Chapter 22: Return Home

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Error's POV the next morning

I slowly wake up to find Shino and Radier asleep in the chairs of the hospital room. I smile at them, then glance at Moonquake resting, curled up in my free arm. I smile, kissing her on her head. I'm going to love her and keep her safe just like Radier. Nobody's taking her from me, especially not to steal away to Nim of all people.

"Excuse me, Sir? There's someone asking for your son. Correction, demanding him."A nurse says

"NaMe?"I ask

"Nightmare."She says

I sigh, having mixed emotions. I'm excited to see him again but concerned about his reaction to Moonquake. I use my strings to pull the blanket up to wrap around her. She snuggles into it.

"SeNd h1m uP bUt teLl h1m t0 b3 qu1eT."I say

She nods, walking away. A few minutes later, Nighty walks in and frowns.

"Radier, you better have a good reason why I needed your uncle to track your positivity to a hos-! Glitchy?"He says, stepping back in surprise

"Hi n1gHtY....HoRroR aNd oUr n3w grAnds0n SoLr0s iS nExt d0oR wiTh fArMeR. AnD d0n't sHoUt, Rad1eR iS sl3ePiNg wIth h1s n3w fr1eNd."I say

He glances over and smiles happily.

"Well, that's a relief."He says

I feel some squirming and feel Moonquake snuggle into me closer. Nighty glances over, noticing the movement under the blankets. His gaze tells me how curious he is, but Radier yawns and wakes up before he can actually ask it.

"Good....Good morning Dad. How is Lil Sis doing?"He asks, rubbing his eyes sleepily and stretching his tentacles.

"Little.....Sis?"Nighty says, giving me a sharp glance to me.

"I cAn ExPlAiN iF yOu rEmAiN cAlM."I say, then feel a tiny hand on my cheek

I glance down, seeing Moonquake glancing up at me. She smiles, cooing to me. I smile back at her.

"I've been worried about you for nearly two years and trying to figure out how to get you home safely! And you have another CHILD?"He snaps

"I don't see the problem, Daddy. He's safe and alive now. That's all that should matter. Plus I love my new sister."Radier says

"WhAt pArT oF cAlM diDn't y0u GeT? Do nOt sNaP At mE."I say, holding her tighter.

"Where did you even go?'Nighty snaps, turning to Radier

"HeY! DoN'T sHiFt tO hIM!"I say, using my strings to pull Radier over.

His tentacles grab Shino, both of them sitting beside me. Moonquake reaches out, holding Radier's hand.

"After Shino fixed the vision I lost, I collected all the poisonous flowers I could and turned them into toxic tools. Shino helped me track our family to where they were trapped and I took out the jerks while she took out the systems. Nobody to worry about anymore. Then I brought them here with Uncle Farmer and Shino, my buddy."He explains

I pat his head and rub his back with a smile that he returns.

"What the hell happened to you, Glitchy?"Nighty asks

My body tenses, recalling what happened in the days before Radier broke in. Having to fight those maniacs away to avoid more painful experiments...electrocution....Then their plans that I overheard.....Getting broken down to be sold off like animals....


I feel my grip tighten on the kids as my body starts to glitch up and my vision blurs.

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