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"That's what you two were doing all the time?!" Minho said when Jisung ruined the mood with the answer.

"Not all. Just some." Jisung cheekily smiled.

"And what kind of adult films?" Minho questioned curiously.

"Romantic." Jisung answered.

"Ah... okayyy." Minho laid his head on Jisung's thighs, looking up at him.

"Jisungie..." Minho said, catching Jisung's attention.

"Hm?" Jisung said, looking down at him.

Minho just smiled. "I just want you to look at me..." he said, reaching his hand closer to his face and then caressing his cheek. "Have you done the nasty with someone before? Be honest." Minho asked all of a sudden. "I'm just asking so that I'm informed... I just want us to be close..."

"It's embarrassing... but no." Jisung answered.

Minho quickly sat up. "You really didn't?" He was surprised. "It's not embarrassing, just surprising. Someone like you... I wouldn't have guessed... but don't be ashamed of that... you're not missing on anything." Minho said reassuring him.

"But you have so much experience, Minho..." Minho found cute how the other didn't use honorifics with him because he was still a little confused with it. "I've never dated anyone."

"Then how did you find out that you were into guys?"

"Hmm... hard to tell... maybe because I never really looked at girls and thought 'wow... I would like to date her' or anything like that. Actually... up until meeting you, I was still doubting my sexuality. You kind of reassured me." Jisung confessed.

"Your mom knows?"

"Not really... I'm her only son... her only family right now. I have no idea how she would feel. Maybe she would be okay with it... I just don't wanna lose the only family member that I have." Jisung explained.

"I understand." Minho saw how down Jisung was. He went closer to his face and pecked his cheek.

Jisung, a little surprised, turned to face Minho after the peck, smiling again. "Cute..." Minho said.

"Minho..." Jisung started.

"Hm? What is it?" Minho asked.

"I know that you like me... but are you still weirded out by imagining having a romantic relationship with a guy?"

"You know that I am very honest with you... it is still unknown and strange... but I'll eventually get used to this because I genuinely love you, and I don't wanna lose you." Minho sighed. "I know that I am not gay. I cannot imagine dating another guy. I am gay for you, Jisung... I'm not gonna let go of you that easily just because you're a guy... that's not what I'm attracted to... I'm attracted to you, not guys." Minho explained.

Jisung was blushing hearing all of this from Minho because he was pretty private with his feelings and emotions. "I believe you, Minho." Jisung said. "So... you would go down on me?" Jisung tried a risky question, testing the waters.

"Probably not now, but you'll be the only guy that I'll ever let shove its thing in my mouth if that's what you want." Minho joked around.

"You would do that for me?" Jisung asked, shocked.

"I would. Because I love you." Minho said.

Jisung finally let out a smile of relief.

Then Minho heard a knock on the door.

"That's Hyunjin." Jisung said.

"Oh... your Korean teacher's here?" Minho said, getting up to open the door.

When he opened the door, he was met with an extremely sad Hyunjin. When he entered, he hugged Minho tightly. "I wanna beat your ass so much... scaring me like that, making me stressed for no reason." Hyunjin said, mad.

"Jisung texted me that you've changed your mind..." Hyunjin said, letting go and grabbing his arms.

"I don't know how he changed your mind... but I'm glad that he found you, Minho..." Hyunjin said.

Minho's expression slowly turned into the smallest smile.

Hyunjin walked past him, wanting to greet Jisung as well.

"Sunshine. Come here." Jisung ran into Hyunjin's arms, all happy. "Hyunjin. I'm dating Minho."

Hyunjin paused. "That's the reason that he won't do it?" He asked.

"He said that he wants to date me, and he'll reconsider not doing it." He said.

"He really likes you, Jisung. I mean... it's really surprising that Minho likes you because, as I've said, he never dated anyone besides girls." Hyunjin said. "But I'm happy for the both of you. It looks like Minho may find his happiness after all." Hyunjin smiled. "Thank you again, Jisung, for saving someone's life."

Jisung had tears in the corner of his eyes as he was listening to Hyunjin.

When Minho walked into the room, he was captured by Hyunjin. "Hyung, how about you join us on our lessons?" Hyunjin said, excited.

"I'm not a study type, Hyunjin, and you know that." Minho whined, keeping his tsundere attitude.

"You might learn some words, and you'll understand Jisung better as well." Hyunjin smirked.

"Ew, don't do that ever again." Minho said. "Fine. It's not like I have better things to do anyway."

"Jisungie! We have a new student~" Hyunjin said, excited.

When Jisung saw that Minho's gonna join, he smiled brightly. He loved doing different activities with Minho.

"Minho joining?" Jisung said without honorifics as per usual.

Hyunjin looked at Minho's face if he reacted to it in any way.

"We could be learning honorifics this lesson." Hyunjin said when he saw no reaction from Minho.


After the lesson, in which Minho was active as well, Hyunjin wanted to talk to Jisung a little bit more.

"Jisung?" Hyunjin smirked. "How long have you been calling Minho like that?" He asked curiously.

"How? Minho? Ever since I started using Korean... why?" Jisung asked.

"And he never reacted in any way?" Hyunjin asked, receiving a nod. "He's whipped for you~ because you should use Minho hyung for him since he's older than you." Hyunjin explained.

"Ah... Hopefully he's not uncomfortable now..." Jisung was worried.

"Don't worry, he doesn't seem to mind when you do it." Hyunjin said.

"Even so... I'm gonna change that. Thank you for telling me..."

"Good job, Jisung. You've done a lot of work today." Hyunjin patted his thigh. "I'm gonna have to go now. I have an appointment in a hour. I gotta prepare." Hyunjin said.

"Thanks." Hyunjin bet him a goodbye and left the place.

Jisung opened the door to minhos warkplace and saw Minho work on something. "Hyung?"

That cought minhos attention because he was so deep into his toughts that he didn't realized that jisung entered the room.

"You wanna eat?" Jisung asked if minho was hungry.

Minho smiled and signaled him to come closer to him.

After jisung stood just few centimeters away from minho, minho dragged him on top of himself. Now jisung was sitting on minho looking at his beautiful flawless face. Minho just put his arms on jisungs back and cuddled into his chest. "That was adorable." Minho said smiling into his chest. "I said something wrong hyung?" Jisung asked puzzled. "No, you didnt. Youre doing great." Jisung was caressing minhos hair behind his ear.

Even after this many days, he was still mesmerized by his beauty.

Even the amount of piercings he had was something that jisung loved about him. There was nothing that jisung didn't found absolutely stunning. Maybe he was blinded by love, but he didn't mind.

"Jisung... I might wanna go further."

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