Chapter 8: Shift and Growth

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Error's POV a week or two later

I wake up to a hand gently rubbing my arm.

"Dad...BetaProbe says that we have to go. Something unexpected happened.."Horror says

I reach for my glasses and try to sit up.

"Someone unknown has managed to break the code from what they say."Blue says

"Hey Horror! Should we take the high chair?"Dust asks from another room.

Horror sighs, going to help as Cross and Dream slip into the room to grab some things.

"We're going to be taken to another safe place. There's going to be an opening forming soon."Dream says

They quickly leave. Blue and Paps take my hands, leading me away. I feel a jolt go up my spine and nearly trip on myself, shaking my head. Radier is awake again...I've reached a point in monster pregnancy where a baby soul, Radier, experiments with forming a possible body and so I'm dealing with Radier's curious kicks or pinches at the bones surrounding his soul. Including the fact that I feel him climbing my ribs or swinging near my spine. He can be very active and it can throw me off depending on the timing.

"ThiS nEw nEpHeW wiLl b3 iNteReStiNg! CaLm y0uRseLf rAdiEr, eVeRyTh1nG iS 0kAy."Paps says while Blue steadies me again.

A portal opens and we walk through, finding a house in a dark atmosphere. It is surrounded by tall walls and a large barrier. Then we get inside and Paps has me sit on the couch with him. Blue goes back to help transfer items over and Paps follows once realizing that he left his scrapbooks behind. I find notes on the table from Probe himself explaining that this was set up now that the code got cracked into the paradise somehow. It is unknown since nobody physically touched the code to open the riddle screen and crack it. Very odd but they're working on it and I should be safe here. It's tucked away and now they will code the paradise to pretend to have me still there so intruders keep coming or trouble keep searching for me in the maze. He has worked harder to make this place even more untraceable.

I lay back on the couch to relax while BetaProbe helps them make their trips back to get stuff. So I'm basically here alone if you don't count Radier. Radier seems to be having fun feeling my bones and playing around like it's his own set of monkey bars at a playground. The sensation is quite ticklish from his movements. I decide to explore the walls outside the house to make sure there weren't any holes along with the barrier. I don't see any but see a familiar face

"Hello, Error."A familiar voice says

I see Nim standing on the barrier barely above the wall and grin. 

"WhAt d0 y0u wAnT nIm?"I ask, rolling my eyes.

"I have heard some rumors and I'm curious to know if they are true. You know how some LOVE to gossip."She says

"WhaT nOw?"I ask

"Romancia says that there is a soul created between your love with Nightmare. So am I truly getting my grandchild that I seek?"She asks

"WhY d0eS tHaT rUm0r mAtT3r?"I ask

This gets a laugh from her.

"I was just curious about this since it would finally prove you useful for something."She says

I shake my head, sighing.

"JuSt l3aVE!"I say

I see a small hand appear, stretching out in the form of a tentacle, and slap her away before fading away. Then it fades as Radier's soulbeat slows down again to relax.

Oookaaaay, that's new. Certainly foreshadowing his abilities and skills unless that was only temporary. But it probably isn't. It will be interesting to see how he uses them and if they're going to develop like Nighty's...Something tells me I won't escape this baby's hold but I should get inside to consider these things.

I walk back inside and sit on the couch. Everyone returns and organizes what they took back here. Horror made sure that Dust and Cross were careful with what he crafted with his own two hands. Blue and Dream helped as well while Pap sat beside me, thinking about how to prepare the layout of the scrapbook to have a section for Radier. He wants to be very careful and arrange it where it looks nice. And he also wants to make this section with the same organization or style that shows equal love to the sections for the other nephews or relatives. He has me look at the arrangments on the pages and I smile, enjoying this time. Horror slips into the kitchen to cook again and Dream passes by, glancing around nervously.

"Everything okay, Dream?"Cross asks

"I sense traces of Nim here..."He says

"Oh, ShE aPpEaReD oUtSiDe tHe bArRiEr AnD wAlLs bUt gOt kNoCkEd aWAy. ShE w0n't b3 baCk 0r aBlE tO gEt iN hErE sO dOn'T wOrRy aBoUt iT."I say

He sighs with a nod.

I smile, feeling Radier finally relax and stop playing around. I check the clock and know that this is like his nap time, usually the time that he is less active to relax. I smile at Paps as he decorates borders of the pages with a bright smile, the table now getting covered in his supplies as his eyes twinkle with ideas.

"Dad! I'm trying different recipes! Would you like to try them?"Horror calls from the kitchen

Radier's soul beats quicker, seeming excited as his warmth fills my chest. I smile wider and nod, knowing that I won't get any relaxation or rest if I deny it. Not that I was going to ever deny helping Horror with his recipes. Well, "helping" is the way I should put it since he is a great cook and taste-testing is more of something that just makes him feel better. He's humble to the point of underestimating his own skills sometimes.

"SuRe tHiNg, HoRrOr!"I say

I walk into the kitchen and he smiles, his eye twinkling and then he focuses on the stove as he reads and describes the recipes for me. I smile, enjoying their company and thoughts of what the future has coming for us.

All the good things at least.


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