab has probably self-destructed from Shino's code destroying it."I explain

He sits down beside me, his tentacles gently wrapping around me with a concerned gaze.

"They wanted to meddle with many things and get the attention of big figures. They liked mixing code samples of people they called specimens, especially Dad. They had plenty of ideas and the results were caged under the label of a phenomenon. Some wanted to kill us once they were done, others wanted to sell us. Some wanted to auction us to the highest bidders and jerks like Nim or Shattered were frequently mentioned. Many wanted saw our potential, especially with Dad, and wanted to break us down into serving them as they please or turning us against the gang, our family, that they find so troublesome. So yeah, Dad went through a lot by my side there. Stuck being tortured for experiments and being degraded down to animals or objects even known as that, this, or a thing in their conversations."I explain

"I see...."He says

"I just feel bad for what my niece went through or what they had planned for her."I sigh

He tilts his head in confusion.

You're kidding me....

"Yes, they had plans for Radier which was either experimentation, death, or sold off to Nim, but Moonquake went through a lot as well-"I begin

"That baby is family?"He says in shock

"Don't refer to her as that. Phrase things correctly for her as a person with value, not a random item. Yes, she is family. She is not some random discovery that Dad brought home, though I wouldn't be surprised if he took some kids in need inside as well. And you wouldn't be able to argue against it since that's how you made the gang. She was called Phenomenon #1 in the lab, a mix of Error's code and bones with your code. We got her out and Dad's very protective obviously of her. She is your daughter without question and this is her home."I tell him

I see his eye twinkle and his jaw hang open in surprise. Then I see a spark that I recognize very well in his eye. The spark of love that always burns like fire when he looks at me or our family. I smile, glad that this could be cleared up.

"How did she get the name Moonquake?"He asks

I chuckle, shaking my head.

"My advice is not to upset her or you'll learn the origin of that name. She is quite powerful and doesn't know how to control it yet. The first warning is when her eyes turn to crescent moons and then you're doomed like someone in a storm."I tell him, seeing many of those scientists suffer as they learned this the hard way while locked up.

He nods. Then I hear squeaking wheels as the door creaks open. Solros giggles, reaching out eagerly as Dad rolls in with Moonquake in his arms. He pauses when seeing Mom sitting there and looks surprised when he gets up, kissing both him and Moonquake on the head. Moonquake looks up at Mom in surprise as well, holding Dad firmly.

"How are you both?"He asks, his tentacles wiggling happily.

Two of them reach out and gently brush her head or feel her cheek. These gentle touches seem to relax her, making her giggle.

"D-DoInG oKaY..."Dad says, his gaze drifting to the tentacles.

One reaches out, gently curling around him and I see him lean into the touch.

"Moo! Mooo! Cooo!"Solros cheers, reaching for Moonquake.

Dad lifts Moonquake up, placing him on the bed where I let Solros crawl to her. I smile, happy to see my family enjoying themselves. Dad is readjusting to the company of our home again, which will only improve his recovery physically and mentally.


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