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"What the heck?" Minho said when he realized that he was back in his body.

Jisung, too, got surprised. It felt like an IRL glitch.

"Oh my God... what was that..." Minho was shocked, pulling his phone from his pocket and checking on himself right away.

"We're back, Sung." Minho said happily.

Jisung didn't understand, but the cute nickname made him smile a little.

"I'm so relieved..." Minho said. "I gotta call Hyunjin." He said, searching for his number.

"Hey, Hyunjin. Can you come to my apartment? It's important." He said all excited.

In about half an hour, Hyunjin arrived. When he rang the doorbell, Minho opened the door. "Hey, Jisung." Hyunjin said.

"You're wrong again, Hyunjin. I'm back in my body." Minho said excited.

"Really?!" Hyunjin said surprised. "I'm relieved."

"Me too. I thought I was never going to switch back." He said.

"Where's Jisung?" Hyunjin asked.

"He's in the kitchen eating pancakes." Minho said.

"I wanna see him." Hyunjin said, walking there.

"Hi, Jisung." Hyunjin said happy to see him.

Jisung smiled with his full cheeks, happy to see Hyunjin.

"Hi, Hyunjin." He ran up to him and hugged him.

Minho immediately wondered why Jisung was this way with Hyunjin. Then he thought that it might be because Hyunjin can speak Japanese, so he feels like they are much closer.

"Hyunjin, I'm back in my body." Jisung said excited.

"I'm so happy for you, Jisung." Hyunjin said, patting the others head.

The rest of the time that Hyunjin spent at Minho's place, he was talking with Jisung and Jisung only.

When Hyunjin was about to leave, Minho wanted to have a talk with him.

"Hyunjin, I'm really bothered by the fact that you've ignored me this whole time." Minho started jokingly confessing.

"Jisung also needs someone to talk to, jealous." Hyunjin smirked, knowing where he was going with this.

"I'm not jealous. Don't be delusional." Minho said.

"Minho... let's be real here for a second..." Hyunjin said seriously. "Jisung likes you. If you're not interested in him, let him gently know." Hyunjin said. "He's such a sweet and kind soul. He's gonna understand if you're not interested in guys. Just don't leave him out." Hyunjin said. "I'm saying this to you just because I know that you're not gonna judge him the way you didn't judge me." Hyunjin said.

"He likes me?" Minho was taken back by it.

"Yeah." Hyunjin said. "He told me that he likes you."

Minho was silent. "But why..." he just mumbled to himself.

"Anyways... see you." Hyunjin said leaving.

"So... Jisung likes me?" Minho questioned himself. "I mean... Hyunjin told me many times that he likes me... but I never really... mind that. Why is this different..." Minho wondered.

"Minho-saaan~" he heard from the other room.

"What's up?" Minho asked.

"Mouse- there was a mouse...." he was all close to crying.

"Hm? What are you saying? I don't know Japanese that well." Minho said.

Jisung quickly typed in. "Mouse-" he was standing on a chair pointing at a corner with a few boxes.

"Mouse?" Minho wondered. "How would a mouse get here?" He said.

He walked closer to the boxes and picked it up. "That's just my cat." He said, smiling as he was patting its chin and giving it small kisses.

Jisung thought that it was a mouse because the only thing that he saw from far away was its tail.

"That scared me..." Jisung said calming down.

"Are you hungry, Dori?" Minho said cutely holding the fluffball.

Jisung couldn't possibly see Dori because Minho's grandma dropped her there when Minho and Jisung were out.

"Jisung..." Minho started. "You like me?" He asked simply.

All Jisung did was give a shy nod.

Minho pulled out his translator and typed something in. "Hyunjin told you what he experienced?"

Jisung also typed something into his phone. "He did. And I'm fully aware of your feelings towards guys, so I wasn't having my hopes up." Jisung said.

"Why would you even think of dating someone like me, though..."

"Minho... it's not about why. It's about 'because.' I like you because you're really sweet, I like your face and your kind personality... and there's more. You hate yourself so much that you don't see worth in yourself, but after I tried living in your body for a while, I found out the beauty of yours."

"Jisung, don't say that, you don't know what I'm capable of. You just see the best of me. Please... don't let your heart fool you."

"Minho, the day you saved me... that exact day more than 20 people walked past me, 5 sat down next to me, and 3 started conversation with me. How many do you think helped me hm? Only you. You were the only one that offered me help. The rest either refused or were racist towards me. If a bad person saves my life, then I don't care. You are a good person to me, Minho." Jisung wholeheartedly wrote.

Minho kept quiet. "Jisung?" He asked. "How much Korean do you know?"

"Hm? Not a lot. Actually barely any. Why do you ask?" Jisung was confused.

"No, nothing... I was just wondering if your father didn't teach you any before he left." Minho said thinking of the night before.

"Should we do our things now?" Jisung asked because the whole situation started being kind of awkward now.

"Sure." Minho said.

So they did. Jisung took his phone and walked out of the apartment. He was committed to finding his father.

Minho, on the other hand, wasn't doing much, so he decided to video-chat with his mother.

"Hi, my sweetest little baby. How is my little Min-Min doing?" She said in the sweetest voice.

"Hey, mom. I'm doing fine. Just... my head has been full of thoughts lately." Minho said sulking

"What happened, baby?" She asked worried.

"It's nothing..."

"Oh, come on, did a girl break your heart again?" Her look softened when she saw her son sulk.

Minho chuckled but still kept his saddened face. "No... I'm worried for my friend." Minho finally confessed.

"Hyunjin?" She asked.

"No... it's not Hyunjin." He said.

"So you got a new friend... I like to hear that. Minho baby I would love to talk to you more, but I've got a shooting going on right now... I have to go." She said feeling guilty for not having more spare time for her son.

"It's okay, mom. Love you."

"Love you too, honey. Bye." And the call ended.

Minho looked around him and saw how empty and dark his apartment was. He was there alone again, so he sighed.

Having Jisung around wasn't as bad.

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