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"Ah... How does that even happen?" he said, panicking.

"I can't touch him like this..." Minho became stressed.

He turned on the cold shower to calm himself down. "I know he would never know, but I'd feel bad..." Minho said, walking out of the shower.

He did Jisung's skincare routine and left the bathroom.

He found Jisung lying half-asleep on the couch. "Jisung," Minho said, patting his shoulder lightly. "Let's go sleep in the bedroom." He tried to avoid using a translator to help Jisung get used to the words.

Minho guided him to the bedroom.

"Lie down," he instructed, sitting Jisung up on the bed. "You're going to sleep on this side, and I'm going to sleep on the other one," Minho explained, pointing at the bed.

Jisung somewhat understood and nodded. They both lied down, resulting in a peaceful night.

In the morning, Minho got up and started making breakfast for both of them.

Jisung's eyes slowly opened when he smelled the delicious food.

He walked into the kitchen, finding Minho preparing the meal. "Good morning, Jisung," Minho waved, deciding not to translate the greeting.

"G-good morning... Minho," Jisung repeated the sentence in Korean after Minho.

"Good job," Minho praised with a thumbs up.

"Good job..." Jisung repeated, smiling cutely.

Minho admired how well Jisung did, realizing he had been looking at his own face for too long.

But seeing himself smile like that felt new—refreshing and honest. The raw happiness was something he never really saw on his own face.

Deep inside, he told himself, 'just one more quick look,' and smiled at his reflection. "So this is how I look... smiling..." Minho didn't hate the way his face looked now—happy.

Jisung happily took a bite of the sandwich Minho prepared. "YUM!" Jisung exclaimed suddenly.

That caught Minho's attention. Does he like it? he wondered.

But by the way Jisung was smiling, Minho understood that he enjoyed the food. It was like they didn't even need words to express everything on their minds.

"Food, good. Thanks," Jisung said in Korean after finishing his meal.

That surprised Minho. "You like it?" he asked simply.

Jisung gave him the brightest smile and nodded. "How can he be so happy at any time?" Minho wondered.

He wrote down, "What do you wanna do?" and asked.

"What do you usually do on days like these?" Jisung answered through the translator.

"I usually exercise, play video games, or visit my mom or grandma," Minho replied.

"You're not working?" Jisung questioned.

"I'm a designer. And I'm financially stable, thanks to my mother. I don't really ever need to work," Minho answered.

"You're this rich?!" Jisung asked, surprised.

"Sometimes I wish that I wouldn't be..." Minho saddened.

Many years ago, before Minho was born, there was a woman dreaming of becoming an actress...

She was astonishingly beautiful. She had silk, long, black hair which she wore in an elegant bun with a golden clip.

Her sharp features were something that men usually found extremely attractive. She looked like a goddess.

After finishing school, she was casted for a role of a dancer in a famous musical.

She had zero experiences in dancing, but her coach helped her to get where many people get in years.

She soon fell in love with this man not knowing, that all he ever wanted was to use her for his own good.

After revealing behind the scenes of this musical, all of the drama got her name well known in the industry.

Soon she was on top of the actors in Korea and soon we'll known even worldwide.

There's something that she always hid from the public. Just to protect the only piece of happiness that she had and that's her son Lee Minho.

He's the child of the one that used her. It's nothing that she would ever hide in front of minho.

She just never wanted minho to end up meeting him or anyone like him.

Not even now, no one knows that the famous actress has a child because minho was born when she was still not as known.

Minho accepted the truth long time ago. He didn't mind that he didn't have a father. He never needed him anyways.

"Hyunjin is the only person that knows about this," Minho typed.

"How about... your dating life? Didn't you ever tell something to your significant other?" Jisung asked.

Minho was quiet, almost taken aback by the question.

"I'm the same as my father," he simply said. "My mother always tried all these years to raise me properly, prevented fame from getting into my life just so I wouldn't end up like my irresponsible father. And here I am..." Minho said. "I am ashamed but so empty... I need to fill out the space..."

Jisung didn't know how to help, especially because he was never good with his words.

"You can still change," he simply answered.

Minho raised his gaze. "What's stopping you from changing? Take your life into your own hands and make it better. If you want to change, you sure will, Minho. I believe in you," Jisung typed in with a proud smile.

Minho was surprised. Someone he met not many days ago just said these powerful words to him. For some reason, it meant a lot to him. It was probably because Jisung was now in his body, but still. Something so moving was hard to ignore.

"Thank you for your kind words, Jisung," Minho smiled a little.

"No problem, Minho. You deserve to be happy."

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