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Hyunjin continued to tease Minho about his obsession with body modifications, but Minho acknowledged that he couldn't ruin Jisung's body. However, he was still uncertain about how to manage his temptations.

"Try and find another way to release all of the tension," Hyunjin suggested.

"Maybe you're right... but what kind of way..." Minho trailed off, unsure of alternative ways to cope.

"I don't know... you can start crocheting..." Hyunjin suggested humorously.

Minho chuckled. "Sure, I will," he replied sarcastically.

Hyunjin then turned his attention to Jisung. "What are your thoughts on being in Minho's body, Jisung?" he asked.

"Minho is handsome," Jisung replied, causing Hyunjin to raise his eyebrows.

"Really? You think so?"


"He thinks you're handsome, Minho," Hyunjin smirked.

"Stop making it weird, Hyunjin," Minho said, rolling his eyes.

"Fine, but look at how adorable he is. He's got cute full cheeks and those doe eyes. You look like a princess now, Minho," Hyunjin continued teasing.

"Thanks, you're making me feel much better," Minho replied ironically.

"I'm really trying to help," Hyunjin whined. "What about you, Jisung? Do you like Minho's tattoos and piercings?"

Jisung smiled and nodded. "It's really pretty and chic. I especially like those piercings with the cute cherries," he said, smiling from ear to ear.

"Right, right. You like guys with cherry accessories?" Hyunjin smirked.

"It's not like that. It suits Minho's aesthetic," Jisung clarified.

"Mhm... it sure does. But why cherries?"

"The red of cherries is red like the finest vine but instead of being bitter, as others might expect, they're soft and sweet on the inside. But not every cherry is like that. Some are bitter or sour. You need to choose well enough to find the right one. The perfect sweet cherry," Jisung explained, blushing.

"Hmm... I see. Did you ever pop a cherry?" Hyunjin teased with a suggestive grin.

"N-no..." Jisung stammered.

"Are you then completely virgin?" Hyunjin continued, not letting up on the teasing.

Jisung kept quiet.

"I see," Hyunjin said, dropping the topic.

"Is... Minho... into guys?" Jisung asked, changing the subject.

"Hard to tell. We always joke around and stuff. He used to date a lot of girls because of self-hatred. I don't know if he's into guys though; I've never asked," Hyunjin explained.

"Ah... okay."

"What are you two talking about?" Minho asked when he saw Jisung's expression.

"Nothing specific," Hyunjin replied.

"You're gonna make me learn Japanese soon," Minho said, referring to their ongoing conversation.

"Those are things just between Jisung and me. You don't need to know about everything, sugarcube. Besides, now he's in the body of one handsome man. What if I try my shot?" Hyunjin teased.

"I don't like the sound of that," Minho said, a bit irritated. "Until he's in my body, don't try anything."

"But flirting isn't a crime~" Hyunjin pouted.

"But flirting with my body is," Minho stated, crossing his arms.

Hyunjin started laughing. "You're sooo cute now when you're mad... I can't really take you seriously. Your cheeks puff, and you even scrunch your nose cutely~ you're so adorable, hyung~" Hyunjin kept teasing.

Minho just sighed in defeat. "Just be quiet, please. I've had enough stress today."

"Fine, I'll let the two of you be for today. But you'll see me often, Minho. Poor Jisung needs someone to talk to," Hyunjin said, babying Jisung.

"We'll go now," Minho said, and both of them left.

After the shopping, Minho layed down on the couch in the living room, feeling tired. "It's late; we should take a shower and go to sleep," he said, but then he remembered something.

He took out his translator and asked, "Do you have any skincare routine?" to make sure he understood Jisung correctly.

Jisung typed, "I do use cleanser, toner, serum, essence, moisturizer, and oil. I'm going to give you my stuff. It works the best."

"No wonder his skin is so plump, soft, and glowy," Minho thought to himself. "My skincare is on the first shelf when you walk in. There are also clean towels, so take one and anything you need," Minho said, guiding Jisung.

Jisung paused, looking somewhat unsure. "What's wrong?" Minho asked through the translation.

"I'm going to see you naked..." Jisung pointed out, feeling a bit embarrassed.

Minho blushed. "Well... yeah... I guess," he said nervously, scratching his neck and laughing. "But if I were about to wash my own body, that would be hella weird. So just... just close your eyes while washing, okay?" Minho suggested, trying to make the situation less awkward. Jisung simply nodded and went into the bathroom.

He started taking off Minho's clothes, "Minho is pretty buff,... i mean... he's got barely any packs visible... but his arms and thighs..." Jisung commented, looking at his arms. He promised Minho not to look at certain places out of respect for his privacy, so he refrained from doing so. He knew that his thighs were buff because he could tell through the clothes.

Jisung went into the shower and turned on the water. As he began washing Minho's body, he could feel the texture of the scars in certain places. His thighs, hands, and arms all had scars. Jisung wasn't disgusted or pitying Minho; he felt a need to make Minho feel better about them. He wanted to tell him that there was no need to cover them with tattoos and that he should embrace them as a part of his body.

As he continued to wash, he eventually reached Minho's private parts. "I'm going to have to do it, Minho... I can't keep your body unhygienic," Jisung told himself. He was a very clean person, and he couldn't stand being in an unclean environment. So, he took a deep breath and proceeded to wash that area.

"Here we go," he said to himself, gently touching and washing that part. Jisung couldn't help but notice how well-endowed Minho was. "Lord, I'm so sorry, forgive me..." he muttered under his breath.

Jisung finished the shower and dried himself off with a towel. After completing his skincare routine, he sat down on the couch, waiting for Minho to finish his shower.

"I'll go wash myself now." Minho pointed at the bathroom letting him know. Jisung understood and nodded. Minho took off his shirt taking a quick glance at himself in the mirror. "He's pretty fit..." but what cought his attention was jisungs thin waist. "How is it so thin? Is it even possible for a guy? And his hips... why are they so feminine?" He took off his pants and respectfully turned his gaze to the side not looking into the mirror to respect his privacy.

He stepped into the shower and after turning on the shower realized, that he was little excited.

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