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They followed the path to Minho's apartment.

Once they arrived, Minho gestured for Jisung to sit on the couch.

As he did, Minho tried to ask if he wanted something to drink, mimicking drinking from an imaginary glass.

Jisung nodded. "Cola? Sprite? Water?" Minho asked in English, their shared language, though both had limited English skills.

"Water," Jisung replied, struggling with the language. They barely knew any words.

Minho placed a glass of water on the table in front of him.

"I'm Minho. What's your name?" Minho typed.

"Han Jisung," he said with a Japanese accent.

"Your name is Korean?" Minho asked.

"My dad is Korean. He left. I live with my mom in Japan," Jisung explained.

"I'm here to find my dad," Jisung typed.

"All by yourself?" Minho inquired. Jisung simply nodded. "That's dangerous," Minho said.

Jisung nodded again, acknowledging the risk, but he was determined.

"I'll help you," Minho declared.

Jisung's eyes widened. "Really?"

Minho nodded. "Make yourself comfortable here," he typed.

Minho wondered what to do next. Communication between them relied heavily on Google Translate, and he felt sorry for Jisung being all alone in a foreign country.

"Are you interested in learning Korean?" Minho typed.

Jisung thought for a moment and then nodded unsure.

"Do you want me to teach you?" Minho asked.

Jisung smiled and nodded.

Minho raised his thumb to indicate he was proud and then said, "Try saying this word." He focused on Jisung, who was struggling to remember, so Minho repeated the word.

Jisung eventually gained enough confidence to say it with a heavy accent.

It didn't sound perfect, but Minho clapped lightly and raised his thumbs. "Try to follow along with me," he typed.

Jisung nodded and repeated, "Hello." all by himself. Minho was surprised and clapped a little.

"You're doing really well," Minho typed.

Jisung smiled. "What does it mean?" he asked.

"It means hello. One more word." Minho wondered if he could use informal language with Jisung.

"Can I use informal language?" he asked just in case.

Jisung nodded. Minho smiled. "Okay." He waited until Jisung was focused on him. "Thanks," he said. "Tha-nks" He repeated slowly.

This one was easier for Jisung to say because it was shorter. "Thanks," he said with a strong accent.

Minho applauded him and smiled. "You're doing great. The word means thanks. Don't use it with strangers, only with me," he typed.

Jisung nodded and smiled.

Minho pondered their situation. He knew very little about Jisung—his age, background, or language—and was growing concerned for him.

"You have so many piercings," Jisung typed. "Did they hurt when you got them?"

"Some of them did," Minho typed. "But I got used to it."

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