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After minho was done showering, he went back into the bedroom.

"Hey Sung. You sleeping?" Jisung looked at him. "I can't sleep."

"Come here." Minho opened his arms for him to come and snuggled.

Jisung happily snuggled close. The warmth of his hug was calming.

"You did great today." Minho patted him and kissed the top of his head.

Jisung loved how the other treated him. How soft and nice he was to him.

"Minho hyung?"

"Hm?" Minho said.

"Do you... think? Our bodies... switch again?" He asked.

"I have no idea. We dont even know what's triggering it." Minho said worried.

"Don't know anyone? Could help?"

"Hmm... maybe I could try and find someone who could break the curse." Minho said.

"Sounds nice." Jisung said yawning.

"Sleepy are we?" Minho chuckled.

Jisung just smiled with his eyes half closed. "Who would've tought that im gonna find a boyfriend on my way instead of finding my father." He tought.

"Sleep tight jisungie." Jisung couldnt hear minhos last words because he was fully asleep. But minhos stomach started tickling when he realized what he said. "Was that way too corny for me to say?" He awkwardly smiled.


The next day, both of them were determined to find somethink that would solve the body swich problem that they have.

"Where to start?" Jisung asked.

"Ive already looked into it a little bit. Some lady on some site recomended to go to this place." Minho showed jisung some pictures. "We should give it a try because its not so far away from where we live." Jisung agreed.

"What a coincidence..." jisung said.

"Using a big words already?" Minho said patting his head.

"Yeah!" Jisung answered excited.

"Still cannot believe that youre so quick with learning." Then minho remembered when he spoke from his sleep fully fluently.

"I too am surprised..." jisung said.

"Are you sure that youre not korean?" Minho joked around.

Jisung chuckled. "Still not that good."

As they were walking, minho decided to ask again. "Ji? I cant help but to think about how you fluently called for your dad in korean from your sleep." Minho said. "Your brain must remember these words from when you were little."

"Probably... maybe im quick lerning because of that." Jisung said.

"Thats righ... that might be the case... you might be just refreshing your memory like this..." minho chuckled and tought of something. "I was suspicious of hyunjin not being the best teacher... anyways... were here." Minho pointed at the place.

Minho knocked at the door and opened.

The room was dark and quiet.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" Minho asked.

"Here darling." Minho heard a voice of an old person coming from an other room.

Jisung just followed him inside and all of a sudden the door behind them shut and smoke came from under the door from the other room.

Both of them started coughing because of it loosing all of the senses of what's happening around them.

"What's bringing you here cuties?" An old woman appeared in front of them with a Cristal ball in her hand.

"We heard... that youre a magician..." minho said catching a breath.

"Those days are already gone lovely. I used to do that like... 400 years ago." She said looking shy about it.

"Hyung... 400 is 4 and two zeros... right?" Jisung asked if he understood well or if he was going nuts.

"I think... were at a mental hospital, not a magicians place..." minho said wanting to drag jisung out of the place.

"No- wait handsome!" The old lady said. "I think I can still do some magic." She said proudly.

"I don't think that that's our concern now..." he said discouraged.

"You misunderstood me young man." She snapped with her fingers and the magical Cristal ball started shining.

"You were cursed by another magician... right?" She said seriously.

"Maybe this lady crazy... but she right." Jisung said interested.

"I said that im still going strong." She smirked. "Anyways... wanna tell me something about what happened to you two?"

Minho explained everything in detail to her not expecting any help from the lady.

"I might have something that could help." She said. "But I'm not sure which one of the potions is it..." she said searching for them on a shelf that wasn't there before.

"Hmmm... I think you should try both... if one does something to you, the other will fix both." She explained.

"Let's try the first one then." Minhos said pointing at the pink one.

Jisung and minho took a sip of the pink one and nothing happened.

"Is it the good one?" Minho asked the lady and she just shrugged with her shoulders.

"How do you not know?!" Minho started panicking. "Do you want to poison us-"

"Minho?" Minho looked at jisung in confusion.

"Boobs." He said pointing at minhos chest calmly.

"Where did you learn-" minho looked down and cold sweat run down his forehead.

"Whose are these?!" Minho panicked when he saw women's chest on his own body. "What in the hell... even my voice-" he raised his gaze at jisung and couldn't believe what he saw.

"Y-youre a girl-" minho panicked.

"Hm? But boobs still small..." jisung said looking confused down.

But he soon realized that something was wrong, because of his hair being long and voice totaly different.

"What did you do to us woman!" Minho said grabbing her by her shoulders shaking with her.

"I'm sorry young man... I mean... woman... I guess you took the wrong potion." She said nervously.

"Then give me the other one!" Minho said mad.

"S-sorry but you can't take it this soon... you need to wait at least 3 days for it to even work." She said panicking.

"Three days- the hell am I supposed to do up untill then?!" Minho said furious. "Give it to me." Minho said taking the potion and wanted to leve, but before that, the woman told jisung how much they're supposed to take for it to work.

When they walked out of there, minho looked even more devastated from the whole situation.

"Minho..." jisung said. "Its fine." He said. "In 3 days we'll be back to normal.

Both of them now took a close look at the other one. Minho had long wayvy hair with bangs and his manly figure turned into a delicate one with big chest and large hips.

On the other hand, jisungs hair was pin straight with bangs. His hourglass shaped figure turned into soft figure with small chest and small thigh gap.

"You're cute..." minho said scratching his arm.

"You look good..." jisung said awkwardly, because it felt as if he was talking to an unknown person.

Now, jisung got a bad tought. What if minho falls for his woman form instead of his natural form.

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