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Minho wasn't expecting this type of response. He scratched his head nervously. "You remember..."

"Of course, I do." Jisung said. "This moment is very important in my life. How can I ever forget such a thing?"

Minho's heart was beating fast. "Jisung... I hate the way you make me feel. My heart is pounding like it's about to jump out of my chest, I get nervous talking to you and jealous seeing you with someone else... but I hate it. I hate the feeling..." Minho confessed.

Jisung just smiled and looked down. "You don't need to worry about my feelings towards you, Minho... I won't like you anymore, Minho." He was, of course, lying. He's just afraid that he's gonna confuse Minho or make him feel uncomfortable.

"Oh... ok..." Minho said.

He doesn't know what to think of what Jisung just now said.

Jisung just smiled and returned to work on some things on his phone.

Minho just turned on the TV and decided to watch some drama.

Soon Minho fell asleep on the couch.

As he was sleeping, he got a dream.

He was dreaming about his ex-s. He realized how every single one of them hated him.

As they all started running towards him, he started running away from them.

When he was losing all of his strengths, he saw someone standing there.

Soon he realized that it was Jisung. "Jisung-" he said and ran into his arms.

Jisung's big doe eyes were looking right into his. "They disappeared..." Minho thought to himself.

Then he looked back at Jisung. "You saved me..." Minho said smiling.

Jisung then touched his cheek, caressing it softly as their bodies were close to each other.

Jisung ran his hands under Minho's shirt, which Minho wasn't against. He let Jisung touch him how much he wanted. "Can I?" Jisung asked with his doe eyes.

Minho nodded unexpectedly. So Jisung started softly with his hands touching Minho's back and kissing his neck.

"Ji-sung..." Minho exhaled deeply while quietly moaning Jisung's name.

But as quickly as it started, it quickly ended. Jisung just let go of him and ran past him. "Hyunjin!" He said, laughing, hugging Hyunjin, and then gave him a kiss.

"No..." Minho said. "... I'm supposed to receive the attention... not him..." so he started running towards them, but the more he ran, the further he was.

He started crying and pleading as he was further away from him. "I don't like that... Jisung... Jisung!"

And then he woke up all sweaty. He looked to his right and left, but Jisung wasn't there.

He panicked and started running around the place, finding him lying in the bed.

He sighed in relief and closed the door, going to the shower to wash the sweat off.

He totally forgot that he wasn't in his body and as soon as he stripped, looked at himself in the mirror.

At first, he panicked because he realized that he shouldn't look now, but as he was debating with himself, he turned around looking anyway.

His heart started beating quickly, and his mouth slightly opened.

After the dream he had, the way he viewed Jisung was totally different.

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