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(*toughts of self harm skip to the ☆*)

"I wish you were a girl..." minho said before completely loosing it.

He needed a distraction, he needed a way of releasing all of the sadness because he couldnt cope with the pain that he felt.

He wanted to go to the bathroom to release it by harming himself as he used to.

On his way out of the room he bumped into jisung.

He stopped as they locked their chocolate eyes.

Minho quickly started drying his tears acting as if it was nothing.

Jisung sulked and pouted. "Minho... why cry?" Jisung asked opened his arms and slowly went for a hug.

Minho just accepted the hug and felt safer right away.

After all jisung is the one who was in his body for a long time. He's someone who took good care of it and experienced it.

He knows him well, his needs and boundaries. "Why sad? Happy good and warm." Jisung said still hugging minho.

"Heart hurts... jisung..." minho decided to be transparent with him. "Why hurt?" Jisung asked.

"Don't wanna talk. Just hug." Minho sniffed.

"Okii." Jisung cutely but quietly said. "Just hug."

Minho was lost he didn't know what his actual feelings towards jisung were. And now that he had a dark toughts again, jisung was at the right time at the right place to just help him.

Minho slowly released jisungs body looking down. Jisung slowly picked his jaw up and with his doe eyes admired minho.

Jisung wasn't smiling which is something that minho also wasn't used to seeing.

This whole moment for the both of them felt empty and cold.

Jisung held minhos hands close to his own heart which was beating slowly and calmly.

He read once that when feeling anxious, you should concentrate on your heartbeat, but he couldn't tell that to minho because of his limited vocabulary.

So he wanted minho to feel his heartbeat. Unlike minhos, jisungs heartbeat was slower and calmer to feel.

When minho felt jisungs heart beat, he actually started calming down without realizing it.

Jisung then slowly started pushing minho back into the bedroom untill he bumped into the bed on which then jisung made him sit down.

Jisung sat next to him and by his hand guiding him to lie on top of him.

Minho, completely lost, just did whatever jisung wanted and so soon enough he ended up lying on his body listening to jisungs heart beating.

Jisung was just caressing his hair until he felt that minho went completely silent.

He quietly put sleeping minho aside covering him with blanket and leaving the room.

He went back into the livingroom where hyunjin was waiting watching the tv.

"Hyunjin... I think I mightve caused something that I regret more than anything else..." jisung started.

"What is that?"

"I made minho confused with his emotions... towards me as a guy..." jisung said.

"Minho is a complicated guy jisung... you'll understand more after some time." Hyunjin said caressing jisungs cheek. "Cmon sunshine cheer up." Hyunjin said.

Jisung smiled. "Do you... think that there's s chance... that minho will ever... love me?"

Hyunjin sighed. "Jisungie... as much as I would love to tell you something positive in this situation... I don't know if I can. I've known minho ever since elementary school and never ever he showed any signs of being interested in anyone else besides girls." Hyunjin sighed. "Maybe he'll change his mind as the time passes... but its hard to even imagine him being into guys." Hyunjin said. "Either way... what I told you before... I mean it. And if you'd changed your mind, I would be very happy." Hyunjin got up about to leave. "See you then." Hyunjin said.

"Wait!" Jisung said. "I... mean... thanks... ill think about your offer."


Minho woke up from a deep sleep. "I feel so well rested..." he said because it's been while since he felt that way.

He looked around himself and saw jisung sleeping on the other side of the bed.

He was watching him for a few minutes and then just smiled and got up.

He started doing his morning routine such as brushing his teeth and taking a quick shower.

After the shower he didn't really see jisung so he started making breakfast.


After the breakfast as he was walking around his bedroom with his phone in his hands, he bumped into jisung on accident.

Jisung was half naked with just towel around his waist.

"Sorry... i didn't mean to bump-" minho paused looking at him.

It was different seeing jisung naked now after all that they went throughout up until now.

And he even saw jisungs body. But for some reason, he just got lost looking at it now.

Minho panicked and looked away embarrassed by his own actions.

But the moment he turned around, something felt off.

He turned back at jisung and was surprised by what he saw.

Their bodies have switched again.

"Don't tell me..." mimho said annoyed.

"What the-" jisung said.

"I tought this was over... why did we switched again?!" Minho said confused.

Minho quickly went to put some clothes on and joined jisung sitting on the couch.

"There must be a way of fixing it..." minho said through the translator.

"Or just accept that itll never be fixed." Jisung said looking at minho.

"Do you... think that we're cursed for ever?" Minho said.

"Maybe we are." Jisung answered.

It was hard for them to take it in. Especially now that it happened the second time.

"Jisung?" Minho said all of a sudden.


"Lets get to know each other more... if this is how were gonna live from now on." Minho said.

Jisung gave him a nod.

"What do you prefer more? Days or nights." Minho started.


"Oh... ok... and how about... beach, mountains or meadows?" Minho asked again.


"Summer or winter?"


"Why would you pick these things?" Minho wondered. "You dont look like the type of guy to enjoy these things." Minho said.

"I always liked meadows the most..." jisung whined.

"But you look like the type of guy that prefers days over nights... you always fall asleep before me."

"Thats because it reminds me of your eyes... at the night... i can dream of you... i can dream of us being together..." minhos rosy blush appearred on because of jisungs confession.

"A- and... why winter?" Minho asked.

Jisung just chuckled and blushed. "That was the first time you told me that you like me."

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