Chapter 14: Protection and Secret Recipes

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Months later, Error's POV

"NiGhtY! i aM bAcK!"I say as I walk to the kitchen.

I start unpacking the groceries into the fridge and cabinets, hearing footsteps coming closer. I see Nighty holding our two-and-a-half-year-old child in his tentacles as he tries to read a book too big for his tiny hands. I chuckle, finding it cute how Radier tries to copy Nighty with this activity even though he only knows that it is staring at pages. I'm not sure if he knows what reading actually is aside from that since he will just point to pages and start saying random words or sounds with a smile as his way of reading it to others. And he only grabs the big books that he sees Nighty with. I've found him sneaking into the library and climbing up bookshelves to get these books.

Nighty has been going to the children's section of books to try to limit this. It might help lead Radier to take smaller books that aren't literal bricks to read. But so far it hasn't changed much.

"Glitchy, where did you go? I see that there are holes or dust in your clothes."He asks

"I w3nT gr0ceRy sHoPpiNg buT tHeN iNk wAs aN aSs s0 i deAlT wiTh h1m aNd d3stRoy3d a f3w AuS."I say with a shrug.

He stares at me silently as I continue unpacking things. I see his cheeks glow.

"...I love you."He says

I put stuff into the cabinets, smiling and rolling my eyes out of his sight.

This moron....The adorable moron...

"I l0v3 y0u t0o."I say

Then my phone rings and I pick it up.

"Hey, Error...I am just wondering if everything is okay with your brother."Classic says

"YeAh, i tHiNk hE iS d0inG oKaY. He wAs mAkInG an0tHer b0oK lAst i Saw hIm."I say, recalling him just sitting in the antivoid with a scrapbook.

"Well, he is in my AU and just tossed Fell into my room just now. He looked pissed and just locked my house down so I wasn't sure what may be bothering him."He says

"DiD hE sAy aNyThInG?"I ask

"He said that he was going to kill a fraud and told us to stay inside for our safety, then slammed the door. Fell is out cold right now so I can't ask him."He says

Fraud? Wait...There is only one person that could piss him off enough with a need to protect Fell! But how could he have gotten to UnderTale?

"I wiLl c0m3 se3 hiM. It w0ulD bE bEsT iF yOu liStEn."I say

"Okay, thank you."He says, hanging up.

I glance over and I smile.

"I haVe t0 g0 cHeCk oN pApS."I say

Nighty nods and I go through a portal, walking across the surface. I find Paps beating Edge into the ground mercilessly. Edge couldn't even lift a hand against Paps, then gets roughly yanked by the scarf.

"I wArNeD yOu wHeN yOu DARED t0 haRaSs FeLl oVeR tHe pHoNe oR inTeRnEt t0 lEaVe hIm aLoNe! I t0lD yOu tHe c0nseqUeNcEs iF y0u cOnTinUeD yOuR sHiT! N0w, h0w tHe hElL diD yOu gEt hErE tO bOthEr tHeM aNd gIvE mE ONE gOoD rEaSoN t0 spArE yOu fRoM deLeTiON!"Paps says, revealing a code screen ready to obey his command

Edge is visibly trembling and reveals a silver device with dark yellow buttons. It is cracked from the severe beating he took, some buttons even springing off of it.

"Found it in my mailbox marked with a note from some broken glass guy. I just want answers from my brother."Edge says

Paps glares him down.

"ThAt iS nOt c0nviNcInG t0 av0iD deLeTiOn...."He says

Edge trembles and I see fear in his eyes as his bones crack and blood runs down his skull. Then Paps drops him.

"BuT i hAvE oThEr iSsUeS tO hAnDlE n0w. GeT l0sT."He growls

"Why do you even care for that BLEEPING lazybones?"Edge asks

"I cAn sTiLl dElEte yOu."He says, glaring at Edge as he opens a portal for the wounded Papyrus

Edge quickly takes the chance to flee before Paps decides to do so. Paps grins, then focuses on the strange device. 

"SeEmS liKe trOuBlE iS tRyInG tO gEt aRoUnd tHe baRrIeRs bY sEnDinG iT iNdiReCtLy. StuPiD ShAtTeREd anD SHaRd. TiMe t0 cHeCk tHiS wiTh pRoBe."He says, teleporting away

I walk back to the house that Fell shares with Classic, lowering the lockdown code Paps put on it. Classic opens the door.

"Is everything okay?"He asks

"PaPs wAs jUsT hAndliNg a tr0uBl3maKeR anD pr0t3ct1nG fElL. YoU'r3 saf3 n0w."I say

"I've never seen him so angry before."He says

"He iS veRy pr0teCt1v3 0f tHe gAnG."I say

"So Fell basically got adopted by Paps?"He chuckles

"SoRt oF, y3aH."I say 

He smiles at this.

"Thanks for checking. I honestly wasn't sure how to handle this."He says

"No pr0bl3m. TeLl f3lL tHaT i sAy h1."I say, leaving through a portal.

A few months later, I hear a knock at the front door while helping Radier fix his puppets. I check the door to see Farmer on the other side.

"HeY fArm3r. WhY'd y0u p0rtAl oUts1d3? Y0u kn0w thAt y0u'r3 wElc0m3 hErE."I say, letting him inside.

"Can"He asks

I nod with a smile, taking him to a private room seeing how nervous he is. Then he shuts the door and we sit down.

"So...Umm...There have been some developments recently..."He says

"OkaY....?"I say

"How do you feel about being a grandpa?"He asks

I catch onto what he means. 

"YoU gUyS hAvE...?"I begin hesitantly

"Yeah, but I was meant to carry the soul. Yet it hooked onto Horror's and that's the problem...It's taking so much out of him. I gather double the amount of food to handle his cravings yet he is even refusing to eat too much. What can I do to get him to eat what he needs?"He asks 

I sigh, shaking my head.

"It tAkEs s0m3 tr1cKs. CaN y0u li3 t0 hiM?"I ask

He nods.

"Whatever helps him."He says

"OkAy tHen."I say, opening the door.

I lean out the door, seeing Killer walk by.

"KiLleR, g0 grAb tHe eMeRgEnCy r3ciPe b0ok."I say

He glances over at me in surprise.

"It's needed again?"He asks

I nod.

"Horror and I are so gonna talk when I see him! He's supposed to have stopped these self-starvation issues!"He says, running off.

A few minutes later he returns with a locked box. Farmer glances over curiously as I take out the key.

"What's that?"He asks

"The secret recipe book! We had to plan SOMETHING in the years of his stubborn food refusal here! Now we can show you it! I recommend that you take notes in a private folder or something."Killer says

Farmer nods, starting to type on his phone as Killer flips through the pages to show him recipes. Then Killer pulls him away to show him how to make these recipes that basically hide a lot more food and nutrition within the small serving sizes.

I sigh, shaking my head.

Horror is truly something else. But I am happy for him. I wonder how everyone will react to the news...


The Ties to a Soul:The Threequel to ErrormareWhere stories live. Discover now