Chapter 25: Good News and Power

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Two and a half years later, Radier's POV

Hello, voices of beyond! Are you the ones my dad and Uncle Blip talk to so often? Well regardless, let me give you a recap of what has happened. Hmm...

Well, two of my uncles have gotten officially married with their happiness rings worn proudly, giving me two more uncles! Uncle Dust married Uncle Blue and Uncle Dream has made his marriage with Uncle Cross official! It's great! Yes, this means that they are not home as much in their own homes now but they visit often or I visit them! I even helped Uncle Dust carry his stuff to his new home with Uncle Blue!

More good news is that Dad and Uncle Horror have both fully recovered, though we keep their wheelchairs in a closet in case anyone ever needs them. Especially Uncle Killer with all his chaotic stunts. So Uncle Horror has returned home with Solros to the farm with Uncle Farmer and Uncle Sprout, but it is always nice to visit or be visited. I like helping them whenever we spend time together, especially with my cousin. They always make time for Solros, but he can be a handful at times and they are very cautious about his condition. His bones are quite fragile and he has inherited Uncle Horror's qualities, especially the open skull condition, but he is as caring as both his parents. He loves naps with Uncle Farmer and has a huge appetite so I often help with feeding him while my uncles are busy farming or working. It even helps them get some sleep. And I have learned the hard way that he will literally eat ANYTHING. He likes my tentacles but has bitten them once and it HURT. I told Daddy this and apparently, Uncle Horror did the same to his tentacles when he was getting Horror settled into our home and was still starving himself. It wasn't intentional, but it was just a reaction after craving for so long.

So I make sure Solros is always well-fed so that doesn't happen again.

He has already learned some words and crawls around curiously. He even took his first steps but is quicker when crawling. The only words he knows so far are names. He calls Uncle Horror "Da Hor" and Uncle Farmer "Da Fa", which helps tell the difference between who he is calling for. He calls Uncle Sprout "Spow" while he calls me "Rae".  It's absolutely adorable.

Then there is my adorable little sister Moonquake who has grown as well. Daddy claims that my Uncle Killer has influenced her too much ever since she started calling him Ma. Uncle Killer denies it, though finds it hilarious. She calls Dad Da and likes to watch him or me craft with strings or yarn. She calls me Bwo in a really glitchy voice and I just find her adorable. I help watch her around the home since despite her small size, it could be a challenge. She can literally teleport at random with only her glitched giggles echoing through the castle to indicate where she is. So yeah, I've gotten better at hide and seek. All my uncles love visiting and I frequently take her to their homes which she loves to explore. Sometimes she teleports to them on her own, like teleporting to the farm or into Uncle Dream's lap. She is clever, and curious and especially likes it when our friends come over. Shino along with her brothers that I've grown to like. Of course, they have also gotten guest rooms and it's always fun when they're over.

That all said.....

"Daddy! Heelp! She's doing it again!"I say as the castle grows smaller and smaller below me.

Moonquake keeps crying and pointing down, shaking her head. Then she pulls me away from the edge of the crescent moon she made. We were in the garden and something scared her, causing her to lift a crescent-shaped chunk out of the ground while using strings to make a protective barrier around us. She's very powerful, that's for sure.

But this is the third time this week that she has done this.

"Daaaad!"I shout

I see blue strings strike up beside us and within seconds, Dad is in a string hammock beside us. 

"WhAt's wRoNg?"He asks

Sis starts crying and reaching for Dad.

"Scawy! Scawy slimey!"She cries

"Swe3t1e, y0u aRe sAfE. It's 0kaY s0 lEt's gET yOu bAcK doWn."He says

We slowly get lowered down until the ground rejoins the crescent and the barrier drops. Moonquake crawls into my lap, hugging me and Dad picks us up carefully and smiles at us.

"So wHaT WaS s0 sCaRy aNd sLiMeY?"He asks

Moonquake points to the fence and I see a tentacle sticking through the openings between the bars, except it isn't Daddy's. It's a tinted yellow.

"Oh f0r sTaRs sAkE. GET LOST SHATTERED!"Dad shouts

I see a figure jolt and then try to hide behind a bush....with the tentacles sticking out.

Wow, he is more of a moron than Daddy and that says something....

"I cAn sTiLl sEe YoU! GeT tHe fUcK oUT!"Dad snaps

I shake my head and slip my tentacle out, pushing the weirdo away into a portal and quickly shutting it.

"There, he's gone now. It's okay now, Sis."I say

She glances around and smiles once she sees that he is gone. She starts to giggle, hugging me and nuzzling her head in my chest. I glance at Dad curiously for answers.

"Dad...? Who was that?"I ask

He sighs, shaking his head.

"LeT's g0 iNsIdE."He says

I nod and he brings us inside, shutting the door. He sets us down and leads us down the hall as he mutters to himself, opening code screens and typing away at them quickly. Then I hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

"What are you mumbling about now?"Daddy asks, smiling at us.

Moonquake screams, gripping me tighter and hiding her face in my chest.

"Is she okay?"He asks worriedly.

"NiGhTy, sHe d0eSn'T rEcOgNiZe YoU yEt. I tHiNk She Is cOnFuSeD On WhY sHe hEaRs yOu bUt d0eSn't s3e y0u ThE wAy sHe reCogn1zeS yOu. AnD sHe wAs jUst ScArEd sO ShE iS sTiLl oN eDgE."He says

"You're purple again, Daddy."I say, referring to his passive form

He looks down, examining his purple clothes and white bones, then nods. She is too young to understand his forms yet, which is understandable. He easily switches back, his tentacles worriedly reaching out and petting her head or back to soothe her. Her cries cease and her quivering stops.

"Ma...?"She says, turning to glance at him.

"Don't worry, Moonquake, everything is okay. You're safe..."He says

She smiles happily, then reaches out to him. I hand her to Daddy and he smiles, hugging her gently and Dad sits down beside him, working on the code screen. They start whispering things while she calms down and I go upstairs to the room that I share with her to grab her dolls and blankets, things that usually help calm her down. Then a portal opens under me and in the blink of an eye, there's a completely different atmosphere around me when it shuts. And when I try to open a portal, it gets blocked.

" I?"I wonder, seeing a large cage form around me.

"Welcome to the Judgement Cage. Guess you're my cagemate."A voice says


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