Chapter 6: Settled for Now...

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Error's POV the next day

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beeeep! Beeeep!

"WhY do i hEaR a cAr baCkInG uP?"I ask

"Killer is playing sound effects as he tries to keep the portal open."Horror says

"Easy does it! Be careful with that! Right on through!"I hear Killer say

Cross, Dream, Dust, and Paps march through with various items. Dust and Cross carry a crib through, Paps carries a high chair while Dream carries a baby mobile through. I have already been crafting clothes for Radier and blankets to keep him in which are currently set aside near my bed. A few bibs even sit ready for use or burp cloths after all my reading on how to care properly and the essentials. I notice that each item seems carefully carved from wood and assembled. Even the mobile with strings has wooden stars and such. And I noticed how Horror was so eager to see it come through. No doubt that he made these.

Killer steps out once everyone goes through and the portal shuts.

"Where do we put these?"Cross asks

"I'll show you around. Be right back Dad!"Horror says

Everyone follows behind him and Blue joins them, promising to come back with some food. I just sit down in a rocking chair, rocking back and forth as Radier's soul was trembling from all the unfamiliar noise.

"It's 0kAy, rAdiEr. It's jUsT y0ur fAmiLy."I say

Then he slows down, seeming calmer.

"NoW i dOn'T ThInK i hAvE mAdE yOu aNy hAtS oR sWaDdLeS yEt s0 i wiLl wOrK On tHaT."I say

I start crafting away using my strings and the balls of yarn that I took from another room to make these items more colorful. It's peaceful and I could hear them trying to organize things down the hall or just chatting. It's faint and not that loud.

Then my phone rings and I pause from my work to pick it up. I see that it's Nighty requesting a video call. He hasn't called since he had to "think about it" or whatever. I answer, tying it in strings so I can see him in front of me while I work.

"Heeeey, Glitchy."He says, clearly nervous.

"HeY nIgHtY."I say, focusing on intertwining my strings with the yarn.

"What are you doing?"He asks

"JuSt mAkInG a f3w tHiNgS fOr rAdiEr."I say

"Wait...You named the baby?"He says

"DiDn'T sEeM liKe yOu wErE g0iNg t0. BeSiDeS, I aM jUsT sTiCKiNg wItH OuR pLaN."I say

"Right..."He says

"NoW wHaT D0 yoU wAnT tO TaLk ABoUt sInCe y0u cLeArLy ArE uNsEtTlEd tAlKiNg AbOuT yOuR oWn kiD?"I ask, my annoyance seeping through my voice

"Glitchy..."He says softly.

"WhAt?"I ask, noticing afterward how snippy it sounds.

"I'm sorry for how I reacted. It wasn't fair to you. I'm excited to have him with you, but my concerns mixed with the excitement. I don't want to be a parent like Nim that screws him up....I was concerned about my ability to parent but that doesn't make my actions right. I'm sorry, Glitchy."He says

I frown, upset to hear his reasons but do understand his logic. And when we were discussing the plan, he did voice a bit of concern and say that when it happens he will have to read a TON of parenting books. Plus I know his insecurities, primarily as his phone diary described years ago. Still, some communication would be nice.

I just continue crafting away, letting him sit in silence as the apology hangs there. I could see him shift uncomfortably in the silence. I wait a few minutes, just letting him deal with the silent tension. I finish a hat and set it aside, glancing at the phone. I see him tense up

"Fr0m n0w oN i eXpEcT y0u t0 aCtuaLlY c0mMunIcAtE n1gHty. ANd tHaT iNcLuDeS y0ur c0nCeRnS. We'v3 beEn mArRiEd f0r tHrEe yEArS n0w aNd we'Re suPpos3d t0 b3 a t3Am. Y0u caN't keEp b0tTliNg sTuFf uP fr0m m3."I say, shaking my head at the fact that I have to say this.

"Yes, Glitchy."He says

I continue crafting away, smiling now.

"Hey, Dad! Come check out what we did!"Horror shouts

"Horror is with you?"Nighty asks

"A hAndfUl oF oUr fAmiLy iS. KiLleR sHoUld be c0miNg t0 y0u aNy m0m3nt n0w. BlUe sOlv3d tHe riDdLeS wItH h0rRoR. WaRniNg, tHeRe's n0 wAy 0uT oNc3 y0u'rE iN."I say


"Mom! The fam is helping Dad and now Probe gave me an update on the scheme! Shall we get those assholes?"I hear Killer say

Nighty grins and nods.

"Gladly. Talk to you later, Glitchy!"He says before hanging up.

I set my crafts aside and my phone lands on a table. I walk to the bedroom, found the crib beside the bed, and took a moment to admire Horror's work crafting it. It is more of a rocking cradle kind of crib and they've added the blankets or pillows into it. Horror even put a thin veil over the cradle to cover it. Dream is tying the mobile to the ceiling above it. Paps has a high chair set in the corner for now. The room is organized quite well in comparison to the bed being covered in pillows and blankets when I landed here.

"What do you think?"Horror asks

"It l0oks gr3aT. ThAnk y0u f0r tHiS."I say, sitting on the bed.

"I'm going to go make you some food!"Blue says

"Me t0o!"Paps says happily

They exit with Dust close behind Blue.

Cross and Dream smile at me.

"Tell us if there's anything we can help with. We'll check the surroundings.."Dream says as Cross leads him away by the hand.

Horror works on carving decoratively into the cradle, seeming quite happy with himself.

I wonder how long we will be stuck here for....


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