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"What do you usually do on days like these?" Minho asked Jisung.

"I usually go to work. I worked as a waiter in a restaurant where my mother works," Jisung replied.

"Isn't she worried for you?" Minho asked.

"I told her that I'm going to Korea for a trip. I didn't tell her for how long," Jisung explained.

"Then we can go work out. I usually work out when the weather's good," Minho suggested.

"Sounds good to me," Jisung agreed.

They walked to the room with all the equipment. "Wow..." Jisung exclaimed, making Minho smile.

"We should try some easy workout routine," Minho suggested.

Soon enough, they started working out.

"Minho... hyung?" Jisung said out of the blue.

"Hm?" Minho turned around, curious.

But he didn't speak. Minho smiled, ruffled his hair, and grabbed his towel to dry his sweaty face.

He found the other extremely adorable. "You can go wash your body," Minho said, mimicking with his body what Jisung should do.

Jisung nodded, understanding what he meant.

When Jisung walked into the bathroom, he forgot about everything and, after he was fully naked, looked at himself in the mirror.

He saw Minho's completely naked body shining because of the sweat.

He ignored all of the imperfections that Minho hated and saw just how perfect he looked.

"Woah..." he touched his chest. "Its soft when relaxed... but hard when flexed." Jisung was totaly blown away by his body.

"I know he said not to look... but he said that because he was afraid that I'm gonna judge him... but I'm not..." Jisung debated with himself. "But still... I shouldn't do it anymore. He trusts me as much as I trust him..."

So he took off his pants and entered the shower.

The water was so refreshing on his tired body.

He couldn't help himself while feeling Minho's buff body; he felt some type of excitement. "Jisung, stop being a creep," he told himself.

After that, he walked out of the bathroom in a large shirt and shorts with his wet hair.

"You go now?" Jisung said in grammatically incorrect Korean.

"Okay," Minho said, smiling.

When Minho entered the bathroom, he looked at himself in the mirror, and his eyes softened.

"You are the one that said those words..." seeing Jisung's face brought him back to reality.

"You don't even know how much I'm appreciating your words..." Minho smiled.

After the shower, he walked into the living room and saw the other sleeping on the couch.

"I look so dumb sleeping..." Minho whined when he saw his own sleeping face.

"Jisung... hey... wake up. I can't lift you up." Maybe if Minho was in his own body, he would be able to, but Jisung's physique wasn't as strong as his own.

Jisung sat up and lightly opened his eyes. "Just a little kiss..." Jisung groaned.

"Huh?" Minho backed up as he knelt on the ground because Jisung started coming closer.

Jisung pouted his lips and freely fell forward, causing him to fall onto Minho.

"Is he... sleeping?" Minho wondered as he fell on the ground and Jisung on top of him.

"He's got an interesting habit when sleeping..." Minho tried to lift him up and dragged him into his bed.

"That was exhausting..." Minho said and sat beside lying Jisung.

Jisung was lightly holding Minho's hand, which Minho didn't realize until Jisung flinched a little.

"You are such a baby," Minho said, sitting next to the bed on the ground and laying his head on the bed, watching him.

"D-dad... *sniff* I miss you..." jisung said in perfect Korean.

"What did he say?! When would he learn to say that?!" Minho wondered when Jisung started sleep talking and sniffing.

"It's fine, Jisungie..." Minho caressed Jisung's hand softly with his thumb.

Jisung immediately got quiet and softened his already weak grip on Minho's hand.

Jisung was extremely similar to his father when he was younger. His mother even called them twins early on.

So for Jisung, hearing his voice felt like hearing his own father's voice.

On the other side, Minho heard his own cries. "What to do..." Minho saddened. "I can't wake him up..."

"Hannie... don't cry..." Minho said softly.

Jisung snuggled to Minho's hand comfortably.

"I'm so worried for you, Hannie... I can't even think about my problems anymore..."

Without realization, Minho soon fell asleep.

In the morning, Jisung was the first one to wake up.

He looked around and saw Minho gently holding his hand.

Jisung blushed. The warmth of his hand was just so comfortable but also seeing just his face felt weird.

So he closed his eyes again and just imagined Minho's face instead.

"That's better..." he thought, smiling to himself. "It's so cozy in here... I don't wanna get up..."

Minho started to slowly wake up and growled quietly because of pain in his back. "-fuck..."

"...Fuck?" He heard a voice repeat the word.

"Huh?" He looked up and was met with Jisung fully awake.

"Fuck?" He repeated, thinking that that's what good morning was.

"No- no don't repeat that-" Minho started panicking. "Bad word." He tried to tell him.

Jisung nodded. "Okayy." He said cheerfully.

Both of them got up to prepare some breakfast.

"What would you like to eat?" Minho asked.

"Eat?" Jisung asked in Korean.

"Yeah. Some cereal... or some pastry?" Minho pointed at the different food.

"Pancakes!" Jisung said.

"Pancakes?" Minho asked if he understood right, getting a nod from Jisung.

"Okay. We can do that," Minho said.

"Okayyy." Jisung said with a bright, joyful tone.

They cut some bananas, covered them in the pancake batter, and were done in a short amount of time.

Before they could enjoy the first bite, something was off.

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