Chapter 3: Want

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A few days later, Horror's POV

I return to the castle after talking with Farm about the situation. I sit down at the kitchen counter, examining the riddles again. I want to do everything I can to help after all. Specifically the first.

"1:Open me up and you will see

Quite a wonderful history!

Day and night, good and bad,

All are recorded here of the time you've had.

There are numerous copies of me around, yet never far from your hand.

No matter the time you look it will be just as grand!

What am I?"It reads

Mom thinks that it means history books or journals since it has records of all events and never change. So he's currently searching through the massive library. I keep reading it over and over, trying to understand it. It can't possibly be a history book since it doesn't specifically record OUR events, right? Though I can see why Mom thinks that with the second line.  But history books may be close to Mom, yet not everyone. It gave no indication that the reader was aimed at being Mom specifically. So what's something that we all have easy access to?

I munch on some toast while thinking about it. Then I glance into the living room, seeing Uncle Blip's scrapbook on the table. One of his numerous copies that is. Wait a minute...

I go over to it, open it up, and flip through the pages. I shut the book and placed it in the box under the first riddle.

It dings and I grin happily. One down, five to go. Then I glance at the rest, trying to decipher them.

"What was the loud dinging?"Mom asks, stepping downstairs

"I solved the first riddle! It was one of Uncle Blip's scrapbooks!"I say

He smiles, seeming relieved.

Then my phone rings and I check it with a smile once seeing that it is Dad.

"Dad! Hey! So Probe actually got the communication lines secured! Awesome!"I say, excited to hear from him

"YeAh, hE jUsT tOlD mE tHaT iT iS sAfE t0 trY iT. ArE y0u aLriGhT?"He asks

"Yep! Are you alright?"I reply

"YeP, jUsT gEtTiNg tO kNoW My wAy aRoUnd hErE..."He says

"You're in the paradise he set up, right?"I ask

"YeP. I'Ve fOuNd gArDeNs, liBrArIeS, aNd coLlEcTiOns oF stRiNg oR sUpPliEs t0 cRaFt. At lEaSt tHaT iS wHat I'Ve f0unD s0 f0r. AnD tHeRe's n0b0dY tO bOtHeR mE hERe....BeSiDeS ThE pRogRam tHaT kEePs jUmPsCaRiNg mE."He says

"What do you plan to do?"I ask

"Pr0bAbLy cAlL NiGhTy nExT sInCe I GoT tAkEn hErE bEfOrE I cOuLd sHaRe sOmE nEwS wiTh hIm. I cAn hEAr tHe cOnCerN iN yOuR voIcE, HoRrOr. I aSsUrE yOu tHaT iT's Ok."He says

"Is this news what I think it is?"I ask

"KnOwiNg yOu aNd yOur kEeN sEnSeS, yEs. I wEnT tO a dOc aNd tHey SaY tHe sOul iS hEaLtHy aNd gOinG tO liVe. WiTh tHat cOnfIrmaTiOn I nOw fEeL cOmfOrtAbLe shAriNg tHe nEwS."He says

I glance over, seeing Mom stare at me with his tentacles wiggling and a hopeful look in his eye.

"Mom is here with me right now actually...."I say

"Oh! SoRrY tO iNtErRuPt hIs viSiT tO yOu!"He says with a nervous chuckle

"How tired are you Dad? You know we wouldn't just have casual family visits when you go missing. Probe didn't exactly tell us his plan until after you were missing for a few hours and I called Uncle. Dust was very worried finding your crown in the dirt....I'm just glad to hear from you again."I tell him

"Oh rIghT. HeH, weLl I hAvE tRiEd slEePinG bUt aPpArEnTly nOt EvEn a PiLe oF piLloWs doEsN't kEep a StUbBorN sOuL fRom wAkIng mE—Oh sHIT!"He tells me, then yells suddenly.

The call gets cut off. I lower my phone, unsure how to take that.

"What's wrong?"Mom asks

Error's POV

"UuGh! Ow!"I groan, trying to get back up

I had been calmly on the call and wandering around when BetaProbe jump scared me again with his sudden appearance in my face. I stumbled back and fell roughly on my side after losing my balance. 

"Apologies, Error. I just wanted to check with you that the line is secure. And that you're ok since the small soul has been beating faster today."He says

"ThE soUl iS gEtTiNg sTroNgEr s0 iT iS goInG tO beAt mOrE."I say

"Noted. I've updated your room, go check it so I know it satisfies you."

I sigh, nodding. I go to the room and find that it now has a closet. Strange thing not to have before. I enter it, finding it full of different clothes. Upon seeing no issue, BetaProbe fades away. Now I can focus on the decisions I can make. I've been stuck in the same clothes for days now and I'm about to have an important call with Nighty....Time for a change.

I change into some cozy pajamas and smile. Then I arrange the pillows and blankets so I can settle in bed surrounded in order to prevent anymore jump-scares. Then I click call on Nighty's contact, specifically video, and watch it ring. I want to speak as close as I can to face-to-face if not in person.

But it goes unanswered. I try again and this time it gets answered. I see Horror's face appear on the screen, gazing at me with a smile.

"Hey Dad! He forgot where he put his phone but now you can talk to him! I'll go tell the gang this update!"He says, a portal open behind him.

The phone gets passed and I see Nighty's face appear on the screen.

"Bye! Have fun you two!"Horror says before the sound of a portal closing.

Nighty nods, then gazes into the screen. I could tell that he is examining me and his tentacles are wiggling a lot.

"HeY nIgHtY....ArE yOu oKaY?"I ask

He smiles and nods.

"I'm just glad that you are, my beloved Glitchy."He says

I smile at him and see his cheeks turn green.

"You're so precious..."He says softly

Okay, so how am I going to tell him this?

"NiGhTy? ArE yOu siTtInG dOwN sOmEwHeRe?"I ask

I see his background change quickly.

"Now I am. Right on the bed."He says

"OkAy...GoOd...I wAs gOiNg tO tElL tHiS aFtEr bReAkfAsT bUt Of cOurSe iT cOulDn't bE tHaT sImPlE...UM, wE hAvE a bAbY, NiGhTy."I admit, feeling my face burn

I see his jaw hang open as his face turns a deep green.

"R-Really?"He stutters

"WhY aRe yOu sO sHoCkEd? IsN't tHis wHaT yoU wAntEd? WhAt wE pLaNnEd?"I ask

"I know...but...."He says, glancing away

Is he seriously having second thoughts now? Backing out?

I summon my soul, showing the baby's beating along with it.

"It's toO lAtE tO hAvE dOuBtS nOw, nIgHtY."I say

"I...Have to consider this. Love you, Glitchy."He says, hanging up.

I stare at my phone silently, shocked. I expected a little surprise from him, but I thought he'd be overjoyed at the news. Does he not want this anymore? Where do we go from here? What's gotten into him?

I glance at the baby's soul and sigh, smiling a bit.

"I dOn't cArE wHaT tHaT mOrOn eNdS uP tHinKiNg. I wAnT yOu, dEaR. AnD I'm g0iNg tO kEeP yOu."I say, seeing it beat a bit quicker in response


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