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"Aren't you the one Minho was mentioning?" She said in Japanese.

"You can speak Japanese?" Jisung was taken by surprise.

"Just a little bit because of my work," she said. "But why are you here, poor child?" She asked.

"It's a long story... I'm trying to find my father. He's Korean," he said.

"Ah... so Minho offered you help?" She said.

"Yeah. Yesterday he went out in the cold without being properly clothed so he caught a cold, and now he has a 40° fever," Jisung explained.

"My poor baby... he gets sick pretty quickly, that's true... I'm glad you were here to help him," she said all grateful.

"That's the smallest thing I can do for him, Lee Senpai." He said, smiling widely.

She smiled hearing how polite the other was. "Your name is?" She asked.

"Han Jisung." He said.

"What a pretty name, Jisungie. I already like you..." she said.

She was the most graceful woman that Jisung has ever seen. He was totally mesmerized by her. "Your son... looks exactly like you Senpai." Jisung said.

"I'm glad... he doesn't look like his father. Just the thought of him makes me... you know... sad." She said. "You Jisungie... are different. Something about you is telling me that you might be different. I can't pinpoint what is it." She said thinking.

"I am a pretty average guy Senpai." Jisung said.

"You have feelings for my son, don't you..." she said.

Jisung was taken aback by what she said. He lowered his gaze and kept quiet. "You know... if you make my son happy... I would be happy as well... that's all I'm asking for." She said.

Jisung panicked. "Ah- I was supposed to pick up Minho at the hospital... but I don't have a driving license yet-"

"We can pick Minho up. No need to worry." She got up and Jisung as well.

At the hospital, Minho was feeling a little bit better. His fever calmed down; he was just exhausted.

The first one to enter the room was his mother. She was wearing slim glasses with a large hat and a slim dress, making her unnoticeable in general public.

"Minho baby, are you ok?" She said hurrying in her heels closer to his bed.

"I'm fine mom. Just tired." Minho was all pale smiling in the bed.

When Jisung appeared behind her, Minho's eyes widened.

"How did I even get here?" Minho asked.

His mother turned around to ask Jisung in Japanese. "Jisungie said that you got an extreme fever late at night so that he had to call the ambulance."

"When- when did the two of you get close?" Minho asked confused.

"I wanted to visit you, but you weren't home. Jisung invited me in and told me what happened." She again explained.

"But- why would you let a random person in?" Minho asked. Minho's mom looked at Jisung and translated what he said.

Jisung smiled and spoke, telling her something.

Minho just watched how her eyes lit up and her smile got wider.

"What did he say?" Minho asked.

"He said that it's very obvious. That our eyes are perfect. That the smile we both have is always so adorable to look at and that we both have the most beautiful faces he ever saw." She said.

Minho quickly looked at Jisung, but Jisung was avoiding eye contact. "Isn't that the most adorable thing?" She said all melting. "Anyways Minho honey. I wanted to spend more time with you, but you know how it goes. I have a lot of work today as well, but I'm glad that I was able to see you." She said sitting next to Minho on his bed.

She kissed his forehead and patted his head. "Mom loves you." Minho smiled and hugged her. "I love you too mom."

"Goodbye Jisung. I hope I'll see you again soon." She said sweetly.

Jisung bowed deeply, giving her a smile back.

After she left, it was just the two of them again.

"I'm sorry." Jisung said all of a sudden.

"Hm?" Minho questioned.

"Sick, because of me." He said feeling guilty.

Minho patted a spot next to him on the hospital bed.

"It's not your fault." Minho acknowledges that he's at fault for running around without a warm jacket when he's so easy to get sick.

"Besides that... you're an adult, you can take care of yourself well. I don't know what has gotten into me..."

"You were worried for me?" Jisung let the phone translate it.

"I guess I was..." Minho admitted.

"Minho?" Jisung started.


"Ah never mind..." Jisung changed his mind mid-sentence.

"What is it? Tell me." Minho was curious.

"Did you mean the 'I really like you' that you said to me back then?" Jisung asked. "Daisuki..."

"I guess I did... I don't really say what I don't mean."

Jisung smiled thinking of that moment.

"But Jisung... don't get your hopes up too much... I don't want you to get hurt..." Minho said.

"I know... I... know..." Jisung said slowly and quietly. "I wish I was a girl..."

The last part that Jisung said was also caught by Minho's translator. He saddened; it was tearing his heart apart thinking that Jisung might be sad because of him.

The happiest he's been in years has been only because of Jisung. And the happy face being replaced by a sulking face hurt Minho's heart.

Minho sat down hugging Jisung from the back. "I'm sorry."

An hour later, Minho was lying in his own bed back home.

Jisung was doing his stuff so he was barely noticed by Minho.

Hyunjin decided that it would be a good idea to visit them, so he was with Jisung.

Minho expected it to go like this, so he didn't really mind.

As he was walking by, he saw something that more than surprised him shocked him.

Hyunjin was giving a peck on jisungs forehead.

Minho walked back behind the corner, hoping that no one noticed him.

He quickly peeked if that what he saw was actually happening.

What he now saw was the two of them looking into each other's eyes and saying something.

Minho's heart was beating like crazy and for some reason, it even hurt a little.

But he didn't have a reason to feel hurt. He rejected both of them, so he shouldn't feel hurt by any means.

He went back into his room, sitting on the bed as he was folding the clothes that he was previously picking up.

He felt somewhat weird. He was bothered. He hated imagining that Jisung could be happier with someone else for some reason.

He stopped with his work and put his face into his hands.

"Minho you don't love him. You just care for him... don't confuse the two things..." he said to himself.

But then a tear streamed down his face when he remembered what Jisung said. "I wish I was a girl..."

And that broke him completely. He curled up into a ball on his bed and cried.

The dark times started to come back.

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