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"I might wanna go further." Minho said still hiding in jisungs chest.

"Further?" Jisung questioned not knowing what he ment.

"You know... doing adult stuff." He said making jisung blush.

"You ready for that? Not too soon?" Jisung asked worried for minho.

"I mean... I didn't mean sex right away. Maybe some fore play lovey dovey stuff like kissing... cuddling in the bed... so that I get used to it..." minho explained.

"Oh... I see..." jisung said. "Right now?"

"I'm not forcing you..." minho quickly added. "I just got a random urge... so if you don't mind..."

"It's fine... we cudle." Minho happily got up dragging jisung behind into the bedroom.

He sat jisung down, closed the door and when he saw jisung sitting in the middle of the bed, the biggest smile appeared on his face.

He walked to the bed and tackled jisung hugging him tightly.

Jisung tought that seeing minho this happy was impossible.

He never showed this many happy emotions.

He just started patting minhos back comfortably.

Minho was feeling so comfortable and safe in jisungs arms. He couldn't explain his emotions in words.

The warmth of jisungs body was like a magnet for his hands making his hands slowly travel under his shirt.

Jisungs firm and masculine back was smooth and his shoulders wide compared to his thin doll like waist.

Jisung just quietly huffed when he felt the touch and hid his face. It was because he was little a bit ticklish.

"I'm sorry, I'm gonna keep my hands still." Minho said letting out deep hot breaths into the crock of jisungs neck.

"I love you." Jisung said making minho smile.

"I love you as well." Minho said going up sucking and licking jisungs earlobe which made jisungs hands and legs weak.

Minho was very experienced in these things so everything that he did was heavenly for jisung.

Minhos hand traveled down jisungs body onto jisungs crotch.

He looked at jisung for a consent to touch him there.

Jisung just stared into his eyes and nodded little worried because he was never touched like this by anyone.

Minho was rubbing his dick through the fabrick soon getting a reactions out of the other one which made him extremely statisfied.

Jisung now close to minhos neck just hugged minho closing his eyes because of the pleasure.

Minho shifted down where jisungs crotch was and with his teeth unzipped the zipper from jisungs pants.

Jisung was trembling from nervousness and excitement at the same time.

Minho then pulled his pants down leaving on just the thin fabric of jisungs underwear.

Minho went down close to jisungs private part and looked up at now sitting jisung.

His face was so adorably flushed red that minho couldnt resist.

He kissed him again but this time it was more passionate than ever.

Minhos hand was at the back of jisungs head when he pushed his body slowly down.

Soon it became more so an erotic kissing when minho pushed his tongue inside jisungs mouth conecting them.

The sensation that both of them felt was incredible. The lingering feel of happiness and excitement in their bodies was so strong and so hard to resist making them eager to let it all out.

Minho tought that he would be the nervous one right now, but seeing jisungs eyes nervously wonder around the room not once conecting with his was giving him hints of how he feels.

To minho, doing all of this was fine, it was nothing new from what he did with girls. (But more romantic of course)

Being with someone more nervous than himself felt better because feeling like the weaker one was minhos fear. Minho was quietly telling himself. "You've already seen his naked body and even touched it. Don't pussy out."

He tugged on jisungs underwear and pushed it down revealing jisungs hardened dick dripping wet.

Now jisung looked even more vulnerable than before and even jisungs excitement dropped into nervousness.

This was more than real.

Minho went down back to jisungs dick close enought so that jisung could feel his hot breaths on it.

Minho was hyping himself up in his head untill finally doing it.

He grabbed his dick gently and put it into his mouth.

Jisung gasped covering his mouth to pretend unnoticed moans escaping out.

Minho now started moving slowly but surely his dick deeper into his mouth.

He wanted to prove jisung that he's not disgusted by him being a man and that him being a man has nothing to do with what he's attracted to. He's not attracted to any woman or even attracted to men, just jisung.

Jisung quickly sat up when he felt the sensation. "Hyung... weird... don't have to..." jisungs poor choice of words wasn't something that minho wasn't already used to. It was as if they didn't need any words to understand each orher.

Minho let go and started kissing all over jisungs neck. "I want to. I know I don't have to."

Jisung just hummed and minho went back down putting it back into his mouth.

It wasn't as weird as he initially tought it'll be.

Jisung was moaning quietly making minho even more thirsty for him.

He was swirling his tongue around his dick and with his thumb teasing his tip.

Jisung was getting close not used to this at all. One look at minho and he came onto minhos face.

He fell into the soft sheets lying there tired and overstimulated. His legs and arms shakey couldn't hold him now.

When he could finally sit up again he saw minho covered in a white substance, he panicked.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to... accident... I whipe it." He wanted to get up and take a towel, but was stopped by minho.

"Its fine, I don't mind." He said smiling. "You can go and take a shower first." Minho said.

"But you... on your face and-" minho was just smiling.

"Just go. I'll wait." Minho said.

Jisung just nodded and holding his clothes over his crotch left to the bathroom.

When minho heard the door shut, he took some tissues and whiped his face with it. After he was done, he closed his eyes and lied down. He smiled to himself. "I, a straight man was just now covered in a white substance by another man." He paused. "I dont think I should be this happy about it." He still kept his cool.

Jisung walked inside the bathroom and all embarrassed started rethinking his life decisions. "This is so embarrassing... what am I gonna do... how am I supposed to face anyone at this point..."

He took shower and clothed himself in his large shirt and underwear.

He walked out of the bathroom and let minho know that he can go in now.

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